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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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thanks to lspitzner pointing out my simple mistake, this is now a fully working program that generates primes using a method described in GEB
module Main where
import Data.List (nub, (\\))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Control.Applicative
import Debug.Hood.Observe
data DoesNotDivide = DoesNotDivide Integer Integer deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
data DivisorFree = DivisorFree Integer Integer deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
data Prime = Prime Integer deriving (Show,Ord,Eq)
instance Observable DoesNotDivide where
observer x parent = observeOpaque (show x) x parent
instance Observable DivisorFree where
observer x parent = observeOpaque (show x) x parent
instance Observable Prime where
observer x parent = observeOpaque (show x) x parent
-- generating starting points
axiomSchema :: Integer -> Integer -> DoesNotDivide
axiomSchema x y = DoesNotDivide (x + y) x
-- If x doesn't divide into y, then x doesn't divide into x + y either
firstRule :: DoesNotDivide -> DoesNotDivide
firstRule (DoesNotDivide x y) = DoesNotDivide x (x + y)
-- really unsure if valid
firstRuleInverse :: DoesNotDivide -> DoesNotDivide
firstRuleInverse (DoesNotDivide x y) = DoesNotDivide x (x - y)
-- If x doesn't divide into y, and x is 2, then DivisorFree y 2 is a theorem
secondRule :: DoesNotDivide -> Maybe DivisorFree
secondRule (DoesNotDivide x y)
| x == 2 = Just (DivisorFree y 2)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- seems valid
secondRuleInverse :: DivisorFree -> DoesNotDivide
secondRuleInverse (DivisorFree x y) = DoesNotDivide y x
-- If there are two matching DivisorFree and DoesNotDivide theorems, then you get another DivisorFree theorem
thirdRule :: DivisorFree -> DoesNotDivide -> Maybe DivisorFree
thirdRule (DivisorFree x y) (DoesNotDivide z w)
| y == z - 1 && x == w = Just (DivisorFree w z)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- unsure if valid
thirdRuleInverse :: DivisorFree -> (DivisorFree, DoesNotDivide)
thirdRuleInverse (DivisorFree x y) = (DivisorFree x (y - 1), DoesNotDivide y x)
-- Some DivisorFree theorems are actually Prime
fourthRule :: DivisorFree -> Maybe Prime
fourthRule (DivisorFree x y)
| x - 1 == y = Just (Prime x)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- seems valid
fourthRuleInverse :: Prime -> DivisorFree
fourthRuleInverse (Prime x) = DivisorFree x (x - 1)
-- if x is not an element in y then append x to y
appendIfNew :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
appendIfNew x y = if x `notElem` y then y ++ [x] else y
-- similar to appendIfNew but for lists
-- first, eliminate duplicate elements in x
-- then eliminate elements in x that are also elements in y
-- then append what is left over to y
appendIfNew' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
appendIfNew' x y = y ++ filter (`notElem` y) (nub x)
type Theorems = (Integer, [DoesNotDivide], [DivisorFree], [Prime])
-- Given the known theorems, use the rules to establish new theorems.
evaluateRules :: Theorems -> Theorems
evaluateRules (i, x, y, z) = do
let x2 = (axiomSchema <$> [1..i] <*> [1..i] ) `appendIfNew'` x
let x3 = map firstRule x2 `appendIfNew'` x2
let y2 = mapMaybe secondRule x3 `appendIfNew'` y
let y3 = catMaybes (thirdRule <$> y2 <*> x3) `appendIfNew'`y2
let z2 = mapMaybe (observe "fourthRule" fourthRule) y3 `appendIfNew'` z
--using inverse rules, generate theorems in reverse
--let y4 = map fourthRuleInverse z2 `appendIfNew'` y3
--let x4 = map secondRuleInverse y4 `appendIfNew'` x3
(i + 1, x3, y3, z2)
-- Given an older and a newer set of theorems, return only the newly added theorems
deltaTheorems :: Theorems -> Theorems -> Theorems
deltaTheorems (i, x1, y1, z1) (_, x2, y2, z2) = (i, x2 \\ x1, y2 \\ y1 , z2 \\ z1)
-- make the theorems look nice
prettyPrint :: Theorems -> IO ()
prettyPrint (i, x, y, z) = print (show i ++ " " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ " " ++ show z)
-- Examples:
-- scanPairs f [] == []
-- scanPairs f [1] == [f 1 1]
-- scanPairs f [1, 2] == [f 1 2]
-- scanPairs f [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == [f 1 2, f 2 3, f 3 4, f 4 5]
scanPairs :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
scanPairs _ [] = []
scanPairs f [x] = [f x x]
scanPairs f (x:xs) = f x (head xs) : scanPairs f xs
main :: IO()
main = runO $ foldr ((>>) . prettyPrint) (return ()) $
(scanPairs deltaTheorems ((0,[],[],[]):(iterate evaluateRules (0, [DoesNotDivide 5 2], [], [Prime 2]))))
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