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Last active February 26, 2021 03:27
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  • Save nzbart/9400412 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nzbart/9400412 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Read / write credentials through CredRead and CredWrite, with a profile load for good measure. Fails under PowerShell remoting.
#include <SDKDDKVer.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <WinCred.h>
#include <Userenv.h>
#include <atlsecurity.h>
#include <Lmcons.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
void CheckResult(T success, wchar_t const * const taskName)
if (success)
wcout << L"Failed to " << taskName << L": " << GetLastError();
throw wstring(L"Failed to ") + taskName;
int wmain()
wcout << L"Started." << endl;
wchar_t userName[UNLEN + 1];
DWORD bufferLength = sizeof(userName) / sizeof(userName[0]);
CheckResult(GetUserName(userName, &bufferLength), L"get user name");
wcout << L"User name = " << userName << endl;
HANDLE hToken;
CheckResult(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &hToken), L"get thread token");
wcout << L"Opened process token." << endl;
PROFILEINFO profile = {};
profile.dwSize = sizeof(profile);
profile.lpUserName = userName;
CheckResult(LoadUserProfile(hToken, &profile), L"load profile");
wcout << L"Loaded user profile." << endl;
wchar_t const target[] = L"TestCredentials";
wchar_t const password[] = L"Password";
CREDENTIALW credsToAdd = {};
credsToAdd.Flags = 0;
credsToAdd.Type = CRED_TYPE_GENERIC;
credsToAdd.TargetName = const_cast<wchar_t*>(target);
credsToAdd.CredentialBlob = (LPBYTE)&password;
credsToAdd.CredentialBlobSize = sizeof(password);
CheckResult(CredWrite(&credsToAdd, 0), L"write credential");
wcout << L"Wrote successfully." << endl;
CheckResult(CredRead(target, 1, 0, &creds), L"read credential");
wcout << L"Read successfully." << endl;
wchar_t const * const passwordOut = (wchar_t const * const)creds->CredentialBlob;
wcout << password << endl;
wcout << passwordOut << endl;
wcout << (wstring(password) == wstring(passwordOut) ? L"Success" : L"FAILURE") << endl;
return 0;
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mfekry commented Aug 30, 2016

how it work can you elaborate & if i need to use script to pass current user credential for Exchange server to not prompt for password when configure outlook profile for 1st time is this possible

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