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Last active January 18, 2024 18:05
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Fetch historical foreign exchange rates using a utility python wrapper function.

Exchange Rates API

an utility wrapper code for fetching data from for historical currency exchange rates

Colab Notebook

An utility wrapper code written in python to fetch historical exchange rates. The website provide 1,000 free API calls per month, while their paid plans meets various types of requirements. In addition, the free version has limited configurations. The site also provides exchange rates of various crypto currencies, and the site claims to provide details of 200+ currency pairs.

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Fetch & Update Historic Exchange Rates from API
Fetch the currency exchange rates using the free-tier "ExchangeRatesAPI"
and populate the database. Please note, the free-tier api is
vulnerable and connection might be forced close before fetching all.
ExchangeRatesAPI$ python
# or to use a custom api-key, directly pass from command line as:
ExchangeRatesAPI$ python --api-key=<key>
@author: Debmalya Pramanik
@version: v0.0.1
import os # operating system functionalities
import json # write failed dates under log file
import time # module to manipulate time values
import argparse # fetch command line arguments
import requests # http library for api base ops
import datetime as dt # for manipulating date object
import datetime_ as dt_ # udf for dt_.date_range()
import pandas as pd # dataframe manipulation/analytics lib
from tqdm import tqdm as TQ
from typing import Iterable
from uuid import uuid4 as UUID
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
logPrint = lambda message, type_ : print(f"{time.ctime()}: {type_.upper()}: {message}")
def create_frame(responses : Iterable[dict], outfile : str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
currency_symbols = []
for response in responses:
currency_symbols += list(response["rates"].keys())
currency_symbols = list(set(currency_symbols))
tblHistoricExchRates = {k : [] for k in ['EffectiveDate', 'BaseCurrencyID'] + currency_symbols}
for response in responses:
for symbol in currency_symbols:
tblHistoricExchRates[symbol].append(response["rates"].get(symbol, None))
tblHistoricExchRates = pd.DataFrame(tblHistoricExchRates) # create dataframe from dict object
tblHistoricExchRates["EffectiveDate"] = pd.to_datetime(tblHistoricExchRates["EffectiveDate"], format = "%Y-%m-%d").apply(lambda x :
if outfile:
tblHistoricExchRates.to_pickle(outfile) # TODO: only pickle, setup for csv/excel
return tblHistoricExchRates.copy() # ! enable deepcopy, but same name as in `__name__`
if __name__ == "__main__":
engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://root:Admin159@localhost:3306/ndprdsys")
# ? allow to get arguments from command line, or directly from environment variables
# command line exchange rates has a precedence over the environment variable
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--api-key", help = """
Provide a valid API Key from
Additionally, you can also define a ${PATH} variable `{EXCHANGE_RATES_API_KEY}`, however,
the command line argument (if provided) has precedence over the ${PATH} variable.
arguments = parser.parse_args()
print("Welcome to Exchange Rates API Management Tool".center(os.get_terminal_size().columns))
print("=============================================".center(os.get_terminal_size().columns), end = "\n\n")
logPrint("Fetching Records to Check Available Data.", type_ = "INFO")
query = "SELECT MIN(EffectiveDate), MAX(EffectiveDate) FROM tblFXRates"
records = engine.execute(query).fetchall()
# ? get user inputs to fetch data from the api
print(f" >> Dates available in DB: {records[0][0]} to {records[0][1]}")
START_DATE, END_DATE = records[0][1] + dt.timedelta(days = 1), - dt.timedelta(days = 1)
print(f" >> Attempting auto-download for the period: {START_DATE} to {END_DATE}")
# ! allow user to fetch for a specific period, or dynamically populate
_fetch_data_for_user_defined_date_range = input("Do you want to Fetch for a Custom Period? (Y/n): ") or "n"
if _fetch_data_for_user_defined_date_range.upper() == "Y":
START_DATE = dt.datetime.strptime(input("Start Date [YYYY-MM-DD]: "), "%Y-%m-%d").date()
END_DATE = dt.datetime.strptime(input("Final Date [YYYY-MM-DD]: "), "%Y-%m-%d").date()
print(f" >> Overwriting download period: {START_DATE} to {END_DATE}")
logPrint(f"Trying to Fetch Data for the Period {START_DATE} to {END_DATE}", type_ = "INFO")
dates = list(dt_.date_range(start = START_DATE, end = END_DATE))
responses = [] # the connection is abruptly closed, re-run with modified dates on below
EXCHANGE_RATES_API_KEY = arguments.api_key or os.getenv("EXCHANGE_RATES_API_KEY") # will raise error if not defined
# *** Code to Fetch the Data from API *** #
failed_dates = {
"api-error" : [], # append dates when `response.status_code != 200`
"con-error" : [] # append dates for any other errors, typically connection abort
for date in TQ(dates):
URI = f"{date}?access_key={EXCHANGE_RATES_API_KEY}"
response = requests.get(URI)
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f" {time.ctime()} : ERROR: L111 - Stopping on {date} as Received Status Code = {response.status_code}")
except Exception as err:
print(f" {time.ctime()} : ERROR: L114 - Failed on {date}. Stopping Query, Error = {err}.")
_api_failed = len(failed_dates["api-error"])
_con_failed = len(failed_dates["con-error"])
_tot_failed = _api_failed + _con_failed
if _tot_failed > 0:
print(f" >> Please re-run on failed dates (count = {_tot_failed:,} | api-error : {_api_failed:,}, con-error : {_con_failed:,}). ")
# TODO: Modularize logs to a specific folder dynamically in the user's home directory
with open(f"{} #{str(UUID()).upper()[:7]} Failed Dates.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(failed_dates, f, indent = 2, sort_keys = False, default = str)
tblHistoricExchRates = create_frame(responses)
tblHistoricExchRates.to_sql("tblFXRates", engine, if_exists = "append", index = False) # add new records to db
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