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Created August 8, 2011 20:42
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Issacs on NPM Security / TLP
nym> i'm by no means a security expert, but i do have some basic security concerns about npm with respect to The Locker Project
[1:30 PM] <isaacs> nym: yeah, i'm working on that :)
[1:31 PM] <nym> cool, just mentioning it because our use case is protecting personal data
[1:31 PM] → liquidproof ( joined
[1:31 PM] <isaacs> nym: the short answer for now is to set up a registry internally, configure couch to always require auth and only be accessible via https, and set npm to always-auth as well.
[1:32 PM] → cafesofie and tristanseifert joined
[1:33 PM] <isaacs> nym: fairly soon, the registry will send out a cert for "" (instead of one for * and the client will validate that.
[1:33 PM] ⇐ dherman ( quit: Quit: dherman
[1:33 PM] <isaacs> nym: you're not using npm to send and fetch your actual personal data you store, are you...?
[1:33 PM] → Gus and Cleer joined
[1:34 PM] <nym> isaacs: no, but our connectors use node.js dependencies
[1:34 PM] <Gus> hi
[1:34 PM] <isaacs> nym: right, that's what i thought you meant. so you wanna make sure that the deps come from who they say they come from, the registry is the "real" registry, etc.
[1:34 PM] <nym> right
[1:35 PM] ⇐ Guest85763, explodes and Gus quit
[1:35 PM] <nym> ideally we'd like to maintain our own registry to make sure the versions were the right ones
[1:35 PM] ⇐ Guest431 ( quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[1:35 PM] <nym> so we can have a "stable" product, so to speak
[1:36 PM] ⇐ ericmuyser ( quit: Quit: ericmuyser
[1:37 PM] <sechrist> woot, I set up a cheap little tv monitor to sit near my workstation dedicated to irc
[1:37 PM] <nym> isaacs: please feel free to come by #lockerproject and talk anytime
[1:37 PM] → margle joined ⇐ zastaph quit
[1:38 PM] <isaacs> nym: looks interesting. i'll check it out after node knockout if i'm still sane ;)
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