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Created July 19, 2021 13:05
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Fetch With Progress

Fetch with Progress (XMLHttpRequest Implementation)

 * @param {String} url
 * @param opts
 * @param {Function} onProgress
 * @returns {Promise<String>}
export const fetchWithProgress = (url, opts={}, onProgress) => {
  return new Promise( (res, rej)=>{
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); || 'get', url);
    for (const k in opts.headers||{}) {
      if (opts.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader(k, opts.headers[k]);
    xhr.onload = e => res(;
    xhr.onerror = rej;
    if (xhr.upload && onProgress)
      xhr.upload.onprogress = onProgress; // event.loaded / * 100 ; //event.lengthComputable
const onProgressHandler = (event) => {
  const calc = event.loaded / * 100;
  console.log(`Progress ${calc}%`);

const response = await fetchWithProgress('/upload', { method: 'POST' }, onProgressHandler);

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