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Created November 23, 2018 10:16
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Update a simple plot as rapidly as possible to measure speed.
## Add path to library (just for examples; you do not need this)
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
import pyqtgraph.exporters
from pyqtgraph.ptime import time
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
dims = 1280, 720
nsamp = 1102 # 25ms of 44100smp/s, subsampling=1
ndat = 50
data = np.random.normal(size=(ndat, nsamp))
p = pg.PlotWidget()
p.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: PlotSpeedTest')
p.setRange(QtCore.QRectF(0, -10, nsamp-1, 20), padding=0)
# p.setLabel('bottom', 'Index', units='B')
curve = p.plot()
# curve.setFillBrush((0, 0, 100, 100))
# curve.setFillLevel(0)
# lr = pg.LinearRegionItem([100, 4900])
# p.addItem(lr)
ptr = 0
lastTime = time()
fps = None
def update():
global curve, data, ptr, p, lastTime, fps
curve.setData(data[ptr % ndat])
ptr += 1
now = time()
dt = now - lastTime
lastTime = now
if fps is None:
fps = 1.0 / dt
s = np.clip(dt * 3., 0, 1)
fps = fps * (1 - s) + (1.0 / dt) * s
print('%0.2f fps' % fps)
app.processEvents() ## force complete redraw for every plot
# The QPixmap is stored on the video card doing the display. Not the QImage.
QImage = QtGui.QImage
Format = QtGui.QImage.Format
class LolExporter(pg.exporters.Exporter):
""" based off pg ImageExporter.
Design decisions:
- Optimized for speed when repeatedly calling export() on the same plot.
- Assumes widgets will never be drawn to screen.
- Does not call self.setExportMode(False).
Widgets will remain in export mode.
- Do not change params.width/height,
instead resize the GraphicsView and GraphicsWidget to the right size
before constructing exporter.
- TODO handle issues where screen DPI != 96.
def __init__(self, item, format: Format = QImage.Format_RGB32):
render(QPainter(image type?)):
- Drawing on QPixmap is fastest, 300fps or more (but is stored on GPU).
- Adding QPixmap.toImage() is same speed as QImage.
- I avoid, since it allocates and discards many images, and QImage doesn't?
- Drawing on makeQImage() is slow.
- Drawing on QImage depends on format...
- Format_RGB32 = 280fps or less
- Format_ARGB32 = 150fps or less
- Format_RGB888 = 110fps
RGB32 is fastest.
Clearing per frame:
- upstream buf[:,:,0] = is slow.
- broadcast buf[:] = [r,g,b,a] is slower.
- QImage.fill(color) is near-instant.
setExportMode is slow.
- Called every frame: 180fps
- Called once: 250fps
- Not called: 200fps (it used to be higher)
self.format = format
tr = self.getTargetRect()
if isinstance(item, QtGui.QGraphicsItem):
scene = item.scene()
scene = item
bgbrush = scene.views()[0].backgroundBrush()
bg = bgbrush.color()
if == QtCore.Qt.NoBrush:
self.params = pg.parametertree.Parameter(name='params', type='group', children=[
{'name': 'width', 'type': 'int', 'value': int(tr.width()), 'limits': (0, None)},
{'name': 'height', 'type': 'int', 'value': int(tr.height()), 'limits': (0, None)},
{'name': 'antialias', 'type': 'bool', 'value': True},
{'name': 'background', 'type': 'color', 'value': bg},
# width and height control each other.
# aspect ratio = self.getSourceRect().h,w.
def widthChanged(self):
sr = self.getSourceRect()
ar = float(sr.height()) / sr.width()
self.params.param('height').setValue(int(self.params['width'] * ar), blockSignal=self.heightChanged)
def heightChanged(self):
sr = self.getSourceRect()
ar = float(sr.width()) / sr.height()
self.params.param('width').setValue(int(self.params['height'] * ar), blockSignal=self.widthChanged)
def parameters(self):
return self.params
qimage: QImage = None
painter: QtGui.QPainter = None
def export(self) -> QImage:
targetRect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, self.params['width'], self.params['height'])
sourceRect = self.getSourceRect()
if self.qimage is None:
w, h = self.params['width'], self.params['height']
if w == 0 or h == 0:
raise Exception("Cannot export image with size=0 (requested export size is %dx%d)" % (w,h))
self.qimage = QImage(w, h, self.format)
origTargetRect = self.getTargetRect()
resolutionScale = targetRect.width() / origTargetRect.width()
assert resolutionScale == 1
self.painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.qimage)
self.setExportMode(True, {
'antialias': self.params['antialias'],
'background': self.params['background'],
'painter': self.painter,
'resolutionScale': resolutionScale,
self.painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, self.params['antialias'])
color = self.params['background']
# self.painter writes to self.qimage
self.getScene().render(self.painter, QtCore.QRectF(targetRect), QtCore.QRectF(sourceRect))
return self.qimage
e = LolExporter(p.scene())
for i in range(600):
# QApplication.processEvents() is called twice.
# removing 1 or both calls does not affect performance.
img: QImage = e.export()'speed.png')
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