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Created September 5, 2011 11:33
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/* Draggable lists */
ul.reorderable {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
border-top: 1px solid lighten(@mute, 10%);
border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@mute, 10%);
li {
position: relative;
display: block;
list-style: none;
padding: 5px 0;
border-top: 1px solid lighten(@mute, 10%);
border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@mute, 10%);
cursor: move;
background: url('/media/img/moveable.png') right center no-repeat;
z-index: 2;
&:not(.clone) {
top: -1px;
margin-bottom: -1px;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: -2px;
&.clone {
position: absolute;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4);
z-index: 3;
left: 0;
right: 0;
&.dragging {
opacity: 0;
/* ----------
Reorderable lists, iPhone style
OB.ReorderableList = function(list, options){
this.list = $(list);
this._clonedItem = null;
this.options = _.extend({}, this.defaultOptions, (options || {}));
_.extend(OB.ReorderableList.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
defaultOptions: {},
startDrag: function(event){
var target = $('li');
var clone = target.clone().addClass('clone');
// Update the position before inserting
this._cloneTarget = target;
this._clonedItem = clone;
this._originalIndex = this.list.children('li:not(.clone):not(.disposable)').index(target);
this._newIndex = null;
this.offset = (target.offset().top - 1 - event.clientY);
// Insert into the DOM
// Bind updateDrag and endDrag to mousemove and mouseup, respectively
mousemove: this.updateDrag,
mouseup: this.endDrag
return false;
endDrag: function(event){
$('li.dragging', this.list).removeClass('dragging');
// Fire the change event
var newIndex = (this._newIndex !== null ? this._newIndex : this._originalIndex);
var moved = ((newIndex + 1) - (this._originalIndex + 1));
if (moved !== 0){
this.trigger('change', this._cloneTarget, moved);
// Unbind these as the drag is over
mousemove: this.updateDrag,
mouseup: this.endDrag
return false;
updateDrag: function(event){
// Only do anything if the (x) is within the list
var topOffset = this.list.offset().top;
var bottomOffset = topOffset + this.list.height();
if (event.clientY >= topOffset && event.clientY <= bottomOffset){
// Reposition the clone
var pos = (this.offset + (event.clientY - topOffset));
this._clonedItem.css('top', pos);
// Now, figure out if the items need moving around
var x = (this.list.offset().left + (this.list.width() / 2));
var target = document.elementFromPoint(x, event.clientY);;
target = $(target);
if ((! &&'li') &&
// Okay, so let's move it around
if (event.clientY < (target.offset().top + (target.outerHeight() / 2))){
} else {
this._newIndex = this.list.children('li:not(.clone):not(.disposable)').index(this._cloneTarget);
return false;
draw: function(){
$('li', this.list).live('mousedown', this.startDrag);
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