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Created September 6, 2019 02:31
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Secret Brutal Code
// r.js
// imports
import {CODE,BROWSER_SIDE} from './common.js';
import {S} from './ssr.js';
import T from './types.js';
// backwards compatible alias
const skip = markup;
const attrskip = attrmarkup;
// constants
BROWSER_SIDE && (self.onerror = (...v) => (console.log(v, v[0]+'', v[4] && v[4].message, v[4] && v[4].stack), true));
const DEBUG = false;
const NULLFUNC = () => void 0;
const KEYMATCH = /(?:<!\-\-)?(key\d+)(?:\-\->)?/gm;
const ATTRMATCH = /\w+=/;
const KEYLEN = 20;
const OURPROPS = 'code,externals,nodes,to,update,v';
const XSS = () => `Possible XSS / object forgery attack detected. ` +
`Object code could not be verified.`;
const OBJ = () => `Object values not allowed here.`;
const UNSET = () => `Unset values not allowed here.`;
const INSERT = () => `Error inserting template into DOM. ` +
`Position must be one of: ` +
`replace, beforeBegin, afterBegin, beforeEnd, innerHTML, afterEnd`;
const NOTFOUND = loc => `Error inserting template into DOM. ` +
`Location ${loc} was not found in the document.`;
const MOVE = new class {
beforeEnd (frag,elem) { elem.appendChild(frag) }
beforeBegin (frag,elem) { elem.parentNode.insertBefore(frag,elem) }
afterEnd (frag,elem) { elem.parentNode.insertBefore(frag,elem.nextSibling) }
replace (frag,elem) { elem.parentNode.replaceChild(frag,elem) }
afterBegin (frag,elem) { elem.insertBefore(frag,elem.firstChild) }
innerHTML (frag,elem) { elem.innerHTML = ''; elem.appendChild(frag) }
// type functions
const isKey = v => T.check(T`Key`, v);
const isHandlers = v => T.check(T`Handlers`, v);
// cache
const cache = {};
export const $ = R;
// main exports
} else {
Object.assign(R,{markup:S.markup, skip:S.markup});
Object.assign(self, {R,T,X,$});
export function R(p,...v) {
return brutal(p,v);
export function X(p,...v) {
return brutal(p,v,{useCache:false});
// main function (TODO: should we refactor?)
function brutal(p,v,{useCache:useCache=true}={}) {
if ( ! BROWSER_SIDE ) return S(p,...v);
let instanceKey, cacheKey;
v =;
if ( useCache ) {
({key:instanceKey} = (v.find(isKey) || {}));
cacheKey = p.join('<link rel=join>');
const {cached,firstCall} = isCached(cacheKey,v,instanceKey);
if ( ! firstCall ) {
return cached;
// compile the template into an updater
p = [...p];
const vmap = {};
const V =;
const externals = [];
let str = '';
while( p.length > 1 ) str += p.shift() + V.shift();
str += p.shift();
const frag = toDOM(str);
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(frag, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL);
do {
} while(walker.nextNode())
const retVal = {externals,v:Object.values(vmap),to,
if ( useCache ) {
if ( !! instanceKey ) {
cache[cacheKey].instances[instanceKey] = retVal;
} else {
cache[cacheKey] = retVal;
return retVal;
// to function
function to(location, options) {
const position = options || 'replace';
const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
this.nodes.forEach(n => frag.appendChild(n));
const elem = T.check(T`>Node`, location) ? location : document.querySelector(location);
try {
} catch(e) {
switch(e.constructor && {
case "DOMException": die({error: INSERT()},e);
case "TypeError": die({error: NOTFOUND(location)},e);
default: throw e;
while(this.externals.length) {
// update functions
function makeUpdaters({walker,vmap,externals}) {
const node = walker.currentNode;
switch( node.nodeType ) {
handleElement({node,vmap,externals}); break;
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
handleNode({node,vmap,externals}); break;
function handleNode({node,vmap,externals}) {
const lengths = [];
const text = node.nodeValue;
let result;
while( result = KEYMATCH.exec(text) ) {
const {index} = result;
const key = result[1];
const val = vmap[key];
const replacer = makeNodeUpdater({node,index,lengths,val});
externals.push(() => replacer(val.val));
val.replacers.push( replacer );
// node functions
function makeNodeUpdater(nodeState) {
const {node} = nodeState;
const scope = Object.assign({}, nodeState, {
oldVal: {length: KEYLEN},
oldNodes: [node],
lastAnchor: node,
return (newVal) => {
if ( scope.oldVal == newVal ) return;
scope.val.val = newVal;
switch(getType(newVal)) {
case "markupobject":
case "brutalobject":
handleMarkupInNode(newVal, scope); break;
handleTextInNode(newVal, scope); break;
function handleMarkupInNode(newVal, state) {
let {oldNodes,lastAnchor} = state;
if ( !! newVal.nodes.length ) {
Array.from(newVal.nodes).reverse().forEach(n => {
state.lastAnchor = lastAnchor.nextSibling;
state.lastAnchor = newVal.nodes[0];
} else {
const placeholderNode = summonPlaceholder(lastAnchor);
state.lastAnchor = placeholderNode;
// MARK: Unbond event might be relevant here.
const dn = diffNodes(oldNodes,newVal.nodes);
if ( dn.size ) {
const f = document.createDocumentFragment();
dn.forEach(n => f.appendChild(n));
state.oldNodes = newVal.nodes || [lastAnchor];
while ( newVal.externals.length ) {
const func = newVal.externals.shift();
function handleTextInNode(newVal, state) {
let {oldVal, index, val, lengths, node} = state;
const valIndex =;
const originalLengthBefore = Object.keys(lengths.slice(0,valIndex)).length*KEYLEN;
const lengthBefore = lengths.slice(0,valIndex).reduce((sum,x) => sum + x, 0);
const value = node.nodeValue;
lengths[valIndex] = newVal.length;
const correction = lengthBefore-originalLengthBefore;
const before = value.slice(0,index+correction);
const after = value.slice(index+correction+oldVal.length);
const newValue = before + newVal + after;
node.nodeValue = newValue;
state.oldVal = newVal;
// element attribute functions
function handleElement({node,vmap,externals} = {}) {
getAttributes(node).forEach(({name,value} = {}) => {
const attrState = {node, vmap, externals, name, lengths: []};
let result;
while( result = KEYMATCH.exec(name) ) prepareAttributeUpdater(result, attrState, {updateName:true});
while( result = KEYMATCH.exec(value) ) prepareAttributeUpdater(result, attrState, {updateName:false});
function prepareAttributeUpdater(result, attrState, {updateName}) {
const {index, input} = result;
const scope = Object.assign({}, attrState, {
index, input, updateName,
val: attrState.vmap[result[1]],
oldVal: {length: KEYLEN},
let replacer;
if ( updateName ) {
replacer = makeAttributeNameUpdater(scope);
} else {
replacer = makeAttributeValueUpdater(scope);
scope.externals.push(() => replacer(scope.val.val));
scope.val.replacers.push( replacer );
// FIXME: needs to support multiple replacements just like value
// QUESTION: why is the variable oldName so required here, why can't we call it oldVal?
// if we do it breaks, WHY?
function makeAttributeNameUpdater(scope) {
let {oldName,updateName,node,input,index,name,val,externals,lengths,oldLengths} = scope;
return (newVal) => {
if ( oldName == newVal ) return;
val.val = newVal;
const attr = node.hasAttribute(oldName) ? oldName : ''
if ( attr !== newVal ) {
if ( !! attr ) {
node[oldName] = undefined;
if ( !! newVal ) {
newVal = newVal.trim();
let result;
let name = newVal, value = undefined;
if( ATTRMATCH.test(newVal) ) {
const assignmentIndex = newVal.indexOf('=');
([name,value] = [newVal.slice(0,assignmentIndex), newVal.slice(assignmentIndex+1)]);
reliablySetAttribute(node, name, value);
oldName = newVal;
function makeAttributeValueUpdater(scope) {
return (newVal) => {
if ( scope.oldVal == newVal ) return;
scope.val.val = newVal;
switch(getType(newVal)) {
case "funcarray": updateAttrWithFuncarrayValue(newVal, scope); break;
case "function": updateAttrWithFunctionValue(newVal, scope); break;
case "handlers": updateAttrWithHandlersValue(newVal, scope); break;
case "markupobject":
case "brutalobject":
newVal = nodesToStr(newVal.nodes);
updateAttrWithTextValue(newVal, scope); break;
case "markupattrobject": // deliberate fall through
newVal = newVal.str;
updateAttrWithTextValue(newVal, scope); break;
// helpers
function getAttributes(node) {
if ( ! node.hasAttribute ) return [];
// for parity with classList.add (which trims whitespace)
// otherwise once the classList manipulation happens
// our indexes for replacement will be off
if ( node.hasAttribute('class') ) {
node.setAttribute('class', formatClassListValue(node.getAttribute('class')));
if ( !! node.attributes && Number.isInteger(node.attributes.length) ) return Array.from(node.attributes);
const attrs = [];
for ( const name of node ) {
if ( node.hasAttribute(name) ) {
attrs.push({name, value:node.getAttribute(name)});
return attrs;
function updateAttrWithFunctionValue(newVal, scope) {
let {oldVal,updateName,node,input,index,name,val,externals,lengths,oldLengths} = scope;
if ( name !== 'bond' ) {
if ( !! oldVal ) {
node.removeEventListener(name, oldVal);
node.addEventListener(name, newVal);
} else {
if ( !! oldVal ) {
const index = externals.indexOf(oldVal);
if ( index >= 0 ) {
externals.push(() => newVal(node));
scope.oldVal = newVal;
function updateAttrWithFuncarrayValue(newVal, scope) {
let {oldVal,updateName,node,input,index,name,val,externals,lengths,oldLengths} = scope;
if ( !! oldVal && ! Array.isArray(oldVal) ) {
oldVal = [oldVal];
if ( name !== 'bond' ) {
if ( !! oldVal ) {
oldVal.forEach(of => node.removeEventListener(name, of));
newVal.forEach(f => node.addEventListener(name, f));
} else {
if ( !! oldVal ) {
oldVal.forEach(of => {
const index = externals.indexOf(of);
if ( index >= 0 ) {
newVal.forEach(f => externals.push(() => f(node)));
scope.oldVal = newVal;
function updateAttrWithHandlersValue(newVal, scope) {
let {oldVal,updateName,node,input,index,name,val,externals,lengths,oldLengths} = scope;
// Add a remove for oldVal handlers object, to remove the handlers in oldVal
Object.entries(newVal).forEach(([eventName,funcVal]) => {
if ( eventName !== 'bond' ) {
node.addEventListener(eventName, funcVal);
} else {
externals.push(() => funcVal(node));
scope.oldVal = newVal;
function updateAttrWithTextValue(newVal, scope) {
let {oldVal,updateName,node,input,index,name,val,externals,lengths,oldLengths} = scope;
let zeroWidthCorrection = 0;
const valIndex =;
const originalLengthBefore = Object.keys(lengths.slice(0,valIndex)).length*KEYLEN;
// we need to trim newVal to have parity with classlist add
// the reason we have zeroWidthCorrection = -1
// is because the classList is a set of non-zero width tokens
// separated by spaces
// when we have a zero width token, we have two adjacent spaces
// which, by virtue of our other requirement, gets replaced by a single space
// effectively elliding out our replacement location
// in order to keep our replacement location in tact
// we need to compensate for the loss of a token slot (effectively a token + a space)
// and having a -1 correction effectively does this.
if ( name == "class" ) {
newVal = newVal.trim();
if ( newVal.length == 0 ) {
zeroWidthCorrection = -1;
scope.val.val = newVal;
lengths[valIndex] = newVal.length + zeroWidthCorrection;
let attr = node.getAttribute(name);
const lengthBefore = lengths.slice(0,valIndex).reduce((sum,x) => sum + x, 0);
const correction = lengthBefore-originalLengthBefore;
const before = attr.slice(0,index+correction);
const after = attr.slice(index+correction+oldVal.length);
let newAttrValue;
if ( name == "class" ) {
const spacer = oldVal.length == 0 ? ' ' : '';
newAttrValue = before + spacer + newVal + spacer + after;
} else {
newAttrValue = before + newVal + after;
DEBUG && console.log(JSON.stringify({
}, null, 2));
reliablySetAttribute(node, name, newAttrValue);
scope.oldVal = newVal;
function reliablySetAttribute(node, name, value ) {
if ( name == "class" ) {
value = formatClassListValue(value);
try {
node[name] = value == undefined ? true : value;
} catch(e) {}
function getType(val) {
const type = T.check(T`Function`, val) ? 'function' :
T.check(T`Handlers`, val) ? 'handlers' :
T.check(T`BrutalObject`, val) ? 'brutalobject' :
T.check(T`MarkupObject`, val) ? 'markupobject' :
T.check(T`MarkupAttrObject`, val) ? 'markupattrobject' :
T.check(T`FuncArray`, val) ? 'funcarray' : 'default';
return type;
function summonPlaceholder(sibling) {
let ph = [...sibling.parentNode.childNodes].find(
node => node.nodeType == Node.COMMENT_NODE && node.nodeValue == 'brutal-placeholder' );
if ( ! ph ) {
ph = toDOM(`<!--brutal-placeholder-->`).firstChild;
return ph;
// cache helpers
// FIXME: function needs refactor
function isCached(cacheKey,v,instanceKey) {
let firstCall;
let cached = cache[cacheKey];
if ( cached == undefined ) {
cached = cache[cacheKey] = {};
if ( !! instanceKey ) {
cached.instances = {};
cached = cached.instances[instanceKey] = {};
firstCall = true;
} else {
if ( !! instanceKey ) {
if ( ! cached.instances ) {
cached.instances = {};
firstCall = true;
} else {
cached = cached.instances[instanceKey];
if ( ! cached ) {
firstCall = true;
} else {
firstCall = false;
} else {
firstCall = false;
return {cached,firstCall};
// Markup helpers
// Returns an object that Brutal treats as markup,
// even tho it is NOT a Brutal Object (defined with R/X/$)
// And even tho it is in the location of a template value replacement
// Which would normally be the treated as String
function markup(str) {
str = T.check(T`None`, str) ? '' : str;
const frag = toDOM(str);
const retVal = {
type: 'MarkupObject',
externals: []
return retVal;
// Returns an object that Brutal treats, again, as markup
// But this time markup that is OKAY to have within a quoted attribute
function attrmarkup(str) {
str = T.check(T`None`, str) ? '' : str;
str = str.replace(/"/g,'&quot;');
const retVal = {
type: 'MarkupAttrObject',
code: CODE,
return retVal;
function guardEmptyHandlers(val) {
if ( Array.isArray(val) ) {
if ( val.length == 0 ) {
return [NULLFUNC]
return val;
} else {
if ( T.check(T`None`, val) ) {
return NULLFUNC;
// other helpers
function formatClassListValue(value) {
value = value.trim();
value = value.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
return value;
function replaceValWithKeyAndOmitInstanceKey(vmap) {
return (val,vi) => {
// omit instance key
if ( T.check(T`Key`, val) ) {
return '';
const key = ('key'+Math.random()).replace('.','').padEnd(KEYLEN,'0').slice(0,KEYLEN);
let k = key;
if ( T.check(T`BrutalObject`, val) || T.check(T`MarkupObject`, val) ) {
k = `<!--${k}-->`;
vmap[key.trim()] = {vi,val,replacers:[]};
return k;
function toDOM(str) {
const f = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(
return f;
function guardAndTransformVal(v) {
const isFunc = T.check(T`Function`, v);
const isUnset = T.check(T`None`, v);
const isObject = T.check(T`Object`, v);
const isBrutalArray = T.check(T`BrutalArray`, v);
const isFuncArray = T.check(T`FuncArray`, v);
const isMarkupObject = T.check(T`MarkupObject`, v);
const isMarkupAttrObject= T.check(T`MarkupAttrObject`, v);
const isBrutal = T.check(T`BrutalObject`, v);
const isForgery = T.check(T`BrutalLikeObject`, v) && !isBrutal;
if ( isFunc ) return v;
if ( isBrutal ) return v;
if ( isKey(v) ) return v;
if ( isHandlers(v) ) return v;
if ( isBrutalArray ) return join(v);
if ( isFuncArray ) return v;
if ( isMarkupObject ) return v;
if ( isMarkupAttrObject)return v;
if ( isUnset ) die({error: UNSET()});
if ( isForgery ) die({error: XSS()});
if ( isObject ) die({error: OBJ()});
return v+'';
function join(os) {
const externals = [];
const bigNodes = [];
os.forEach(o => (externals.push(...o.externals),bigNodes.push(...o.nodes)));
//Refers #45. Debug to try to see when node reverse order is introduced.
//setTimeout( () => console.log(nodesToStr(bigNodes)), 1000 );
const retVal = {v:[],code:CODE,nodes:bigNodes,to,update,externals};
return retVal;
function nodesToStr(nodes) {
const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
nodes.forEach(n => frag.appendChild(n.cloneNode(true)));
const container = document.createElement('body');
return container.innerHTML;
function diffNodes(last,next) {
last = new Set(last);
next = new Set(next);
return new Set([...last].filter(n => !next.has(n)));
function update(newVals) {
this.v.forEach(({vi,replacers}) => replacers.forEach(f => f(newVals[vi])));
// reporting and error helpers
function die(msg,err) {
if (DEBUG && err) console.warn(err);
msg.stack = ((DEBUG && err) || new Error()).stack.split(/\s*\n\s*/g);
throw JSON.stringify(msg,null,2);
function s(msg) {
if ( DEBUG ) {
function showNodes(k,v) {
let out = v;
if ( T.check(T`>Node`, v) ) {
out = `<${v.nodeName.toLowerCase()} ${
!v.attributes ? '' : [...v.attributes].map(({name,value}) => `${name}='${value}'`).join(' ')}>${
v.nodeValue || (v.children && v.children.length <= 1 ? v.innerText : '')}`;
} else if ( typeof v === "function" ) {
return `${ || 'anon'}() { ... }`
return out;
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