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Last active July 11, 2021 23:20
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SQLite-backed Python dict
"""Companion to"""
import sqlite3 as sql
from import MutableMapping
from datetime import datetime
class DateTimeMap(MutableMapping):
"""Persistent map of when 'something' occured, backed by SQLite3.
If the required table doesn't exist in the connection db
it will be created, with name 'events'
Makes use of the python builtin sqlite3 library.
For values to be loaded as datetime instances,
the sql connection needs to be created with
>>> sql.connect(path, detect_types=sql.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
def __init__(self, connection: sql.Connection):
self.connection = connection
self.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'events' (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, timestamp TIMESTAMP)")
def __getitem__(self, item_id: str) -> datetime:
item = self.connection.execute("SELECT path FROM 'events' WHERE id=?", (item_id,)).fetchone()
if item is None:
raise KeyError(item_id)
# 'item' is a single entry tuple
return item[0]
def __setitem__(self, item_id: str, timestamp: datetime):
self.connection.execute("REPLACE INTO 'events' VALUES(?,?)", (item_id, timestamp))
def __delitem__(self, item_id: str):
_ = self[item_id] # KeyError if id doesn't exist
self.connection.execute("DELETE FROM 'events' WHERE id=?", (item_id,))
def __iter__(self):
for item in self.connection.execute("SELECT id FROM 'events'"):
yield item[0]
def __len__(self):
res = self.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM 'events'").fetchone()
return res[0]
def clear(self):
"""Bulk delete all entries (rows)."""
# the default implementation for MutableMapping is iterative
self.connection.execute("DELETE FROM 'events'")
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