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Using multiple github accounts with ssh keys


I have two Github accounts: oanhnn (personal) and superman (for work). I want to use both accounts on same computer (without typing password everytime, when doing git push or pull).


Use ssh keys and define host aliases in ssh config file (each alias for an account).

How to?

  1. Generate ssh key pairs for accounts and add them to GitHub accounts.

  2. Edit/Create ssh config file (~/.ssh/config):

    # Default github account: oanhnn
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/oanhnn_private_key
       IdentitiesOnly yes
    # Other github account: superman
    Host github-superman
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/superman_private_key
       IdentitiesOnly yes

    NOTE: If you use any account frequently, you should use the default hostname (

  3. Add ssh private keys to your agent:

    $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/oanhnn_private_key
    $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/superman_private_key
  4. Test your connection

    $ ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
    $ ssh -T
    $ ssh -T git@github-superman

    If everything is OK, you will see these messages:

    Hi oanhnn! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
    Hi superman! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
  5. Now all are set, you need remeber

    git@github-superman:org/project.git => user is superman     => user is oanhnn
  • If you need clone a repository, just do:
$ git clone git@github-superman:org1/project1.git /path/to/project1
$ cd /path/to/project1
$ git config ""
$ git config  "Super Man"
  • If you already have the repo set up, after the ssh config instructions, you need change the URL of origin, just do:
$ cd /path/to/project2
$ git remote set-url origin git@github-superman:org2/project2.git
$ git config ""
$ git config  "Super Man"
  • If you are creating a new repository on local:
$ cd /path/to/project3
$ git init
$ git remote add origin git@github-superman:org3/project3.git
$ git config ""
$ git config  "Super Man"
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git push -u origin master

Done! Goodluck!


The bash script that prompts for your git account. Thank @davorpa


# silent prompt
read -p 'GIT profile: ' profile

# switch
case $profile in
    git config ""
    git config "superman" 
    git config user.signingKey "superman_gpg_public_key"
    git config ""
    git config "oanhnn" 
    git config user.signingKey "oanhnn_gpg_public_key"
  # default case: raise error
    >&2 echo "ERR: Unknown profile: $profile"
    exit 1
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Saved my life.

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Works, thanks :)

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Thx Bro for writing & sharing that !

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Kudos to the instructions. They work as a charm!!

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sebb-m0 commented Mar 1, 2023

👍 thx for this.

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You should use this to collect the public key from GitHub.
ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
No more error: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

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that's marvelous guide - it works

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Excellent post .

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chenxiao218 commented Mar 12, 2023

git remote set-url origin git@github-personal:user/repo-name.git

This works to me, thanks.

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Very helpful. Thanks!

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If you already have the repo set up, after the ssh config instructions, just do:

  • Remote is called probably origin
  • I have work and personal accounts, for this I used git@github-personal as host from your SSH config
  • user/repo-name.git for the Github repository

$ git remote set-url origin git@github-personal:user/repo-name.git

Hi, thanks for your good tips 👍, its worked for my case by your great comment, after following the steps above, we also have to reset the remote origin url with our custom "git-acount-host" in the config


Thanks man

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Thank you man! You are a life saver!


Thank you! Note that if you have ssh multiplexing set up globally, especially with persistence, you may want to disable it for github, since multiplexing works per-machine and not per Host entry. Add ControlMaster no to each Host configuration.

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This is golden, thanks!

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aicals commented Jun 2, 2023

Pure gold! Thanks!

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thank you!

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@jdvivar Many thanks. This host customization works great for tools like SourceTree in which you don't enter the ssh host alias directly.

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kqfu commented Jun 17, 2023

Great post. This is by far the cleanest solution I've found.

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great! thankyou sir

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Neat! 🔥 Thanks for this. :)

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odooerpdevelopers commented Aug 16, 2023


Thanks bro, I had problems with this configuration since I work with docker and docker recommends these settings to use remote connections, but in github I had to uncomment those lines and it works fine :)) (~/.ssh/config)
#ControlMaster auto
#ControlPath ~/.ssh/control-%C
#ControlPersist yes

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Thank you for this post; very clear and helpful!
I have a question regarding the host, though. When I change the origin host on my local repo, shouldn't I change it remotely in my GitHub account? I can't figure out how, though.
Maybe I am missing something, but I tried changing it only locally, and I tried to fetch I get from the same repo and I still get:

ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights, and the repository exists.

I'm wondering what I'm missing.

My config file contains the following:

	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
	IdentitiesOnly yes
	User git
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
	IdentitiesOnly yes

I changed my local git repo's URL to

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oanhnn commented Aug 18, 2023

Please using Host and Host instead of Host and Host in your config.
After that, you need change remote URL of all repository for work.
You can use below command:

$ git remote set-url origin

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Thank for your guide, it works with me.

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Thank you mate for this.

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ImadMAKS commented Aug 25, 2023

Please using Host and Host instead of Host and Host in your config

This worked! Thank you.

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Great guide, it helps me a lot! And I can expand this guide with another trick.

In your ~/.gitconfig

[url ""]
    insteadOf =

After this setting, you don't have to change URL manually every time when you want to clone repos.

Works flawlessly!

@oanhnn, would you mind including this into your gist?

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oanhnn commented Aug 30, 2023

I didn't use that way.
What will happen if I clone and after setting up in ~/.gitconfig?

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jakubkalicki commented Aug 30, 2023

It should work as usual. What is cool about the .gitconfig thingy is that it allows for using standard url that you copy from Github repository page. It saves you from changing to the custom Host name, because it will happen automatically. One less thing to remember about.

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