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Last active October 22, 2020 23:54
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""" Rules to run controller-gen
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_context", "go_path")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go/private:providers.bzl", "GoPath")
def _controller_gen_impl(ctx):
go_ctx = go_context(ctx)
gopath = "$(pwd)/" + ctx.bin_dir.path + "/" + ctx.attr.gopath_dep[GoPath].gopath
output = ctx.actions.declare_file("output.go")
inputs = (ctx.files.srcs + ctx.attr.gopath_dep.files.to_list() +
go_ctx.sdk.srcs + + go_ctx.sdk.headers + go_ctx.stdlib.libs)
dirname = ctx.files.srcs[0].dirname
outputs = [output],
inputs = inputs,
env = {
"GO111MODULE": "off", # explicitly relying on passed in go_path to not download modules while doing codegen
command = """
source <($PWD/{godir}/go env) &&
export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PWD/{godir}:$PATH &&
export GOPATH={gopath} &&
mkdir -p .gocache &&
export GOCACHE=$PWD/.gocache &&
{cmd} {args} &&
cp {dirname}/zz_generated.deepcopy.go {output}
godir = go_ctx.go.path[:-1 - len(go_ctx.go.basename)],
gopath = gopath,
cmd = "$(pwd)/" + ctx.file._controller_gen.path,
args = "object paths=./{dirname}/...".format(dirname = dirname),
mnemonic = "GoControllerGen",
dirname = dirname,
output = output.path,
tools = [
return DefaultInfo(
files = depset([output]),
_controller_gen = rule(
implementation = _controller_gen_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_empty = False,
allow_files = True,
mandatory = True,
"_controller_gen": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
default = "//:controller-gen",
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"gopath_dep": attr.label(
providers = [GoPath],
mandatory = False,
"_go_context_data": attr.label(
default = "@io_bazel_rules_go//:go_context_data",
toolchains = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//go:toolchain"],
def controller_gen(name, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get("deps", None):
gopath_name = name + "_controller_gen"
name = gopath_name,
deps = kwargs["deps"],
name = name,
srcs = kwargs["srcs"],
gopath_dep = gopath_name,
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