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Last active June 4, 2024 19:41
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Best practices on contributing to FOSS with GitHub

Contributing to FOSS

Open source contribution is both a technical and a social phenomenon. Any FOSS project naturally has a "caste system" - a group of contributors with extensive rights vs everyone else. Some of this separation is necessary - core contributors have deeper knowledge of the code, share vision, and trust each other.

Core contributors have one more right that others do not -- they can create repository branches. Thus, they can contribute "locally" - by pushing proposed changed to the primary repository's work branches, and create "local" pull requests inside the same repo. This is different from others, who can contribute only from their own forks.

There is little difference between creating pull requests from one's own fork and from the primary repo, and there are a few reasons why core contributors should never do it from the primary repo:

  • it ensures that casual contributors always run the same CI as core contributors. If contribution process breaks, it will affect everyone, and will get fixed faster.
  • it puts everyone on the same leveled playing field, reducing the "caste system" effect, making the project feel more welcoming to new contributors
  • it ensures that the primary repo only has maintained branches (e.g. main and v1.x), not a bunch of PR branches whose ownership and work status is unclear to everyone

Recommended Setup

The recommended setup for both core and casual contributors is to always create a fork of the primary repo under their own account. The local repo should have two remotes: upstream pointing to the primary repo, and origin pointing to the user's own fork. The main branch should track upstream/main, but all new work will be pushed to origin and PRs will be created from there.

Setup Local Clone

# clone the primary fork to your local machine, naming the remote "upstream"
# make sure to replace the URL with the correct one 
git clone -o upstream
cd martin

# add your own fork as a remote, naming it "origin"
git remote add origin

Contributing New Code

# switch to main branch (tracking upstream/main), and pull the latest changes
git checkout main
git pull

# create a new branch for your work
git checkout -b my-new-feature

# edit files, and commit changes
git commit -a -m "My new feature"

# push the changes to your own fork
git push origin my-new-feature

# Click the link shown by `git push` in the terminal to create a pull request
# from your fork using the GitHub web interface

Update Existing Clone

If you already cloned the repo locally, you can update it to use the new setup. This assumes you have a local clone of the repo, the remote name is origin, and you have already forked the repo on GitHub.

# Rename the existing remote to "upstream". Your "main" branch will now track "upstream/main"
git remote rename origin upstream

# Add your own fork as a remote, naming it "origin" (adjust the URL)
git remote add origin
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