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Last active June 4, 2020 06:16
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named-constructors to the rescue
namespace Example;
final class Geolocation
private float $latitude;
private float $longitude;
public function __construct(float $latitude, float $longitude)
$this->latitude = $latitude;
$this->longitude = $longitude;
public function latitude(): float
return $this->latitude;
public function longitude(): float
return $this->latitude;
$latitude = Geolocation::fromDMM("40° 26.767′ N 79° 58.933′ W")->latitude();
$geoloc2 = Geolocation::fromCoordinates(38.1256, -25.1235);
namespace Example;
use InvalidArgumentException;
final class Geolocation
private const REGEXP_DDM = 'a-regexp-to-parse-a-ddm-string';
private float $latitude;
private float $longitude;
public static function fromDDM(string $coordinates): self
if (!preg_match(self::REGEXP_DDM, $coordinates, $match)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The coordinate are invalid');
//obviously this part will be more complicated...
$latitude = $match[1];
$longitude = $match[2];
return self::fromCoordinates($latitude, $longitude);
public static function fromCoordinates($latitude, $longitude): self
//$latitude and $longitude filtering happens here
return new self($latitude, $longitude);
private function __construct(float $latitude, float $longitude)
$this->latitude = $latitude;
$this->longitude = $longitude;
public function latitude(): float
return $this->latitude;
public function longitude(): float
return $this->latitude;
namespace Example;
use InvalidArgumentException;
final class Geolocation
private const REGEXP_DDM = 'a-regexp-to-parse-a-ddm-string';
public static function fromDDM(string $coordinates): self
if (!preg_match(self::REGEXP_DDM, $coordinates, $match)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The coordinate do not represent a valid DDM string');
//obviously this part will be more complicated...
$latitude = $match[1];
$longitude = $match[2];
return new self($latitude, $longitude);
//... rest of the code stay unchanged
namespace Example;
final class Geolocation
private float $latitude;
private float $longitude;
public function __construct(float $latitude, float $longitude)
$this->latitude = $this->filterLatitude($latitude);
$this->longitude = $this->filterLongitude($longitude);
private function filterLatitude(float $latitude): float
//filtering logic
return $latitude;
private function filterLongitude(float $longitude): float
//filtering logic
return $longitude;
//... rest of the code stay unchanged
$geoloc1 = Geolocation::fromTenTen("MED 8FV N9K5");
$geoloc2 = Geolocation::fromGeoHash("u1513y");
$geoloc1 = Geolocation::make("MED 8FV N9K5");
$geoloc2 = Geolocation::make("u1513y");
$content = (string) $request->getBody();
$geoloc = Geolocation::fromJsonCoordinates($content);
//and the Json String should be clearly specify at the name constructor definition site.
// string should be "[5.142358,-4.12458]"
$geoloc = Geolocation::fromRequest($request);
//where $request is a Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
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