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Created December 28, 2021 16:58
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Arch Install

Notes about this "guide"

This is more-so notes for myself that would also be understandable for others.
It will NOT be an in-depth guide explaining my choices.
It will NOT tell you the function of every option for every command, as I assume you will look up any that you find interesting or confusing.
I WILL link to general info about the main parts being used, or if some info is harder to find.

This will guide you through the installation from after booting from the USB to booting Arch from your SSD/HDD.

Resulting installation

Arch Linux with linux-zen and linux-lts kernel.
rEFInd boot manager.
btrfs single partiton system with subvolumes.
Full-disk encryption with LUKS.

Some setup to make life easier

Set up some enviourment variables that are gonna make your life a lot easier down the line.

btrfs mounting options


or if installing on a HDD instead of an SSD you can omit the ssd option

Set up variable for the drive that should be worked on, this will help prevent accidentally wiping a wrong drive.
Remeber to subtitute for what ever drive you're using often will it be /dev/sda or /dev/nvme0n1


You can use lsblk to find your drive

Wiping the drive


I'll be using the method found on the dm-crypt archwiki article
Create a temporary encrypted container on the disk.

cryptsetup open --type plain $DRIVE container --key-file /dev/urandom  

Optionally verify that it was created


Now wipe the container with zeroes, using /dev/urandom here is not necesarry as randomness comes from the cipher.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/container status=progress bs=1M  

Regulary(not recommend)

sgdisk --zap-all $DRIVE  


Our partition scheme will look somehting like this

  1. EFI Partition. FAT32
    This will contain the rEFInd boot manager. This will out of neccesity not be encrypted.
  2. SWAP Partition. dm-crypt(Linux SWAP)
    This will be our swap partiton. It will be encrypted with straight dm-crypt using a random keyfile.
    Make this larger than your RAM capacity if you wan't to use hibernation else i recommend making it minumum 8G.
    I used 32G for my laptop with 16 gigabytes of RAM as i need more than 40 gigabytes of ramspace for some tasks.
    For my desktop with 128 gigabytes I don't have a swap partiton.
  3. System Partition. dm-crypt(btrfs)
    This will be the main partition which is gonna be encrypted using LUKS and the passphrase of your choice.
    It will be structured using 3 btrfs subvolumes, root, home, and snapshots.
sgdisk --clear \  
  --new=1:0:+512MiB --typecode=1:ef00 --change-name=1:EFI \  
  --new=2:0:+<SWAPSIZE>GiB --typecode=2:8200 --change-name=2:cryptswap \  
  --new=3:0:0 --typecode=3:8300 --change-name=3:cryptsystem \  

You can change the labels which are defined by the --change-name option to whatever you prefer.
I use EFI, cryptswap, and cryptsystem as they are clear and and concise.

Formating The EFI Partitio

Formating the EFI partition is pretty straight forward.

mkfs.fat -F32 -n EFI /dev/disk/by-partlabel/EFI  

NOTE: Change EFI for whatever you used in the change-name option in the Partitioning section.
We used partlabel in the next section aswell so remeber to change there aswell if you used something different

Encrypting the SWAP and System partition

First we format the cryptsystem partition using LUKS. using the aes-xts-plain64 cipher and a aes keysize of 256 bits.
These are the standard at the time of writing but I like being verbose as to not break anything if new defaults are introduced.

cryptsetup luksFormat --align-payload=8192 -s 256 -c aes-xts-plain64 /dev/disk/by-partlabel/cryptsystem  

The align-payload option is used by suggestion for SSD optimization per the dm-crypt mailing list

Here we are encrypting the swap partition using a random keyfile.

cryptsetup open --type plain --key-file /dev/urandom /dev/disk/by-partlabel/cryptswap swap  

Setting up swap

We make the swap partition and enable it.

mkswap -L swap /dev/mapper/swap  
swapon -L swap  

Formatting the system partition

Format the opened luks partition with btrfs.

mkfs.btrfs --force --label system /dev/mapper/system  

Now we mount the drive so we can create our subvolumes on it and then unmounting it, so we can mount the subvolumes instead.

mount -t btrfs LABEL=system /mnt  
btrfs subvolume create /mnt/root  
btrfs subvolume create /mnt/home  
btrfs subvolume create /mnt/snapshots  
umount -R /mnt  

Mounting the btrfs subvolumes

Now we mount the subvolumes using the options we defined in the very beginning.

mount -t btrfs -o subvol=root,$btrfso LABEL=system /mnt  
mount -t btrfs -o subvol=home,$btrfso LABEL=system /mnt/home  
mount -t btrfs -o subvol=snapshots,$btrfso LABEL=system /mnt/.snapshots  

Mounting the EFI partition

mkdir /mnt/boot  
mount LABEL=EFI /mnt/boot  

Generating the fstab

genfstab -L -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab  

Installing the system


We use pacstrap to install the required packages without needing to chroot into the system.

pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim linux-zen linux-lts refind-efi btrfs-progs zsh ttf-hack otf-overpass dhcpcd opendoas linux-firmware man-db man-pages intel-ucode  

The packages that we install are

  • base - provides neccesary packages to boot the system
  • base-devel - provides some essential packages for utilising the system
  • intel-ucode - microcode for intel cpus, change this to amd-ucode if you're running an amd based system
  • linux-zen - is the zen linux kernel which has some optimizations for linux when used for daily drive
  • linux-lts - longterm kernel which i have as a backup incase something in the newer linux-zen kernel breaks
  • linux-firmware - provides firmware for most devices, example network cards or other devices
  • refind-efi - provides the boot manager and bootloader
  • man-db and man-pages - provides the ability to look up programs man pages in the terminal
  • vim - is the text editor i install as a base, other options include vi, neovim, nano, emacs, or ed
  • zsh and dash - zsh is my prefered shell and dash is used as the lightweight posix compliant shell for running scripts
  • ttf-hack and otf-overpass - my prefered fonts, hack for monospace and overpass for sans-serif
  • dhcpcd - dhcp client can't connect to the internet without it
  • opendoas - a lighter and simpler alternative to sudo

chroot'ing into the system
You can either do this with regular arch-chroot or with systemd-nspawn.
I will not be covering the systemd method here, as it's simply too much of a hassle in my opinion.

Getting a shell using arch-chroot is as follows

arch-chroot /mnt  

Then setup a hostname variable for use inside the system.

HOSTNAME=Your desired hostname  

Setting up all the configs

Setting locale

Edit the /etc/locale.gen and uncomment the needed lines.

vim /etc/locale.gen  
cy_GB ISO-8859-14  
da_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
de_AT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
en_CA ISO-8859-1  
en_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8  
en_SG ISO-8859-1  
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8  
en_US ISO-8859-1  
en_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8  

or add the ones you need by just appending them.

echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen  

Now we can generate the locales using


And then finally we set the locale we wanna use.

systemd-firstboot --prompt-locale  

Setting timezone

First enable NTP syncing

timedatectl set-ntp 1  

Set your timezone.

timedatectl set-timezone LOCATION/CITY  


timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Copenhagen  

Setting hostname and hosts

Set your hostname using

hostnamectl set-name $HOSTNAME  

Then add the following to your hosts file

------------ localhost.localdomain localhost  
::1       localhost.localdomain localhost	HOSTNAME.localdomain HOSTNAME  

or using echo

echo "\tlocalhost.localdomain\tlocalhost\n \  
::1\t\tlocalhost.localdomain\tlocalhost\n \\t$HOSTNAME.localdomain\t$HOSTNAME > /etc/hosts  

Setting up decryption on startup

This is done by editing the /etc/crypttab
This is what it should look like

swap	/dev/disk/by-partlabel/cryptswap	/dev/urandom	swap,offset=2048,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256  
system	/dev/disk/by-partlabel/cryptsystem	none		offset=2048,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256  

Generate new initramfs

This is needed since we need to include the encrypt and btrfs hooks into our initramfs.
Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf to contain the following

HOOKS="systemd modconf keyboard block filesystems btrfs sd-encrypt fsck"  

Then generate the initramfs for our kernels using

mkinitpcio -p linux-zen  
mkinitpcio -p linux-lts  

Configure rEFInd

Install rEFInd to your EFI partition.

refind-install --usedefault /dev/sdXY --alldrivers  

Create or edit /boot/EFI/BOOT/refind.conf

timeout          20                Timeout how long ReFind wait for user input  
use_graphics_for windows           Specify the simpler "mac-style" behaviour  
also_scan_dirs   +,@/              Search for boot loaders in the specified directory  

Create or edit /boot/refind_linux.conf

"Boot with standard options"  "*FILL IN UUID FROM PARTITION*=cryptsystem root=UUID=*UUID FROM encrypted root rw rootflags=subvol=root initrd=/intel-ucode.img initrd=/initramfs-linux-zen.img add_efi_memmap"  

NOTE: replace intel-ucode.img with amd-ucode.img for amd based systems.

Getting the UUIDS can be found with

lsblk -fs  

and the UUIDs you need are

  1. The one from the partition that has type: crypto_LUKS 2
  2. The one from the partition that has type: btrfs

Setting the root password


Shutdown and boot from your SSD/HDD

shutdown now  
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