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Created February 26, 2022 15:37
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Simple, fast Lua uwu-ifier
local uwuify = require 'uwu'
assert(uwuify('really') == 'weawwy')
-- uwu.lua by oatmealine
-- disappointed by the lack of a lua uwuifier, i decided to make one
-- replace `utf8` with `string` if necessary - or use this polyfill lib
local endings = {'rawr x3', 'OwO', 'UwU', 'o.O', '-.-', '>w<', '(˘ω˘)', 'σωσ', 'ʘwʘ', ':3', 'XD', 'nyaa~~', 'mya', '>_<', 'rawr', '^^', '^^;;', '(^•ω•^)'}
return function(str)
str = utf8.lower(str)
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'small', 'smol')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'cute', 'kawaii~')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'fluff', 'floof')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'love', 'luv')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'stupid', 'baka')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'meow', 'nya~')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'l', 'w')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'r', 'w')
str = utf8.gsub(str, 'n([aeiou])', 'ny%1')
str = utf8.gsub(str, '[.!?]%s', function(e) return e .. endings[math.random(1, #endings)] .. ' ' end)
str = utf8.gsub(str, '(%s)(%a)(%a)', function(space, rep, other) if math.random() < 0.05 then return space .. rep .. '-' .. rep .. other else return space .. rep .. other end end)
return str
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