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Forked from Repox/send.php
Created September 19, 2018 09:04
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Google API PHP Client - Firebase Cloud Messaging Service v1 example
* This serves as an example of how to use the Google API PHP Client
* with Firebase Cloud Messaging Service.
* The client can be found here:
* At the time of writing this, there's no Service object for the correct
* scope for Firebase Messaging, so here's an example of how this can be
* done with provididing the scope manually.
* Info regarding authorization and requests can be found here:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Google_Client();
// Authentication with the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable
// Alternatively, provide the JSON authentication file directly.
// Add the scope as a string (multiple scopes can be provided as an array)
// Returns an instance of GuzzleHttp\Client that authenticates with the Google API.
$httpClient = $client->authorize();
// Your Firebase project ID
$project = "myproject-4e6ed";
// Creates a notification for subscribers to the debug topic
$message = [
"message" => [
"topic" => "debug",
"notification" => [
"body" => "This is an FCM notification message!",
"title" => "FCM Message",
// Send the Push Notification - use $response to inspect success or errors
$response = $httpClient->post("{$project}/messages:send", ['json' => $message]);
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