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Install Arch Linux on MD/LUKS/LVM (Including /boot) + AppArmor or SELinux + Stock AwesomeWM
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# ON THIS SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# This script assumes 3 drives (sda sdb and sdc) are present and the
# first 2 are identical in size. The majority of the operating system
# is installed onto a mirror of sda and sdb. Home is installed on sdc.
declare adm_user='o0-o'
# Subnet with ssh access in cidr notation
# If left blank, current ssh connetion is used with /24
declare adm_net= #
# Leave blank to use reverse dns
declare hostname='adm3'
# Values can be selinux apparmor or blank
declare mandatory_access_control='apparmor'
# Example: a mirror for esp (for future use), boot, swap, root and a
# dedicated drive for home
declare -a boot_swap_root_mirror=( '/dev/sda' '/dev/sdb' )
declare home='/dev/sdc'
# PRELIMINARY ##########################################################
set -euo pipefail
setopt +o nomatch
trap -- 'echo "FAIL: ${pipestatus[@]}"' "ERR"
# Interactive password entry
while [ ! "${password-1}" = "${password_confirm-2}" ]; do
printf '%s: ' "Create a password for user ${adm_user}"
read -s password
printf '\n%s: ' 'Retype the password'
read -s password_confirm
print '\n'
unset password_confirm
set -x
timedatectl set-ntp true
# Check SSH connection for adm_net
: ${adm_net:=$( ss --no-header \
--options state established '( sport = :ssh )' |
awk '{print $5}' |
sed --expression 's|[0-9]*:.*|0/24|;q' )}
# Check reverse dns for hostname
: ${hostname:=$( dig -x "$( hostname -i )" +noall +answer |
awk '/\.$/ { print substr($NF, 1, length($NF)-1) }' )}
# RESET STORAGE ########################################################
# Unmount everything but live environment
declare notypes='nooverlay,noproc,nosysfs,nodevtmpfs,notmpfs,noiso9660'
declare notypes="${notypes},nodevpts,nocgroup2"
umount --force --recursive '/mnt' || :
umount --force --all \
--types "${notypes}" || :
# Turn off swap
swapoff --all
# Deactivate all LVM logical volumes
lvchange --yes --activate 'n' \
$( lvs --noheadings --rows --options 'lv_path' ) || :
# Forcefully remove all LVM physical volumes
pvremove --yes --force --force \
$( pvs --noheadings --rows --options 'pv_name' ) || :
# Close all LUKS containers
lsblk --noheadings \
--list \
--output NAME,TYPE |
tac |
grep "crypt$" |
while read -r crypt; do
cryptsetup close "${crypt% *}"
# Remove all md devices
for md in '/dev/md'?*; do
umount --lazy "${md}" || :
echo idle > "/sys/block/${md##*/}/md/sync_action" || :
echo none > "/sys/block/${md##*/}/md/resync_start" || :
mdadm --stop "${md}" || :
mdadm --remove "${md}" || :
lsblk --noheadings \
--list \
--output NAME |
tac |
while read -r dev; do
mdadm --misc --force --zero-superblock "/dev/${dev}" || :
# Clear partitions
for drive in "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}" "${home}"; do
sgdisk --zap-all "${drive}"
# PARTITION ############################################################
# Create partitions for boot mirror, swap mirror and root mirror, create
# both biosboot and esp partitions to keep future options open
for drive in "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"; do
sgdisk --zap-all \
--new '1:0:+1M' \
--typecode '1:ef02' \
--change-name '1:biosboot' \
--partition-guid '1:21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649' \
--new '2:0:+550M' \
--typecode '2:ef00' \
--change-name '2:ESP' \
--new '3:0:+8G' \
--typecode '3:fd00' \
--change-name '3:boot_mirror_part' \
--new '4:0:+4G' \
--typecode '4:fd00' \
--change-name '4:swap_mirror_part' \
--new '5:0:-100M' \
--typecode '5:fd00' \
--change-name '5:root_mirror_part' \
# Create partition for home (luks)
sgdisk --zap-all \
--new '1:0:-100M' \
--typecode '1:8309' \
--change-name '1:home_part' \
# RAID #################################################################
# Create mirror for boot
yes |
mdadm --create \
--force \
--level '1' \
--metadata '1.0' \
--bitmap 'internal' \
--homehost "${hostname%%.*}" \
--raid-devices "${#boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}" \
'/dev/md/boot_mirror' \
"${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]/%/3}" ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
# Create mirror for swap
yes |
mdadm --create \
--force \
--level '1' \
--metadata '1.2' \
--bitmap 'internal' \
--homehost "${hostname%%.*}" \
--raid-devices "${#boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}" \
'/dev/md/swap_mirror' \
"${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]/%/4}" ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
shred --zero --size '20MiB' '/dev/md/swap_mirror'
# Create mirror for root
yes |
mdadm --create \
--force \
--level '1' \
--metadata '1.2' \
--bitmap 'internal' \
--homehost "${hostname%%.*}" \
--raid-devices "${#boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}" \
'/dev/md/root_mirror' \
"${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]/%/5}" ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
# ENCRYPTION ###########################################################
# Prep
for dev in '/dev/md/boot_mirror' '/dev/md/root_mirror' "${home}1"; do
yes 'YES' |
cryptsetup open --type 'plain' \
--key-file '/dev/random' \
"${dev}" \
'container' ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
# Uncomment when you do it for real
# dd if='/dev/zero' \
# of='/dev/mapper/container' \
# bs='1M' \
# status='progress' || : # Exit 1 expected
while ! cryptsetup close 'container'; do; done
# Key file
dd if='/dev/urandom' \
of='luks.key' \
bs='512' \
chmod '600' 'luks.key'
# Boot
yes 'YES' |
cryptsetup luksFormat --type 'luks1' \
--key-file 'luks.key' \
'/dev/md/boot_mirror' ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
cryptsetup open --key-file 'luks.key' \
'/dev/md/boot_mirror' \
# Root
yes 'YES' |
cryptsetup luksFormat --key-file 'luks.key' \
'/dev/md/root_mirror' ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
cryptsetup open --key-file 'luks.key' \
'/dev/md/root_mirror' \
# Home
yes 'YES' |
cryptsetup luksFormat --key-file 'luks.key' \
"${home}1" ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
cryptsetup open --key-file 'luks.key' \
"${home}1" \
# LVM ##################################################################
# Boot
pvcreate --yes \
--force --force \
vgcreate 'boot_vg' \
lvcreate --size '4G' \
--name 'boot_lv' \
--addtag 'os' \
# Root
pvcreate --yes \
--force --force \
vgcreate 'root_vg' \
lvcreate --size '24G' \
--name 'root_lv' \
--addtag 'os' \
# Var
lvcreate --size '16G' \
--name 'var_lv' \
--addtag 'os' \
# Log
lvcreate --size '8G' \
--name 'var_log_lv' \
--addtag 'log' \
# Home
pvcreate --yes \
--force --force \
vgcreate 'home_vg' \
lvcreate --extents '67%FREE' \
--name 'home_lv' \
--addtag 'local' \
--addtag 'user' \
# FILE SYSTEMS #########################################################
for drive in "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"; do
mkfs.vfat -F '32' \
-n 'ESP' \
# Boot
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L 'boot' \
# Root
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L 'root' \
# Var
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L 'var' \
# Log
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L 'var_log' \
# Home
mkfs.ext4 -FF -L 'home' \
# Chroot mount
mount '/dev/mapper/root_vg-root_lv' '/mnt'
mkdir '/mnt/boot'
mount --options 'rw,relatime,nodev,nosuid' \
'/dev/mapper/boot_vg-boot_lv' '/mnt/boot'
mkdir '/mnt/var'
mount --options 'rw,relatime,nodev' \
'/dev/mapper/root_vg-var_lv' '/mnt/var'
mkdir '/mnt/var/log'
mount --options 'rw,relatime,nodev,nosuid,noexec' \
'/dev/mapper/root_vg-var_log_lv' '/mnt/var/log'
mkdir '/mnt/home'
mount --options 'rw,relatime,nodev,nosuid' \
'/dev/mapper/home_vg-home_lv' '/mnt/home'
# MINIMAL OS INSTALL/CONFIG ############################################
# Install the base OS
declare pacs=( 'base' 'base-devel'
'linux-hardened' 'linux-firmware'
'grub' 'mkinitcpio'
'mdadm' 'lvm2' )
grep --quiet "GenuineIntel" \
'/proc/cpuinfo' &&
pacs+=( 'intel-ucode' ) || :
pacstrap '/mnt' "${pacs[@]-}"
# Configure mdadm
mdadm --detail \
--scan >> '/mnt/etc/mdadm.conf'
printf 'MAILADDR root\n' >> '/mnt/etc/mdadm.conf'
# Configure luks
# Transfer keys to chroot
cp --archive 'luks.key' '/mnt/etc/'
# Add swap and home to crypttab
printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' \
'swap' \
"$( find -L '/dev/disk' \
-samefile '/dev/md/swap_mirror' |
head --lines '1' )" \
'/dev/urandom' \
'swap,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256' \
'home_luks' \
"UUID=$( blkid --match-tag 'UUID' --output 'value' "${home}1" )" \
'/etc/luks.key' \
'luks,discard' >> '/mnt/etc/crypttab'
# Add boot and root to initramfs
printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' \
'boot_luks' \
"UUID=$( blkid --match-tag 'UUID' \
--output 'value' \
'/dev/md/boot_mirror' )" \
'/etc/luks.key' \
'luks,discard' \
'root_luks' \
"UUID=$( blkid --match-tag 'UUID' \
--output 'value' \
'/dev/md/root_mirror' )" \
'/etc/luks.key' \
'luks,discard' >> '/mnt/etc/crypttab.initramfs'
# Configure fstab
genfstab '/mnt' >> '/mnt/etc/fstab'
# Swap is re-encrypted each boot via crypttab
printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' \
'/dev/mapper/swap' \
'none' \
'swap' \
'defaults' \
'0' \
'0' >> '/mnt/etc/fstab'
# Time
arch-chroot '/mnt' hwclock --systohc
arch-chroot '/mnt' ln --symbolic \
--force \
'/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York' \
# Locale
sed --in-place \
--expression '/#en_US.UTF-8/ s/^#//' \
printf 'LANG=%s.%s' \
'en_US' \
'UTF-8' > '/mnt/etc/locale.conf'
printf 'KEYMAP=%s' \
'us' > '/mnt/etc/vconsole.conf'
arch-chroot '/mnt' locale-gen
# Network
cp --archive \
'/etc/systemd/network/'* \
# Hostname
printf '%s' "${hostname}" > '/mnt/etc/hostname'
printf '%s\t%s' \
'' \
"${hostname}" >> '/mnt/etc/hosts'
install --mode '700' \
--directory '/mnt/etc/skel/.gnupg'
printf 'keyserver hkps://\n' >\
cp '/mnt/etc/skel/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf' \
# Create temporary user for AUR/makepkg
sed --in-place \
--expression '/^#\{,1\}MAKEFLAGS/ s/.*/MAKEFLAGS="-j'"$(nproc)"'"/p' \
declare maker="z$( uuidgen | cut --delimiter '-' --fields '1' )"
declare maker_home="/home/${maker}"
arch-chroot '/mnt' useradd --create-home \
--user-group \
--shell '/bin/sh' \
# Create a simple script to install AURs
pacstrap '/mnt' git
declare aur_installer="${maker_home}/"
printf '%s\n' \
'#!/usr/bin/env bash' \
'set -euxo pipefail' \
'git clone "${1}.git" \' \
' "${HOME}/${1}"' \
'cd "${HOME}/${1}"' \
'makepkg --noconfirm --syncdeps --needed --clean --install --skippgpcheck' \
'cd "../"' \
'rm --force --recursive "${HOME}/${1}"' >\
chmod '+x' "/mnt${aur_installer}"
declare -a first_boot_early=()
declare -a first_boot_late=()
# USER #################################################################
# Sudo
printf '%s\n' '%adm ALL=(ALL) ALL' > '/mnt/etc/sudoers.d/adm'
# Prevent password being printed in trace
set +x
# Create admin user
arch-chroot '/mnt' useradd --create-home \
--user-group \
--groups 'adm,systemd-journal' \
--shell '/bin/sh' \
--password $(openssl passwd -crypt "${password}") \
# Add password to luks
yes "${password}" |
arch-chroot '/mnt' cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-file '/etc/luks.key' \
'/dev/md/boot_mirror' ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
yes "${password}" |
arch-chroot '/mnt' cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-file '/etc/luks.key' \
'/dev/md/root_mirror' ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
yes "${password}" |
arch-chroot '/mnt' cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-file '/etc/luks.key' \
"${home}1" ||
[ "${pipestatus[2]}" = 0 ]
# Re-enable trace
set -x
# HARDENING ############################################################
# What to install
declare -a pacs=( 'firewalld' )
declare -a keys=()
declare -a aurs=()
# Install SELinux
[ "${mandatory_access_control-}" = 'selinux' ] &&
{ aurs+=( 'aide-selinux' )
printf '%s\n' \
"${maker} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >\
printf '%s\n' \
'#!/usr/bin/env bash' \
'set -euxo pipefail' \
'sed --expression '"'"'/^BUILDENV/ s/check/!check/'"'"' \' \
' "/etc/makepkg.conf" >\' \
' "${HOME}/.makepkg.conf"' \
'sudo pacman --sync --noconfirm git devtools' \
'git clone "" \' \
' "${HOME}/selinux"' \
'cd "${HOME}/selinux"' \
'./' \
'./' \
'cd "../"' \
'rm --force \' \
' --recursive "${HOME}/selinux"' \
'rm "${HOME}/.makepkg.conf"' >\
chmod '+x' "/mnt${maker_home}/"
declare gcl="${gcl-}security=selinux selinux=1 "
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "${maker_home}/"
arch-chroot '/mnt' semanage login --add \
--seuser 'staff_u' \
sed --in-place \
--expression 's/ALL$/TYPE=sysadm_t ROLE=sysadm_r ALL/' \
rm "/mnt${maker_home}/"
first_boot_early+=( '/usr/bin/restorecon -v -r /' )
} ||
[ ! "${mandatory_access_control-}" = 'selinux' ]
# Or Install App Armor
[ "${mandatory_access_control-}" = 'apparmor' ] &&
{ pacs+=( 'apparmor' )
declare gcl="${gcl-}apparmor=1 lsm=lockdown,yama,apparmor "
} ||
[ ! "${mandatory_access_control-}" = 'apparmor' ]
printf '%s' "${aurs[@]}" |
fgrep 'aide-selinux' ||
{ aurs+=( 'aide' )
keys+=( '18EE86386022EF57' )
declare aide_db='/var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz'
declare aide_db_new='/var/lib/aide/'
first_boot_early+=( '/usr/bin/aide --verbose --init'
"/usr/bin/mv ${aide_db_new} ${aide_db}" )
# Install pacman packages
pacstrap '/mnt' ${pacs[@]-}
# Install AUR packages
printf '%s %s\n' \
"${maker} ALL=(ALL)" \
'NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/makepkg, /usr/bin/pacman' >\
for key in ${keys[@]}; do
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "gpg --recv-keys ${key}"
for aur_pkg in "${aurs[@]}"; do
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "${aur_installer} ${aur_pkg}"
# Firewall
# Manually configuring nftables is too much work :(
declare zone='default_gateway'
declare gw_if="$( ip route show default |
sed --expression 's/^.*dev \([[:alnum:]]*\).*$/\1/' )"
first_boot_late+=( 'firewall-cmd --permanent \'
" --new-zone '${zone}' \\"
' --set-short "Default Gateway" \'
' --set-target "DROP"'
'ip -brief link |'
'cut --delimiter " " \'
' --fields "1" |'
'grep --invert-match "^lo" |'
'while read -r iface; do'
' firewall-cmd --permanent \'
' --zone "drop" \'
' --add-interface "${iface}"'
'firewall-cmd --permanent \'
' --zone "drop" \'
" --remove-interface '${gw_if}'"
'firewall-cmd --permanent \'
" --zone '${zone}' \\"
' --add-rich-rule "rule \'
' family=ipv4 \'
' source \'
" address=${adm_net} \\"
' service \'
' name=ssh \'
' accept" \'
' --add-rich-rule "rule \'
' family=ipv4 \'
' source \'
" address=${adm_net} \\"
' icmp-type \'
' name=echo-request \'
' accept"'
'firewall-cmd --permanent \'
" --zone '${zone}' \\"
" --add-interface '${gw_if}'"
'firewall-cmd --set-default-zone "drop"'
'firewall-cmd --reload' )
# ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE ##################################################
# What to install
declare -a pacs=( 'linux-lts' 'man-db' 'pkgfile'
'perl' 'tcl' 'expect' 'python3' 'ruby'
'go' 'jre-openjdk-headless'
'postfix' 'smartmontools'
'dmidecode' 'ipmitool' 'strace'
'zsh' 'tmux' 'neovim' )
declare -a keys=( '3FEF9748469ADBE15DA7CA80AC2D62742012EA22' ) #1password
declare -a aurs=( 'yay' '1password-cli' )
# Install pacman packages
pacstrap '/mnt' ${pacs[@]-}
# Boot into linux-hardened by default
sed --in-place \
--expression '/GRUB_DEFAULT=/ s/=.*/=2/' \
# Install AUR packages
printf '%s %s\n' \
"${maker} ALL=(ALL)" \
'NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/makepkg, /usr/bin/pacman' >\
for key in ${keys[@]}; do
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "gpg --recv-keys ${key}"
for aur_pkg in "${aurs[@]}"; do
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "${aur_installer} ${aur_pkg}"
# Update package search data
arch-chroot '/mnt' yay --files --refresh
arch-chroot '/mnt' pkgfile --update
# Update sysadmin
arch-chroot '/mnt' usermod --shell '/bin/zsh' \
sed --in-place \
--expression '/#root:[[:space:]]*you/ a\
root:\t\t'"${adm_user}" \
arch-chroot '/mnt' newaliases
# Configure smartd short test between 1-2AM daily and long test between
# 3-4AM Saturdays on all SMART-enabled drives
printf '%s (%s) - %s\n' \
'DEVICESCAN -a -o on -S on -n standby,q -s' \
'S/../.././01|L/../../6/03' \
'-W 4,35,40 -m root' >>\
# ANTIVIRUS ############################################################
pacstrap '/mnt' clamav
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "${aur_installer} python-fangfrisch"
arch-chroot '/mnt' freshclam
arch-chroot '/mnt' sudo --user 'clamav' \
fangfrisch initdb --conf '/etc/fangfrisch/fangfrisch.conf'
declare ALERT_CMD='{ echo "Subject: $(hostname -f) '
declare ALERT_CMD="${ALERT_CMD}"'log show --predicate '
declare ALERT_CMD="${ALERT_CMD}'"'(process == "clamd")'"' "
declare ALERT_CMD="${ALERT_CMD}"'--info --last 1m '
declare ALERT_CMD="${ALERT_CMD}"'--style syslog; } | '
declare ALERT_CMD="${ALERT_CMD}"'/usr/sbin/sendmail -F clamd root'
sed --in-place \
--expression '/^Example/ s/^/#/' \
--expression '/^#LogSyslog/ s/^#//' \
--expression '/^#LocalSocket[[:space:]]/ s/^#//' \
--expression '/^#LocalSocketMode/ s/^#//' \
--expression '/^#ExcludePath/ s/^#//' \
--expression '/^# Default: scan all/ a\
ExcludePath ^/dev/' \
--expression 's/^#\(MaxDirectoryRecursion\).*/\1 0/' \
--expression 's@^#\(VirusEvent\).*$@\1 '"${ALERT_CMD}"'@' \
--expression '/^#ExitonOOM/ s/^#//' \
printf '%s\n' \
'[Unit]' \
'Description=Weekly Virus Scan' \
'Requires=clamav-clamdscan.service' \
'' \
'[Timer]' \
'OnCalendar=weekly' \
'Unit=clamav-clamdscan.service' \
'RandomizedDelaySec=60m' \
'Persistent=true' \
'' \
'[Install]' \
'' >\
printf '%s\n' \
'[Unit]' \
'Description=Virus Scan' \
'' \
'[Service]' \
'Type=simple' \
'ExecStart=/usr/bin/clamdscan --multiscan /' \
'' \
'[Install]' \
'' >\
# DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT ##################################################
# This is proof-of-concept only at this point and will need much more
# work to be a functional desktop environment.
# What to install
declare -a pacs=( 'xorg-server' 'xorg-xinit' 'xorg-xrandr'
'awesome' 'neofetch'
'alacritty' 'vlc' 'nautilus' 'sushi' 'remmina' )
arch-chroot '/mnt' command -v ssh >/dev/null || pacs+=( 'openssh' )
#selinux installs conflicting openssh package
declare -a keys=( )
declare -a aurs=( 'nerd-fonts-meslo'
'ipmiview' 'brave-bin' 'firefox-esr-bin' )
# Install pacman packages
pacstrap '/mnt' "${pacs[@]-}"
# Install AUR packages
printf '%s %s\n' \
"${maker} ALL=(ALL)" \
'NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/makepkg, /usr/bin/pacman' >\
for key in ${keys[@]-}; do
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "gpg --recv-keys ${key}"
for aur_pkg in "${aurs[@]}"; do
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "${aur_installer} ${aur_pkg}"
# Enable unprivileged user namespace for browser sandboxing
printf 'kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1' >\
# Configure Awesome
sed --expression '/^twm/ { s/^.*$/exec awesome/; q; }' \
'/mnt/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc' >\
arch-chroot '/mnt' chown "${adm_user}" "/home/${adm_user}/.xinitrc"
declare awe_cfg="/home/${adm_user}/.config/awesome"
arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${adm_user}" --command "mkdir --parents '${awe_cfg}'"
# SERVICES #############################################################
# First boot scripts
# Early (before network)
printf '%s\n' \
'#!/usr/bin/env bash' \
'set -euxo pipefail' \
"export PATH='/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin'" \
"${first_boot_early[@]-}" \
'/usr/bin/systemctl disable first-boot-early.service' \
'/usr/bin/rm /etc/systemd/system/first-boot-early.service' \
'/usr/bin/rm ${0}' >>\
chmod '+x' '/mnt/usr/local/bin/first-boot-early'
printf '%s\n' \
'[Unit]' \
'Description=First Boot Early Configuration' \
'' \
'' \
'[Service]' \
'Type=oneshot' \
'ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/first-boot-early' \
'TimeoutSec=600' \
'StandardOutput=journal+console' \
'StandardError=journal+console' \
'' \
'[Install]' \
'' >\
# Late (after firewalld)
printf '%s\n' \
'#!/usr/bin/env bash' \
'set -euxo pipefail' \
"export PATH='/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin'" \
"${first_boot_late[@]-}" \
'/usr/bin/systemctl disable first-boot-late.service' \
'/usr/bin/rm /etc/systemd/system/first-boot-late.service' \
'/usr/bin/rm ${0}' >>\
chmod '+x' '/mnt/usr/local/bin/first-boot-late'
printf '%s\n' \
'[Unit]' \
'Description=First Boot Late Configuration' \
'After=firewalld.service' \
'' \
'[Service]' \
'Type=oneshot' \
'ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/first-boot-late' \
'StandardOutput=journal+console' \
'StandardError=journal+console' \
'' \
'[Install]' \
'' >\
# Allow some enable to fail in case you've commented out a section above
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable first-boot-early.service
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable first-boot-late.service
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable apparmor.service || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable firewalld.service || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable sshd || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable postfix.service || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable smartd.service || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable clamav-freshclam.service || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable clamav-daemon.service || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable fangfrisch.timer || :
arch-chroot '/mnt' systemctl enable clamav-clamdscan.timer || :
# BOOTLOADER AND INIT ##################################################
# mkinitcpio
declare files='/etc/luks.key'
declare hooks='base systemd autodetect keyboard sd-vconsole modconf block'
declare hooks="${hooks} mdadm_udev sd-encrypt sd-lvm2 filesystems fsck"
sed --in-place \
--expression '/^FILES/ s|(.*)$|('"${files}"')|' \
--expression '/^HOOKS/ s/(.*)$/('"${hooks}"')/' \
--expression '/^#COMPRESSION="zstd"/ a\
arch-chroot '/mnt' mkinitcpio --allpresets
# dracut
# dracut wasn't functional for me, will try again in the future
#pacstrap '/mnt' dracut
#arch-chroot '/mnt' su "${maker}" --command "${aur_installer} dracut-hooks"
#printf '%s\n' 'hostonly="yes"' \
# 'compress="cat"' \
# 'hostonly_cmdline="yes"' >\
# '/mnt/etc/dracut.conf.d/00-default.conf'
#printf '%s\n' 'install_items+="/etc/luks.key"' >\
# '/mnt/etc/dracut.conf.d/10-luks.conf'
#reinstall kernels will regenerate initramfs
#pacstrap '/mnt' linux-hardened linux-lts
# Grub
declare gcl="${gcl-}audit=1 "
declare gcl="${gcl-}loglevel=3 "
declare gcl="${gcl-}quiet"
sed --in-place \
--expression '/GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=/ s/^#//' \
--expression '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/ s|".*"$|"'"${gcl}"'"|' \
printf '%s\n' 'GRUB_DISABLE_SUBMENU=y' >>\
# Install
for dev in "${boot_swap_root_mirror[@]}"; do
arch-chroot '/mnt' grub-install --target 'i386-pc' \
# Set Password
printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s' \
"echo 'menuentry_id_option=\"--unrestricted \$menuentry_id_option\"'" \
"echo 'export menuentry_id_option'" \
"echo 'set superusers=\"${adm_user}\"'" \
"echo 'password_pbkdf2 ${adm_user} " >\
set +x
arch-chroot '/mnt' su --command 'yes "'"${password}"'" |
grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2' |
tail --lines '1' |
awk '{print $NF "'\''"}' >>\
set -x
chmod '0700' '/mnt/etc/grub.d/01_users'
# Generate config
arch-chroot '/mnt' grub-mkconfig --output '/boot/grub/grub.cfg'
## CLEAN UP ############################################################
# Delete temporary AUR/makepkg user
arch-chroot '/mnt' userdel --force \
--remove \
rm '/mnt/etc/sudoers.d/maker' || :
## SNAPSHOT ############################################################
# Take a pre-boot snapshot of the OS
declare snap_time="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")"
lvs --noheadings \
--option 'lv_path' \
'@os' |
while read -r lv; do
declare size="$( df --block-size='1K' \
--exclude-type='tmpfs' \
--exclude-type='devtmpfs' \
--output='source,used' |
tail --lines '+2' |
fgrep $( lvs --noheadings \
--option 'vg_name,lvname' \
--separator '-' \
"${lv}" ) |
awk '{ print $2 }' )K"
lvcreate --snapshot \
--name "${lv##*/}_${snap_time}" \
--size "${size}" \
--addtag "${snap_time}" \
--addtag "$(uname -r)" \
## RECOVER #############################################################
# Copy this if you reboot into the installer and want to recover the OS
# It should do nothing in the context of this script
mount |
grep --quiet '/mnt' ||
{ declare home='/dev/sdc' &&
cryptsetup open /dev/md/*root_mirror \
'root_luks' &&
sleep '1' &&
lvscan --all &&
mount '/dev/root_vg/root_lv' '/mnt' &&
mount '/dev/root_vg/var_lv' '/mnt/var' &&
mount '/dev/root_vg/var_log_lv' '/mnt/var/log' &&
cryptsetup open --key-file '/mnt/etc/luks.key' \
'/dev/md/'*'boot_mirror' \
'boot_luks' &&
cryptsetup open --key-file '/mnt/etc/luks.key' \
"${home}1" \
'home_luks' &&
lvscan --all &&
mount '/dev/boot_vg/boot_lv' '/mnt/boot' &&
mount '/dev/home_vg/home_lv' '/mnt/home'
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o0-o commented Dec 3, 2020

AppArmor is now selectable via the mandatory_access_control variable at the top of the script.

PGP checks are disabled until the key in the aide package in the AUR is fixed.

Firewall, antivirus and several other things have been added.

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