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Created May 23, 2011 18:17
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Hive file.js in CoffeeScript
model = require "./model"
backbone = require "backbone"
fs = require "fs"
util = require "util"
fpath = require "path"
exports = module.exports = model.extend
initialize: (attributes) ->
path = @get('path')
if path
name = fpath.basename path
@set name: name if name
# if name
# @set name: name
fs.watchFile path, ->
@sync 'read', @
ext: ->
fpath.extname @get 'name'
absolute: ->
fpath.resolve @get 'path'
dir: ->
fpath.dirname @absolute()
sync: (method, model) ->
model.syncing = true
path = model.absolut()
switch method
when "create", "update"
hive.log "#{method}-ing file @ #{path}"
fs.writeFile path, model.get('data'), model.get('encoding'), (err) ->
hive.log "#{method}d file @ #{path}"
if err
model.error err
model.sucess data: model.get 'data', true
when "read"
hive.log "#{method}-ing file @ #{path}"
fs.readFile path, (err, data) ->
hive.log "#{method}d file @ #{path}"
if err
model.error err
model.sucess data: data
when "delete"
hive.log "#{method}-ing file @ #{path}"
fs.unlink path, (err) ->
hive.log "#{method}d file @ #{path}"
if err
model.error err
model.sucess data: null
paste: (destination) ->
@ready ->
name = @get 'name'
path = "#{destination.get 'path'} / #{name}"
if !path
@error 'Could not paste file to hive.Dir without a path'
i = fs.createReadStream @get 'path'
o = fs.createWriteStream path
util.pump i, o, ->
hive.log "wrote file @ #{ path }"
var backbone, exports, fpath, fs, model, util;
model = require("./model");
backbone = require("backbone");
fs = require("fs");
util = require("util");
fpath = require("path");
exports = module.exports = model.extend({
initialize: function(attributes) {
var name, path;
path = this.get('path');
if (path) {
name = fpath.basename(path);
name: name ? name : void 0
if ( {
fs.watchFile(path, function() {
this.sync('read', this);
return this.change();
return this;
ext: function() {
return fpath.extname(this.get('name'));
absolute: function() {
return fpath.resolve(this.get('path'));
dir: function() {
return fpath.dirname(this.absolute());
sync: function(method, model) {
var path;
model.syncing = true;
path = model.absolut();
switch (method) {
case "create":
case "update":
hive.log("" + method + "-ing file @ " + path);
return fs.writeFile(path, model.get('data'), model.get('encoding'), function(err) {
hive.log("" + method + "d file @ " + path);
if (err) {
return model.error(err);
} else {
return model.sucess({
data: model.get('data')
}, true);
case "read":
hive.log("" + method + "-ing file @ " + path);
return fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) {
hive.log("" + method + "d file @ " + path);
if (err) {
return model.error(err);
} else {
return model.sucess({
data: data
case "delete":
hive.log("" + method + "-ing file @ " + path);
return fs.unlink(path, function(err) {
hive.log("" + method + "d file @ " + path);
if (err) {
return model.error(err);
} else {
return model.sucess({
data: null
paste: function(destination) {
return this.ready(function() {
var i, name, o, path;
name = this.get('name');
path = "" + (destination.get('path')) + " / " + name;
if (!path) {
this.error('Could not paste file to hive.Dir without a path');
i = fs.createReadStream(this.get('path'));
o = fs.createWriteStream(path);
util.pump(i, o, function() {
return hive.log("wrote file @ " + path);
return this;
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