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Created May 21, 2018 19:07
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  • Save nyanshiba/600a012c1d3c1a42bd1c0b7fd0c8542f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nyanshiba/600a012c1d3c1a42bd1c0b7fd0c8542f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
rem ====================環境変数設定====================
rem youtube-dl.exeのパス
set "ytdl_path=C:\DTV\bin\youtube-dl.exe"
rem ffmpeg.exeがあるディレクトリのパス
set "ff_dir=C:\DTV\ffmpeg"
rem vlc.exeのパス
set vlc_path=
rem 出力フォルダのパス
set "out_dir=C:\Users\sbn\Desktop\youtube_dl"
rem ====================ユーザ選択====================
set /p ask_exe=ffmpegかyoutube-dlか選択[m=ffmpeg(m3u8),t=ffmpeg(TwitCasting),Enter=youtube-dl]:
if "%ask_exe%" == "m" (
call :ffmpeg_m3u8
) else if "%ask_exe%" == "t" (
call :ffmpeg_twitcas
) else if "%ask_exe%" == "" (
call :youtubedl
rem ====================ffmpegサブルーチン====================
rem ----------m3u8ストリーム録画----------
call :mydateset
set /p url=m3u8のurlを入力:
"%ff_dir%\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "%url%" -c copy -map p:0 "%out_dir%\%mydate%.ts"
exit /b
rem ----------ツイキャス録画----------
call :mydateset
set /p twitcas_id=ツイキャスIDを入力:
"%ff_dir%\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "" -c copy -map p:0 "%out_dir%\%mydate%_%twitcas_id::=_%.mp4"
exit /b
rem ----------ファイル名関数----------
rem yyMMdd_Hmm
rem 自分用(17/08/30 (水) 17:35->170830_1735)
set mydate=%date:~0,2%%date:~3,2%%date:~6,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%
rem 初期設定(2017/08/30 17:35 -> 170830_1735)
rem set mydate=%date:~2,2%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%
rem スペースを0に置き換える
set mydate=%mydate: =0%
exit /b
rem ====================youtube-dl+ffmpegサブルーチン====================
rem ----------ログイン選択----------
set /p url=urlを入力:
set /p ask_login=ログイン選択[n=ニコニコ動画,n2=ニコニコ動画,t=twitter,Enter=ログイン不要]:
if "%ask_login%" == "n" (
set "arg_u=-u hoge -p hoge"
) else if "%ask_login%" == "n2" (
set "arg_u=-u hoge -p hoge"
) else if "%ask_login%" == "t" (
set "arg_u=-u hoge -p hoge"
) else if "%ask_login%" == "" (
set arg_u=
rem ----------入力フォーマット----------
set /p ask_infmt=入力フォーマット[o=bestaudio,a=m4a/bestaudio,v=bestvideo,h=mp4/bestvideo,22=format22(hd720p yt),al=ytlive音声コンテンツ(Enter+最後にffmpegで動画からaacを作成),Enter=best]:
if "%ask_infmt%" == "o" (
set arg_f=-f bestaudio
) else if "%ask_infmt%" == "a" (
set arg_f=-f m4a/bestaudio
) else if "%ask_infmt%" == "w" (
rem set "arg_f=-f bestvideo^[height^<^=^?4320^]"
set "arg_f=-f bestvideo"
) else if "%ask_infmt%" == "22" (
set arg_f=-f 22
) else if "%ask_infmt%" == "al" (
set ask_split=1
) else if "%ask_infmt%" == "" (
set arg_f=
rem ----------出力フォーマット----------
set /p ask_outfmt=出力フォーマット[f=ffplay,v=vlc,Enter=DL]:
if "%ask_outfmt%" == "f" (
set "arg_o=- | "%ff_dir%\ffplay.exe" -"
) else if "%ask_outfmt%" == "v" (
set "arg_o=- | "%vlc_path%" -"
) else if "%ask_outfmt%" == "" (
set arg_o="%out_dir%\%%(title)s-%%(id)s.%%(ext)s"
rem ----------エンコ----------
rem "--no-part"でtempを作成しない(YouTubeLive、その他リアルタイムストリームに対応)
rem YouTubeLiveは放送が終われば強制終了しておk
"%ytdl_path%" --ffmpeg-location "%ff_dir%\ffmpeg.exe" %arg_u% %arg_f% --no-check-certificate --no-part "%url%" -o %arg_o%
rem 音声スプリット
if "%ask_sprit%" equ "1" (
rem "%ff_dir%\ffmpeg.exe" -i %1 -vn -c:a copy "out.m4a"
exit /b
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