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Created August 3, 2016 18:55
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N - Queens problem: Produces all distinct solutions.
def nqueens(n):
#This version generates all possible solns
seen = set()
for c in xrange(n):
Q = [None] * n
attempt = dfs(0, c, Q)
if attempt:
res = ''
for val in Q:
res += str(val)
print 'all solns generated number of distinct solns =', len(seen), seen
return len(seen)
def dfs(r, c, Q):
opts = [x for x in xrange(len(Q)) if x != c]
while opts:
c = opts.pop()
if is_soln(r, c, Q):
return True
elif is_valid(r, c, Q):
emplaceQ(r, c, Q)
dive = dfs(r + 1, c, Q)
if dive:
return True
removeQ(r, c, Q)
return False
def emplaceQ(r, c, Q):
Q[r] = c
def removeQ(r, c, Q):
Q[r] = None
def is_valid(r, c, Q):
row, col = r, c
for i in xrange(row):
if col == Q[i] or (row - col) == (i - Q[i]) or\
(row + col) == (i + Q[i]):
return False
return True
def is_soln(r, c, Q):
row, n = r, len(Q)
if (row == n - 1) and is_valid(r, c, Q):
emplaceQ(r, c, Q)
return True
return False
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