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Created May 12, 2011 00:42
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require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'highline/import'
# Login to Forrst if we haven't already done so
unless File.exists?('f-cookie')
email = ask("Email Address or Username?")
password = ask("Password?") { |q| q.echo = 'x' }
# The important part of login is we need to maintain a session (done via cookies) and use the hidden form_key which is used to prevent XSS
login_form = `curl --cookie-jar f-cookie`
login_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(login_form)
form_key = login_doc.at_css('input[name=form_key]')['value']
p "Logging in with:"
p "Email: #{email} Password: #{'*' * password.length} Form Key: #{form_key}"
print `curl -X POST -d "email=#{email}&password=#{password}&form_key=#{form_key}&_frosty=%E2%98%83" --cookie f-cookie --cookie-jar f-cookie -i`
# Setup the SQLite DB to be used to store forrsters
`rm forrsters.db` if File.exists?('forrsters.db')
db = "forrsters.db"
db.execute <<-SQL
create table forrsters (
username varchar(256),
type varchar(256),
avatar_url varchar(1024),
likes int,
comments int,
posts int
page_number = 1
found_a_forrster = true
while found_a_forrster
found_a_forrster = false
p "Getting page #{page_number}"
forrsters_page = `curl --cookie f-cookie -i{page_number}`
forrsters_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(forrsters_page)
username, type, avatar, posts, likes, comments = nil
# Time to do some screen scraping
forrsters_doc.css('.person').each do |person_div|
avatar = person_div.at_css('a img')['src']
username = person_div.css('a')[1].text
type = person_div.at_css('p').text
links = person_div.css('.details a')
likes = links[0].text.gsub(/\D/, '').to_i
comments = links[1].text.gsub(/\D/, '').to_i
posts = links[2].text.gsub(/\D/, '').to_i
raise 'Missing stuff' unless avatar && username && likes && comments && posts && type
p "Found user #{username} who is a #{type} with #{likes} likes, #{comments} comments and #{posts} posts"
db.execute "insert into forrsters (username, type, avatar_url, likes, comments, posts) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )", [username, type, avatar, likes, comments, posts]
found_a_forrster = true
username, avatar, posts, likes, type, comments = nil
# Make sure we don't get banned for DOSing
p "Sleeping ..."
sleep 3
page_number += 1
p "Finished"
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