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Created July 22, 2010 02:51
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22:35 < jnylen> hey eventualbuddha
22:38 <@eventualbuddha> hey jnylen
22:38 <@eventualbuddha> what's up?
22:40 < jnylen> i think i may have tracked down the cause of my duplicate transactions bug
22:41 < jnylen> know of a quick way to pretty-print json from a snapshot?
22:42 < jnylen> nvm -- python -mjson.tool < accounts/2.json > accounts-2-pretty.json
22:43 < jnylen> anyway
22:43 < jnylen> I picked a transaction that's getting duplicated
22:43 < jnylen> in the snapshot its fi_date_posted and date_posted are 2010/05/27 22:00:00 -0700
22:44 < jnylen> so, the wesabe_txid ends up with 20100527 in it
22:44 < jnylen> but when I import from an ofx on top of the snapshot
22:44 < jnylen> the same transaction ends up with a fi_date_posted and date_posted of
22:44 < jnylen> of 2010-05-28 05:00:00 *
22:45 < jnylen> which causes 20100528 to appear in the wesabe_txid
22:46 < jnylen> in the ofx file it's <DTPOSTED>20100528000000[-5:EST]
22:47 -!- bgreenlee [] has joined #openwesabe
22:47 -!- mode/#openwesabe [+o bgreenlee] by ChanServ
22:47 < jnylen> any idea what could be done about that?
22:49 -!- eventualbuddha [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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nylen commented Jul 22, 2010

Fixed for me: nylen/pfc@93fa48c

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