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Created December 18, 2023 20:19
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json () {
usage () {
echo "Usage: json [property] [file]"
echo " property: (optional) The property of the JSON object to retrieve."
echo " file: (optional) The file containing the JSON object. Defaults to 'package.json'."
echo ""
echo "Special values for property:"
echo " *: Retrieve the whole object."
echo " --help or -h: Display this help message."
if ! command -v node &> /dev/null
echo "Node.js is not installed. Please install NVM and then a version of Node.js."
echo "To install NVM, run: curl -o- | bash"
echo "After installing NVM, you can install Node.js by running: nvm install node"
return 1
case "$1" in
("") local propertySuffix=".scripts" ;;
("*") local propertySuffix="" ;;
("--help" | "-h") usage
return 0 ;;
(*) local propertySuffix=".$1" ;;
local file=${2:-package.json}
if [ ! -f $file ]
echo -e "\x1b[1mError: File '${file}' does not exist. If you intend to use 'package.json', ensure it's present in the current directory, or specify a different file.\x1b[0m"
return 1
node -e "console.log(JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync('${file}'))${propertySuffix})"
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