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Last active October 4, 2019 01:47
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# Haskell-inspired functional skew heap in Python employing Scott-encoded sum types
# Inspired by <>
# data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
nothing = lambda f_nothing, f_just: f_nothing()
just = lambda x: lambda f_nothing, f_just: f_just(x)
# data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
nil = lambda f_nil, f_cons: f_nil()
cons = lambda x, xs: lambda f_nil, f_cons: f_cons(x, xs)
# data Pair a b = Pair a b
pair = lambda x, y: lambda f: f(x, y)
# data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
leaf = lambda f_leaf, f_node: f_leaf()
node = lambda x, l, r: lambda f_leaf, f_node: f_node(x, l, r)
# foldr f a xs = case xs of
# Nil -> a
# Cons x ys -> f x (foldr f a ys)
def foldr(f, a, xs):
return xs(
lambda: a,
lambda x, ys: f(x, foldr(f, a, ys)))
# unfoldr f a = case f a of
# Nothing -> Nil
# Just p -> case p of
# Pair x b ->
# Cons x (unfoldr f b)
def unfoldr(f, a):
return f(a)(
lambda: nil,
lambda p: p(lambda x, b:
cons(x, unfoldr(f, b))))
# merge xs ys = case xs of
# Leaf -> ys
# Node x xl xr -> case ys of
# Leaf -> xs
# Node y yl yr ->
# if x <= y
# then Node x (merge ys xr) xl
# else Node y (merge xs yr) yl
def merge(xs, ys):
return xs(
lambda: ys,
lambda x, xl, xr: ys(
lambda: xs,
lambda y, yl, yr:
node(x, merge(ys, xr), xl) if x <= y else
node(y, merge(xs, yr), yl)))
# popMin tree = case tree of
# Leaf -> Nothing
# Node x xl xr -> Just (x, merge xl xr)
def popMin(tree):
return tree(
lambda: nothing,
lambda x, xl, xr: just(pair(x, merge(xl, xr))))
# insert x tree = merge (Node x Leaf Leaf) tree
def insert(x, tree):
return merge(node(x, leaf, leaf), tree)
# listToHeap elements = foldr insert Leaf elements
def listToHeap(elements):
return foldr(insert, leaf, elements)
# heapToList tree = unfoldr popMin tree
def heapToList(tree):
return unfoldr(popMin, tree)
def fromIter(elements):
i = iter(elements)
return cons(next(i), fromIter(i))
except StopIteration:
return nil
def toIter(xs):
def yielding(x, y):
yield x
return y
while xs is not None:
xs = yield from xs(lambda: iter(()), yielding)
def treeRepr(tree):
return tree(
lambda: "leaf",
lambda x, l, r:
"node(" + repr(x) + ", " + treeRepr(l) + ", " + treeRepr(r) + ")")
t1 = listToHeap(fromIter([3, 5, 7]))
t2 = listToHeap(fromIter([2, 6, 8]))
t3 = merge(t1, t2)
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