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oafMH/map.xml Secret

Created August 14, 2023 22:22
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<map proto="1.4.2">
<objective>Retrieve the wool from the enemy's side and place it on your team's monument</objective>
<!-- Author & Contributor -->
<author uuid="924c4e61-57b6-4931-afdb-6525b2ed34c0" contribution="Map building"/> <!-- OAF6 -->
<contributor uuid="571c1d9d-4d49-43bd-bfdb-30563e920ca9" contribution="XML"/> <!-- Wesdial -->
<!-- Spawn Kit and Teams -->
<team id="orange" color="gold" max="8">Orange</team>
<team id="yellow" color="yellow" max="8">Yellow</team>
<kit id="spawn">
<item slot="0" unbreakable="true" material="stone sword"/>
<item slot="1" unbreakable="true" material="bow"/>
<item slot="2" unbreakable="true" material="iron pickaxe"/>
<item slot="3" unbreakable="true" material="iron axe"/>
<item slot="30" unbreakable="true" material="iron spade"/>
<item slot="4" amount="64" material="quartz block"/>
<item slot="6" material="water bucket"/>
<item slot="7" amount="24" material="arrow"/>
<item slot="8" material="golden apple"/>
<leggings unbreakable="true" material="chainmail leggings" enchantment="projectile_protection"/>
<effect duration="3" amplifier="255">damage resistance</effect>
<kit id="orange-kit" parents="spawn">
<helmet unbreakable="true" color="FFAA00" material="leather helmet"/>
<chestplate unbreakable="true" color="FFAA00" material="leather chestplate"/>
<boots unbreakable="true" color="FFAA00" material="leather boots"/>
<item slot="5" amount="32" damage="1">stained glass</item>
<kit id="yellow-kit" parents="spawn">
<helmet unbreakable="true" color="FFFF55" material="leather helmet"/>
<chestplate unbreakable="true" color="FFFF55" material="leather chestplate"/>
<boots unbreakable="true" color="FFFF55" material="leather boots"/>
<item slot="5" amount="32" damage="4">stained glass</item>
<!-- Spawns -->
<spawn team="orange" kit="orange-kit">
<region yaw="-90">
<spawn team="yellow" kit="yellow-kit">
<region yaw="90">
<cylinder base="1,53,-62" height="0" radius="2"/>
<!-- Toolrepair & Itemremove -->
<tool>stone sword</tool>
<tool>iron pickaxe</tool>
<tool>iron axe</tool>
<tool>iron spade</tool>
<item>leather helmet</item>
<item>leather chestplate</item>
<item>chainmail leggings</item>
<item>leather boots</item>
<item>water bucket</item>
<item>golden apple</item>
<!-- Wools -->
<wool team="yellow" color="orange" location="-79.5,8.5,-8">
<wool team="orange" color="yellow" location="82.5,8.5,14">
<!-- Kill Rewards -->
<item>golden apple</item>
<kill-streak count="1"/>
<item amount="16" damage="1">stained glass</item>
<kill-streak count="1"/>
<item amount="16" damage="4">stained glass</item>
<!-- Filters -->
<team id="only-orange">orange</team>
<team id="only-yellow">yellow</team>
<not id="no-void">
<!-- Regions -->
<union id="spawns">
<cuboid id="orange-spawn" min="-71,0,41" max="-58,oo,31"/>
<cuboid id="yellow-spawn" min="73,0,-36" max="60,oo,-26"/>
<cuboid id="orange-woolroom" min="-82,0,-1" max="-67,oo,-15"/>
<cuboid id="yellow-woolroom" min="70,0,20" max="83,oo,6"/>
<!-- Applications -->
<apply block="only-orange" message="You may not modify your side's wool room!" region="yellow-woolroom"/>
<apply block="only-yellow" message="You may not modify your side's wool room!" region="orange-woolroom"/>
<apply enter="only-orange" message="You may not enter your side's wool room!" region="yellow-woolroom"/>
<apply enter="only-yellow" message="You may not enter your side's wool room!" region="orange-woolroom"/>
<apply enter="only-orange" message="You may not enter the enemy's spawn!" region="orange-spawn"/>
<apply enter="only-yellow" message="You may not enter the enemy's spawn!" region="yellow-spawn"/>
<apply block="never" message="You may not modify the spawns!" region="spawns"/>
<apply block-place="no-void" message="You may not build in the void area!" region="everywhere"/>
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