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Created July 1, 2013 11:05
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Download all BUILD 2013 sessions and powerpoint slides
# Based on script from
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory=(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath
$rss = (new-object net.webclient)
# Grab the RSS feed for the MP4 downloads
$a = ([xml]$rss.downloadstring(""))
# Walk through each item in the feed
$ | foreach{
$code = $_.comments.split("/") | select -last 1
# Grab the URL for the MP4 file
$url = New-Object System.Uri($_.enclosure.url)
# Create the PPTX URL from the MP4 URL
$urlpptx = ($_.enclosure.url).replace(".mp4",".pptx")
# Create the local file name for the MP4 download
$file = $code + "-" + $_.creator + "-" + $_.title.Replace(":", "-").Replace("?", "").Replace("/", "-").Replace("<", "") + ".mp4"
# Create the local file name for the PPTX download
$filepptx = $code + "-" + $_.creator + "-" + $_.title.Replace(":", "-").Replace("?", "").Replace("/", "-").Replace("<", "") + ".pptx"
# Make sure the PPTX file doesn't already exist
if (!(test-path $filepptx))
# Echo out the file that's being downloaded
$wc = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient)
# Download the PPTX file
$wc.DownloadFile($urlpptx, $filepptx)
# Make sure the MP4 file doesn't already exist
if (!(test-path $file))
# Echo out the file that's being downloaded
# Download the MP4 file
$wc.DownloadFile($url, $file)
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ivlists commented Jul 5, 2013

@nzthiago The script doesn't work flawlessly. it seems, it blocks process if file doesn't exist. I tried skipping 404's with try catch block but subsequent downloads halt. Hard time to debug the problem as well.

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