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Created January 8, 2019 06:18
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p0f client by php
<?php namespace P0f;
define("P0F_QUERY_MAGIC", 0x50304601);
define("P0F_ADDR_IPV4", 0x04);
define("P0F_ADDR_IPV6", 0x06);
class Client
public static function get(string $socket, string $ip)
$q = [];
$q['magic'] = P0F_QUERY_MAGIC;
if(strpos($ip, ':') === false)
self::parse_addr4($ip, $q);
$q['addr_type'] = P0F_ADDR_IPV4;
self::parse_addr6($ip, $q);
$q['addr_type'] = P0F_ADDR_IPV6;
$socket = fsockopen("unix://" . $socket, -1);
if(!is_resource($socket)) throw new \Exception("Can't connect to API socket.");
function c($a){
echo $a;
$p0f_api_query = pack("ICC16", $q['magic'], $q['addr_type'], $q['addr'][0],$q['addr'][1],$q['addr'][2],$q['addr'][3],$q['addr'][4]??null,$q['addr'][5]??null,$q['addr'][6]??null,$q['addr'][7]??null,$q['addr'][8]??null,$q['addr'][9]??null,$q['addr'][10]??null,$q['addr'][11]??null,$q['addr'][12]??null,$q['addr'][13]??null,$q['addr'][14]??null,$q['addr'][15]??null);
if(! fwrite($socket, $p0f_api_query)) throw new \Exception("Short write to API socket.");
$res = fread($socket, 2000);
$res = unpack("Imagic/Istatus/Ifirst_seen/Ilast_seen/Itotal_conn/Iuptime_min/Iup_mod_days/Ilast_nat/Ilast_chg/sdistance/Cbad_sw/Cos_match_q/a32os_name/a32os_flavor/a32http_name/a32http_flavor/Slink_mtu/a32link_type/a32language",$res);
array_walk($res, function(&$value){
$value = trim($value);
$res['query'] = $ip;
return json_encode($res);
public static function parse_addr4(string $ip, array &$q)
if(sscanf($ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4) != 4) throw new \Exception("Malformed IPv4 address.");
if($a1 > 255 || $a2 > 255 ||$a3 > 255 || $a4 > 255)
throw new \Exception("Malformed IPv4 address.");
$q['addr'][0] = $a1;
$q['addr'][1] = $a2;
$q['addr'][2] = $a3;
$q['addr'][3] = $a4;
public static function parse_addr6(string $ip, array &$q)
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