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Last active July 29, 2019 21:17
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Dijkstra's Algorithm in JavaScript.
var graph = [
var parseEdge = (edge) => {
var [left, right, ...cost] = edge;
cost = parseInt(cost.join(''), 10);
return { left, right, cost };
var addToMap = (map, origin, vertex, cost) => {
(map[origin] = map[origin] || [])
.push({ vertex, cost });
var graphToMap = (graph) => {
var map = {};
for (var edge of graph) {
var { left, right, cost } = parseEdge(edge);
addToMap(map, left, right, cost);
addToMap(map, right, left, cost);
return map;
var tableToString = (table) => {
return Object.keys(table)
.map(vertex => {
var { vertex: from, cost } = table[vertex];
return `${vertex}: ${cost} via ${from}`;
var tracePath = (table, start, end) => {
var path = [];
var next = end;
while (true) {
if (next === start) { break; }
next = table[next].vertex;
return path;
var run = (graph, start, end) => {
var map = graphToMap(graph);
// console.log(map);
var visited = [];
var frontier = [start];
var table = { [start]: { vertex: start, cost: 0 } };
var vertex;
while (vertex = frontier.shift()) {
// Explore unvisited neighbors
var neighbors = map[vertex]
.filter(n => !visited.includes(n.vertex));
// Add neighbors to the frontier
frontier.push( => n.vertex));
var costToVertex = table[vertex].cost;
for (let { vertex: to, cost } of neighbors) {
var currCostToNeighbor = table[to] && table[to].cost;
var newCostToNeighbor = costToVertex + cost;
if (currCostToNeighbor == undefined ||
newCostToNeighbor < currCostToNeighbor) {
// Update the table
table[to] = { vertex, cost: newCostToNeighbor };
// console.log(table);
console.log('Here you go:');
var path = tracePath(table, start, end);
console.log('Shortest path is:');
run(graph, 'A', 'G');
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