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Created April 15, 2016 11:49
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Implementing monq as a job queueing solution
*module dependencies
var client = require('./producers').client;
*create job processor instance
var worker = client.worker(['default']);//bind this worker to process jobs from
//the supplied queue(s) in this case the 'default' queue
*Define worker helper function
function makeWorker() {
var delay;//NB just using delay to simulate I/O lag
worker.register({//register handler for the 'testing' job defined by the producer
//see line 26 of processors.js
testing: function (data, cb) {
console.log('the job with id %s is being processed by the server with processID: %s',,;
delay = data.title.split('').length;
console.log('Job will be delayed for %d secs', delay);
return setTimeout(function () {
return cb(null, data);//calling the 'cb' completes the job processing
}, 1000 * delay);
worker.//bind handlers to various events emitted by the 'worker' object
on('complete', function (data) {
console.log('The queued job with id: %s has been completed by server with processID: %s',,;
//the line below allows us to examine the data object exposed upon completion of a job
console.log('The data object exposed on completion of a job: ', JSON.stringify(data));
on('failed', function (data) {
console.log('The queued job with id: %s couln\'t be processesd',;
on('error', function (err) {
console.error('There was an error spinning up the worker ', err);
return worker.start();//kicks off the worker and starts processing of a job as
//defined by the code in the handler bound to the 'testing' job
*export Module
module.exports = makeWorker;
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