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Created September 20, 2018 10:21
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import QtQuick 2.7
Item {
id: root
property Flickable flickable: parent
anchors.fill: parent
property MouseArea mouseArea
readonly property bool active: flickable && (mouseArea ? : false)
readonly property real mouseY: active ? mouseArea.mapToItem(root, 0, mouseArea.mouseY).y : 0
readonly property real mousex: active ? mouseArea.mapToItem(root, mouseArea.mouseX, 0).x : 0
property real maxVelocity: 600
property real velocityPerDistance: 10
property int interval: 5
readonly property real maxStep: maxVelocity / (1000 / interval)
readonly property real stepPerDistance: velocityPerDistance / (1000 / interval)
Timer {
running: && root.mouseY < 0 && !root.flickable.atYBeginning
triggeredOnStart: true
repeat: true
interval: root.interval
onTriggered: flickable.contentY -= Math.min(root.maxStep, -root.mouseY * root.stepPerDistance)
Timer {
running: && root.mouseY > root.height && !root.flickable.atYEnd
triggeredOnStart: true
repeat: true
interval: root.interval
onTriggered: root.flickable.contentY += Math.min(root.maxStep, (root.mouseY - root.height) * root.stepPerDistance)
Connections {
enabled: active
target: listView
onContentYChanged: fakeDraggedMove()
function fakeDraggedMove() {
var dragged =;
Text {
anchors.right: parent.right
text: active ? : ''
DropArea {
parent: flickable
anchors.fill: parent
onEntered: {
drag.accepted = false;
var source = drag.source;
if (!source)
var mouseArea;
if (source.drag)
mouseArea = source;
else if (source.parent.drag)
mouseArea = source.parent;
else if (source.mouseArea)
mouseArea = source.mouseArea;
if (ancestorOf(flickable, mouseArea))
root.mouseArea = mouseArea;
function ancestorOf(ancestor, item) {
if (!item)
return false;
while (item.parent) {
if (item.parent === ancestor)
return true;
item = item.parent;
return false;
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