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Created August 23, 2011 01:47
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Ant target for autogenerating changelog based on Git tags
Ant target for autogenerating a changelog based on Git tags
1. Do all of your checkins for a given version.
2. When you're ready to officially create a new version, tag it using git tag, such as "git tag v0.3.0".
3. If you don't already have a file named CHANGELOG in the root directory, make one.
4. Run "ant changelog.update"
1. You only use tags for version numbers, that's it.
2. You have a file named CHANGELOG that you want to auto-update.
3. You want today's date stamped in the CHANGELOG file/
4. Your project name is "project". That's dumb, it should be something better.
<target name="changelog.update">
<exec executable="git" failonerror="true" outputproperty="git.tag">
<arg line="tag"/>
<script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
//get the two most recent tags to get the diff
var tags = project.getProperty("git.tag").replace("\r", "").split("\n"),
curTag = tags[tags.length-1],
priorTag = tags[tags.length-2];
project.setProperty("project.current", curTag);
project.setProperty("git.log.range", priorTag + ".." + curTag);
<!-- git log -pretty=format:'* %s (%an)' v0.4.0..v0.5.0-->
<exec executable="git" failonerror="true" outputproperty="git.changelog">
<arg line="log --pretty=format:'* %s (%an)' ${git.log.range}"/>
<concat destfile="CHANGELOG.tmp" fixlastline="true">
<header trimleading="yes">${SIMPLE_DATE} - v${project.current}
<fileset dir="." includes="CHANGELOG" />
<delete file="CHANGELOG"/>
<move file="CHANGELOG.tmp" tofile="CHANGELOG"/>
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Sorry but, I still don't understand completely how to use it. There have to be a build.xml file right?

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nzakas commented Aug 23, 2011

Yes. If you don't know how to use Ant, I'd suggest reading up on that first and creating some simple build.xml files.

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Allright thank you!

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