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Created February 8, 2021 05:54
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Level generator for that pokemon ice sliding puzzle game
package main
import (
const (
PLAYER = "o"
EMPTY = "+"
WALL = "X"
GOAL = "="
FILLER = "-"
func EmptyBoard(size int) [][]string {
board := make([][]string, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
row := make([]string, size)
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
row[j] = EMPTY
board[i] = row
return board
type Game struct {
Board [][]string
func NewGame(size, moves int) *Game {
game := &Game{}
err := game.GenerateBoard(size, moves)
for err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\nRECALCULATING\n", err)
err = game.GenerateBoard(size, moves)
return game
func (game *Game) Show() {
for _, row := range game.Board {
for _, col := range row {
fmt.Print(" " + col)
func (game *Game) FillEdges() {
size := len(game.Board)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
if i == 0 || i == size-1 || j == 0 || j == size-1 {
game.Board[i][j] = WALL
func (game *Game) RandomEdge(s string) (int, int) {
size := len(game.Board)
var row, col int
row = rand.Intn(size)
if row == 0 || row == size-1 {
col = rand.Intn(size-2) + 1
} else {
col = rand.Intn(2) * (size - 1)
game.Board[row][col] = s
return row, col
func (game *Game) ReplaceFillerSpaces() {
size := len(game.Board)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
if game.Board[i][j] == FILLER {
game.Board[i][j] = EMPTY
func (game *Game) GenerateBoard(size, moves int) error {
game.Board = EmptyBoard(size)
row, col := game.RandomEdge(PLAYER)
solution := make([]string, moves)
var move, last string
var vx, vy int
for i := 0; i < moves; i++ {
options := make([]string, 0)
if last != "DOWN" && row != 0 && game.Board[row-1][col] != WALL {
options = append(options, "UP")
if last != "UP" && row != size-1 && game.Board[row+1][col] != WALL {
options = append(options, "DOWN")
if last != "RIGHT" && col != 0 && game.Board[row][col-1] != WALL {
options = append(options, "LEFT")
if last != "LEFT" && col != size-1 && game.Board[row][col+1] != WALL {
options = append(options, "RIGHT")
if l := len(options); l == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no move options at (%d, %d)", row, col)
move = options[rand.Intn(len(options))]
switch move {
case "UP":
vx, vy = 0, -1
case "DOWN":
vx, vy = 0, 1
case "LEFT":
vx, vy = -1, 0
case "RIGHT":
vx, vy = 1, 0
solution[i] = move
var maxDist int
r, c := row, col
for {
r += vy
c += vx
if r <= 0 || r >= size-1 || c <= 0 || c >= size-1 || game.Board[r][c] == WALL {
var dist int
if i != moves-1 {
dist = rand.Intn(maxDist) + 1
} else {
dist = maxDist
r = row + vy*(dist+1)
c = col + vx*(dist+1)
if s := game.Board[r][c]; s == FILLER {
return fmt.Errorf("error moving in space (%d, %d): filled with [%s]", r, c, s)
if i != moves-1 {
game.Board[r][c] = WALL
} else {
game.Board[r][c] = GOAL
for j := 1; j <= dist; j++ {
game.Board[row+(j*vy)][col+(j*vx)] = FILLER
row += vy * (dist)
col += vx * (dist)
fmt.Println(move, maxDist, dist, []int{r, c}, []int{row, col})
last = move
return nil
package main
import (
func main() {
game := NewGame(10, 8)
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