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Created October 14, 2012 00:08
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Monad framework for Common Lisp
;;; List Monad
(defmethod bind ((m list) f)
(apply #'append (mapcar f m)))
(defmethod fmap ((m list) f)
(mapcar f m))
;;; Monad
(defmacro perform (bindings &body expression)
(destructuring-bind ((name value) &rest rest) bindings
(if rest
`(bind ,value (lambda (,name) (perform ,rest ,@expression)))
`(fmap ,value (lambda (,name) ,@expression)))))
(defgeneric bind (m f))
(defgeneric fmap (m f))
;;; State Monad
(defstruct state run)
(defun eval-state (m v)
(car (run-state m v)))
(defun exec-state (m v)
(cadr (run-state m v)))
(defun run-state (m v)
(funcall (state-run m) v))
(defun get-state ()
:run (lambda (s)
(list s s))))
(defun put-state (x)
:run (lambda (_)
(declare (ignorable _))
(list nil x))))
(defmethod bind ((m state) f)
:run (lambda (s)
(destructuring-bind (a s*) (run-state m s)
(run-state (funcall f a) s*)))))
(defmethod fmap ((m state) f)
:run (lambda (s)
(destructuring-bind (a s*) (run-state m s)
(list (funcall f a) s*)))))
;;; list
(perform ((a (list 1))
(b (list 2 3))
(c (list 3 4 5)))
(+ a b c))
; => (6 7 8 7 8 9)
(defun double-list (x)
(list x x))
(perform ((a '(1 2 3))
(b (double-list a))
(c (double-list b)))
; => (1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3)
;;; test
(defun numcons (head tail)
(perform ((cnt (get-state))
(_ (put-state (+ cnt 1))))
(cons (list head cnt) tail)))
(perform ((a (numcons "a" nil))
(b (numcons "b" a))
(c (numcons "c" b)))
;;; test
(defstruct cursor x y)
(defun cursor-right (n)
:run (lambda (cursor)
(let ((x (+ (cursor-x cursor) n)))
(list x (make-cursor :x x :y (cursor-y cursor)))))))
(defun cursor-down (n)
:run (lambda (cursor)
(let ((y (+ (cursor-y cursor) n)))
(list y (make-cursor :x (cursor-x cursor) :y y))))))
(defun square (n)
(perform ((x (cursor-right n))
(s (cursor-down x)))
; cl-user> (make-cursor :x 0 :y 0)
; #S(cursor :x 0 :y 0)
; cl-user> (exec-state (square 10) *)
; #S(cursor :x 10 :y 10)
; cl-user> **
; #S(cursor :x 0 :y 0)
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