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Last active June 6, 2022 08:52
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Bitcoin regtest gist for command line
  • Run bitcoind for regtest

bitcoind -regtest -rpcport=8332

  • If it's the first time, create a new wallet

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 createwallet test

  • If it's not the first time, load the wallet. This command may take a while if you have lot of utxos

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 loadwallet test

  • Get a new address

address=$(./src/bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 getnewaddress)

  • Mine blocks to the previously generated new address, you need at least 101 blocks before being able to spend. This will take some time to execute (~1 min)

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 generatetoaddress 101 $address

  • Send 0.1 BTC at 5 sat/vB to another address

./src/bitcoin-cli -named -regtest -rpcport=8332 sendtoaddress address=$(./src/bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 getnewaddress) amount=0.1 fee_rate=5

  • See more example of sendtoaddress

./src/bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress will print the help

  • Mini script to generate txs with random fx rate (between 1 to 100 sat/vB). It's slow so don't expect to use this to test mempool spam, except if you let it run for a long time, or maybe with multiple regtest node connected to each other.
address=$(./src/bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 getnewaddress)
for i in {1..1000000}
	./src/bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 -named sendtoaddress address=$address amount=0.01 fee_rate=$(jot -r 1  1 100)
  • Generate block at regular interval (every 10 sec in this example)

watch -n 10 "./src/bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=8332 generatetoaddress 1 $address"

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