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Created April 19, 2016 16:37
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if (-not (Test-Path "Elastic")) { ni Elastic -ItemType "Directory" }
cd Elastic | Out-Null
function Expand-ZIPFile($file, $destination)
Write-Host "Extracting $file -> $destination ...";
$shell = new-object -com shell.application
$zip = $shell.NameSpace($file)
foreach($item in $zip.items())
function DownloadAndUnzip($url, $path, $file) {
Write-Host "Downloading $url -> $path ...";
$fullpath = Join-Path $path $file;
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $fullpath
Expand-ZIPFile $fullpath $path
DownloadAndUnzip $filebeat $path ""
DownloadAndUnzip $grafana $path ""
DownloadAndUnzip $logstash $path ""
DownloadAndUnzip $elasticsearch $path ""
Write-Host "All Downloaded."
Write-Host "Start ElasticSearch..."
cd elasticsearch*
start cmd "/c .\bin\elasticsearch.bat"
cd ..
sleep 5
Write-Host "Start Logstash..."
cd logstash-*
if (-not (Test-Path "conf")) { ni conf -ItemType "Directory" }
cd conf
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $logstashconf -OutFile logstash.yml
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $logstashtemplate -OutFile logstash-template.json
cd ..
start cmd "/c .\bin\logstash.bat -f .\conf\logstash.yml"
cd ..
sleep 5
Write-Host "Start Grafana..."
cd grafana*
start cmd "/c bin\grafana-server.exe"
cd ..
sleep 5
Write-Host "Start Filebeat..."
cd filebeat*
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $filebeatconf -OutFile filebeat_original.yml
# Get IIS web log folders
$SystemDrive = [system.environment]::getenvironmentvariable("SystemDrive")
$logfolder = resolve-path "$SystemDrive\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\"
gci $logfolder | %{ $iisLogFolders += $_.FullName + "\*" }
if ($iisLogFolders.Length -eq 0) { Write-Host "*** There is no IIS Folder configured. You need an IIS website. ***" }
# put them all on filebeat.yml
$filebeatconfig = [IO.File]::ReadAllText((Join-Path (pwd) "filebeat_original.yml"));
$padding = " - "
$logpaths = [string]::Join([Environment]::NewLine + $padding, $iisLogFolders);
$pos = $filebeatconfig.IndexOf("paths:");
$filebeatconfig = $filebeatconfig.Substring(1, $pos+5) + [Environment]::NewLine + $padding + $logpaths + $filebeatconfig.Substring($pos+6);
[IO.File]::WriteAllText((Join-Path (pwd) "filebeat.yml"), $filebeatconfig);
start cmd "/c filebeat.exe"
cd ..
sleep 5
$templatePath = Join-Path (pwd) "GrafanaWebLogTemplate.json"
Invoke-WebRequest $grafanatemplate -OutFile $templatePath
Write-Host "########### README CAREFULLY ##########"
Write-Host "I am about to launch Grafana. This is what you need to do:"
Write-Host "1. Login to grafana using admin/admin"
Write-Host "2. Create a new Data source exactly named 'Elasticsearch Logstash'"
Write-Host " Name: Elasticsearch Logstash"
Write-Host " Type: ElasticSearch"
Write-Host " Url:"
Write-Host " Pattern: Daily"
Write-Host " Index name: (It will come automatically when you select pattern)"
Write-Host " Version: 2.x"
Write-Host " Click Add"
Write-Host "3. Click on Dashboards. Click Import. Import the file: $templatePath"
Sleep 5
start ""
Write-Host "All done."
# Cleanup - remove this!
#cd ..
#rm -force $path
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