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Last active May 8, 2017 13:32
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  • Save nyctef/358562a49a8f60c082fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nyctef/358562a49a8f60c082fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# usage:
# ~ $log = init "D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Worms Armageddon\User\Games\2016-02-18 17.52.14 [Online] foo, bar.WAgame"
# ~ summarizelog $log
# ~ specificturn $log 3
$wormsRoot = (Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Team17SoftwareLTD\WormsArmageddon).PATH
$wa = join-path $wormsRoot WA.exe
$wacapture = join-path $wormsRoot User\Capture
$imageMagickRoot = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ImageMagick\Current).BinPath
$convert = join-path $imageMagickRoot convert.exe
$frameskip = 3
function init($replayFile) {
$replayFile = validatereplayfile $replayFile
$outputDir = getoutputdir $replayFile
copyreplay $replayFile $outputDir
dumplog "$outputDir/replay.WAgame"
$parsedLog = parselogfile "$outputDir\replay.log"
return $parsedLog
function getoutputdir($replayFile) {
$replayName = (getfilename $replayFile).TrimEnd('.WAgame').Replace(' ', '_')
return (join-path (pwd) $replayName)
function copyreplay($replayfile, $outputDir) {
write-output "Writing out to $outputDir ..."
new-item -type directory $outputDir -force | out-null
write-output "Copying $replayFile to $outputDir ..."
copy-item -literalpath $replayFile -destination "$outputDir/replay.WAgame"
function dumplog($replayFile) {
# this will write a replay log to $outputDir/replay.log
& $wa /getlog $replayFile /quiet | write-output
function turngif($turn, $i, $outputDir, $startOffset = -1, $endOffset = 0) {
$turnName = "turn_$($i.ToString('000'))_$($turn.player)"
$turnDir = "$outputDir/$turnName"
new-item -type directory $turnDir -force | out-null
$startTime = $turn.weaponFired
$startTime = ([timespan]$startTime).Add((new-timespan -seconds $startOffset)).ToString()
$endTime = $turn.end
$endTime = ([timespan]$endTime).Add((new-timespan -seconds $endOffset)).ToString()
dumpframes "$outputDir/replay.WAgame" $turnDir $startTime $endTime
write-host "Writing gif to $outputDir/$turnName.gif"
makegif "$turnDir/replay" "$outputDir/$turnName.gif"
remove-item $turnDir -force -recurse
function summarizelog($parsedlog) {
$i = 0
$parsedlog.turns | foreach {
$_.start + " " + $i.ToString('000') + " " + $_.player + " used " + $_.weapon
function specificturn($parsedlog, $turn, $startOffset = -1, $endOffset = 0) {
turngif $parsedlog.turns[$turn-1] $turn $parsedlog.outputdir $startOffset $endOffset
function initoutputdir($replayfile) {
$outputdir = getoutputdir $replayfile
copyreplay $replayfile $outputdir | out-null
return $outputdir
function validatereplayfile($replayFile) {
$replayFile = getfullpath $replayFile
if (!$replayFile) { throw 'Pass a .WAgame file as the first argument' }
if (!$replayFile.EndsWith('.WAgame')) { throw 'Must pass a .WAgame file as first argument ' }
if (!(test-path -literalpath $replayFile)) { throw "Provided replay does not exist: $replayFile" }
return $replayFile
function main($replayFile) {
$replayFile = validatereplayfile $replayFile
write-output "Pulling turn gifs from $replayFile ..."
$parsedLog = init $replayFile
summarizelog $parsedLog
$i = 0
$parsedLog.turns | foreach {
turngif $_ $i $parsedLog.outputDir
function getfullpath($path) {
return [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($path)
function getfilename($path) {
return [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($path)
function getdirname($path) {
return [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($path)
function parselogfile($path) {
$results = @{}
$results.turns = @()
$results.outputDir = getdirname $path
$currentTurn = @{}
$timestamp = '\[(?<timestamp>\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d)\]'
get-content -literalpath $path | foreach {
if ($_ -match "$timestamp ••• (?<player>.+?) starts turn") {
write-verbose "Player turn start: $($matches['player']) at $($matches['timestamp'])"
$currentTurn = @{
'player' = $matches['player'];
'start' = $matches['timestamp'];
} elseif ($_ -match "$timestamp ••• (?<player>.+?) (ends|loses) turn") {
write-verbose "Player turn end : $($matches['player']) at $($matches['timestamp'])"
$currentTurn.end = $matches['timestamp']
$results.turns += $currentTurn
} elseif ($_ -match "$timestamp ••• (?<player>.+?) fires (?<weapon>[a-z ]+)") {
write-verbose "Player fired : $($matches['player']) / $($matches['weapon'])"
$currentTurn.weapon = $matches['weapon']
$currentTurn.weaponFired = $matches['timestamp']
} elseif ($_ -match "$timestamp ••• Damage dealt: ") {
write-verbose "Player fired : $($matches['player']) / $($matches['weapon'])"
# if the turn dealt damage then make sure we see it all - this is often a while after the turn 'ends'
$currentTurn.end = $matches['timestamp']
} else {
#write-verbose "Unrecognised line: $_"
} | out-null
return $results
function dumpframes($replayFile, $outputDir, $start, $end) {
write-verbose "Getting WA.exe to dump replay for $start to $end ..."
& $wa /getvideo $replayFile $frameskip $start $end | out-null
move-item -force -LiteralPath "$wacapture\replay" $outputDir
function makegif($imagesFolder, $outputFile) {
write-verbose "Converting $imagesFolder into $outputFile ..."
#& $convert -delay 2 -coalesce -layers optimize "$imagesFolder\*.png" $outputFile
& $convert -delay ($frameskip * 2) -layers optimize-frame "$imagesFolder\*.png" $outputFile
# main($replayFile)
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I had to update this to escape the team name Famous "quotes" properly.

function turngif($turn, $i, $outputDir, $startOffset = -1, $endOffset = 0) {
    $player = $turn.player.Replace('"', "_")
    $turnName = "turn_$($i.ToString('000'))_$($player)"

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