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Created February 12, 2022 15:55
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class InGameConsole {
// The constructor is run when initiating the mods, everything in the game is not expected to be initialized
constructor(game_instance, game_config, api) {
// is required = "InGame Console"
// is required and should be unique to your mod
// for instance "yourname.modname" = "nyxkrage.igconsole"
// this.XXX can be used to save things for use in start or in your hooks
this.api = api
this.game_instance = game_instance
this.game_config = game_config
this.console = null;
// functions called from pre and post are called hooks
// Pre-hooks are called before the normal function is called
this.pre = {
"window.console.log": this.onConsoleLog,
// Post-hooks are called after the normal function is called = {
// Scene.XXXX hooks look at the XXXX scene for a function
"Scene.MainScene.create": this.postMainSceneCreate,
// Start is called before the `pre` and `post` hooks are applied, but after most things in the game have loaded
start() {}
// This function will be called before the normal console.log code
onConsoleLog(self, ...args) {
if (self.console)
self.console.setText(args.join(" "))
// This function will be called after the normal MainScene creation code
postMainSceneCreate(self) {
self.console = this.add.text(10, - 20, "Welcome from a Mod!", { color: "white", fontSize: "12px"}).setScrollFactor(0).setDepth(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
module.exports = InGameConsole
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