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Created April 15, 2016 12:02
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Implementing kue as a job queueing solution
*Module dependencies
kue = require('kue'),
config = require('../config/config');
*Create 'queue' instance
var queue = kue.createQueue({
redis: config.redisConfig,
jobEvents: false
*Module helpers
function processJob(name, req, res) {
queue.process(name, 10, function (job, done) {//'10' sets the job processing concurrency
console.log('Now processing job with id: %d and type: %s',, name);
console.log('The job title is: ',;
var duration ='').length;
console.log('duration for the job with %d is %d seconds',, duration);
setTimeout(function () {//simulating a long running process
return done();//call done() when finished processing jobs
}, 1000 * duration)
*Configure processor
queue.watchStuckJobs(5000);//watch for any stuck jobs for 5seconds before
//processing other jobs in the queue
on('job complete', function (id, result) {
console.log('The job with id: %d has been completed with result: %s', id, result);
on('job failed', function (err) {
console.error('There was an error processing the job with id: %d', id);
*Export module helper
module.exports = processJob;
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