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Created September 21, 2010 00:32
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# Experimenting with a brute force check to see if your Solr index is in sync
# with your database. This example uses Sunspot for the #solr_index method,
# but not for the searching. We query Solr and the local database directly
# to page through this stuff as quickly as possible.
# Got a better approach? Ping @websolr on Twitter :)
start = 0
rows = 100
while start < Post.count
search_url = "*:*&rows=#{rows}&start=#{start}"
results = eval(open(search_url).string)
ids = results["response"]["docs"].collect{|d|d["id"][/[0-9]+/].to_i}
unless Post.count(:conditions => { :id => ids }) == rows
Post.find(:all, :conditions => [ "id not in (?)", ids ]).each do |post|
puts "Didn't find Post #{}, re-indexing..."
start = start + rows
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