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Last active December 26, 2023 23:14
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Small Separating Axis Theorem implementation in C++
#include <nytl/vec.hpp>
#include <nytl/vecOps.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
using Polygon = std::vector<nytl::Vec2f>;
/// Returns whether the two given convex polygons intersect using the
/// separating axis theorem. The given polygons can be in clockwise or
/// counter-clockwise order (does not matter).
bool intersect(const Polygon& a, const Polygon& b)
// loop over the vertices(-> edges -> axis) of the first polygon
for(auto i = 0u; i < a.size() + 0; ++i) {
// calculate the normal vector of the current edge
// this is the axis will we check in this loop
auto current = a[i];
auto next = a[(i + 1) % a.size()];
auto edge = next - current;
nytl::Vec2f axis {};
axis[0] = -edge[1];
axis[1] = edge[0];
// loop over all vertices of both polygons and project them
// onto the axis. We are only interested in max/min projections
auto aMaxProj = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
auto aMinProj = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
auto bMaxProj = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
auto bMinProj = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
for(const auto& v : a) {
auto proj = nytl::vec::dot(axis, v);
if(proj < aMinProj) aMinProj = proj;
if(proj > aMaxProj) aMaxProj = proj;
for(const auto& v : b) {
auto proj = nytl::vec::dot(axis, v);
if(proj < bMinProj) bMinProj = proj;
if(proj > bMaxProj) bMaxProj = proj;
// now check if the intervals the both polygons projected on the
// axis overlap. If they don't, we have found an axis of separation and
// the given polygons cannot overlap
if(aMaxProj < bMinProj || aMinProj > bMaxProj) {
return true;
// at this point, we have checked all axis but found no separating axis
// which means that the polygons must intersect.
return false;
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Did you test this code? It will never work -- you have aMaxProj and bMaxProj set to infinity and aMinProj and bMinProj set to negative infinity. Those should be reversed, shouldn't they?

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Seems to be working. Super helpful! Thank you for sharing! Also thanks bsabiston for the tip, I belive you were correct.

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nyorain commented May 17, 2019

@bsabiston you're right, I updated it. Not sure anymore when or why i even dumped that code here, seems like i never needed it in the end.

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winstxnhdw commented Sep 21, 2021

@nyorain I was testing this code but it seems to give a false positive for certain edge cases. Is this because you are only projecting to the axis of only one of the polygons?

Edit: I think the pseudocode for a complete SAT should look like this.

Edit 2: Whatever, I just rewrote it. It's here if anyone wants to use it. It's in C++ as well.

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nyorain commented Oct 21, 2021

@winstxnhdw yes that's correct, both shapes should be checked

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