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Last active January 7, 2023 13:54
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def findPartition(
base: Set[M], // current final fringe
childrenF: M => List[M], // children function
senderF: M => S, // sender function
highestF: List[M] => M, // find highest message across (those seeing all others)
jssF: M => Set[M], // justifications
isSupermajority: Set[S] => Boolean
): Option[Set[S]] = {
// Compute the next level
def nextLvl(curLvl: Set[M]): Set[M] = {
val children = // load children
val curLvlPartition =
// find senders of the partition - those having a child for each item in curLvl
val lvlPartition = {
case (acc, chSenders) => acc intersect chSenders.toSet
// highest fringe containing senders of partition across is the next lvl
// Check whether we have 2 levels that meet the partition criteria
def settled(lvl1: Set[M], lvl2: Set[M]): Boolean = {
val sameSenders = ==
val partSenders =
lazy val safeOutstanding = //check senders out of partition
(lvl1.flatMap(jssF).filterNot(j => partSenders.contains(senderF(j))) ++
lvl2.flatMap(jssF).filterNot(j => partSenders.contains(senderF(j))))
// either the same message or different having the same justifications
.forall { case (_, x) => x.size == 1 || == 1 }
sameSenders && safeOutstanding
def step(lvl1: Set[M]): Option[Set[S]] = {
val lvl2 = nextLvl(lvl1) // jump the next level
val p = // potential partition
if (!isSupermajority(p)) none[Set[S]] // if its not SM - no partition of SM will be found
else if (settled(lvl1, lvl2)) p.some // if settled - partition is found
else step(lvl2) // still chance to find partition
// start jumping from current fringe
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