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Created November 6, 2023 09:56
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Proposal for a QueryBuilder to be used with org.http4k:http4k-connect-amazon-dynamodb
class Query(
val keyConditionExpression: String?,
val filterExpression: String?,
val expressionAttributeNames: Map<String, AttributeName>?,
val expressionAttributeValues: Map<String, AttributeValue>?
interface KeyCondition {
val expression: String
val attributeNames: Map<String, AttributeName>
val attributeValues: Map<String, AttributeValue>
interface SortKeyCondition : KeyCondition
interface CombinedKeyCondition : KeyCondition
interface PartitionKeyCondition : SortKeyCondition, CombinedKeyCondition
class FilterExpression(
val expression: String,
val attributeNames: Map<String, AttributeName>,
val attributeValues: Map<String, AttributeValue>
class QueryBuilder {
inner class KeyConditionBuilder {
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.eq(value: T) = nextAttributeName().let { attributeName ->
object : PartitionKeyCondition {
override val expression = "#$attributeName = :$attributeName"
override val attributeNames = mapOf("#$attributeName" to name)
override val attributeValues = mapOf(":$attributeName" to asValue(value))
private fun sortKeyCondition(
expr: String,
attrNames: Map<String, AttributeName>,
attrValues: Map<String, AttributeValue>
) = object : SortKeyCondition {
override val expression = expr
override val attributeNames = attrNames
override val attributeValues = attrValues
private fun <T> Attribute<T>.sortKeyOperator(op: String, value: T) = nextAttributeName().let { attributeName ->
"#$attributeName $op :$attributeName",
mapOf("#$attributeName" to name),
mapOf(":$attributeName" to asValue(value))
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.lt(value: T) = sortKeyOperator("<", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.le(value: T) = sortKeyOperator("<=", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.gt(value: T) = sortKeyOperator(">", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.ge(value: T) = sortKeyOperator(">=", value)
fun <T> between(attr: Attribute<T>, value1: T, value2: T) = nextAttributeName().let { attributeName ->
"#$attributeName BETWEEN :${attributeName}1 AND :${attributeName}2",
mapOf("#$attributeName" to,
mapOf(":${attributeName}1" to attr.asValue(value1), ":${attributeName}2" to attr.asValue(value2))
fun <T> beginsWith(attr: Attribute<T>, value: T) = nextAttributeName().let { attributeName ->
mapOf("#$attributeName" to,
mapOf(":$attributeName" to attr.asValue(value))
infix fun PartitionKeyCondition.and(secondary: SortKeyCondition?): CombinedKeyCondition = let {
if (secondary == null) {
} else {
object : CombinedKeyCondition {
override val expression = "${it.expression} AND ${secondary.expression}"
override val attributeNames = it.attributeNames + secondary.attributeNames
override val attributeValues = it.attributeValues + secondary.attributeValues
inner class FilterExpressionBuilder {
private fun <T> Attribute<T>.filterOperator(op: String, value: T) = nextAttributeName().let { attributeName ->
"#$attributeName $op :$attributeName",
mapOf("#$attributeName" to name),
mapOf(":$attributeName" to asValue(value))
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.eq(value: T) = filterOperator("=", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.ne(value: T) = filterOperator("<>", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.lt(value: T) = filterOperator("<", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.le(value: T) = filterOperator("<=", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.gt(value: T) = filterOperator(">", value)
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.ge(value: T) = filterOperator(">=", value)
fun <T> between(attr: Attribute<T>, value1: T, value2: T) = nextAttributeName().let { attributeName ->
"#$attributeName BETWEEN :${attributeName}1 AND :${attributeName}2",
mapOf("#$attributeName" to,
mapOf(":${attributeName}1" to attr.asValue(value1), ":${attributeName}2" to attr.asValue(value2))
infix fun <T> Attribute<T>.`in`(values: Iterable<T>): FilterExpression {
val attributeName = nextAttributeName()
val attributeValues = mutableMapOf<String, AttributeValue>()
val expression = StringBuilder("#$attributeName IN (")
values.iterator().withIndex().forEach { (index, value) ->
val valueName = ":$attributeName$index"
attributeValues[valueName] = asValue(value)
if (index > 0) {
require(attributeValues.isNotEmpty()) { "IN operator requires at least one element" }
return FilterExpression(expression.toString(), mapOf("#$attributeName" to name), attributeValues)
// TODO functions
infix fun FilterExpression?.or(other: FilterExpression?): FilterExpression? = when {
this == null -> other
other == null -> this
else -> FilterExpression(
"($expression OR ${other.expression})",
attributeNames + other.attributeNames,
attributeValues + other.attributeValues
infix fun FilterExpression?.and(other: FilterExpression?): FilterExpression? = when {
this == null -> other
other == null -> this
else -> FilterExpression(
"($expression AND ${other.expression})",
attributeNames + other.attributeNames,
attributeValues + other.attributeValues
fun not(expr: FilterExpression?): FilterExpression? = expr?.let {
"(NOT ${it.expression})",
private var attributeNameCount = 0
// generate consecutive names "a", "b", ... to be used as expression attribute name
private fun nextAttributeName(): String {
val base = 'z' - 'a' + 1
val name = StringBuilder()
var currentCount = attributeNameCount
do {
val remainder = currentCount % base
currentCount /= base
name.insert(0, 'a' + remainder)
} while (currentCount > 0)
attributeNameCount += 1
return name.toString()
private var keyCondition: KeyCondition? = null
private var filterExpression: FilterExpression? = null
fun keyCondition(block: KeyConditionBuilder.() -> CombinedKeyCondition) {
keyCondition = block(KeyConditionBuilder())
fun filterExpression(block: FilterExpressionBuilder.() -> FilterExpression?) {
filterExpression = block(FilterExpressionBuilder())
private fun <K, V> union(map1: Map<K, V>?, map2: Map<K, V>?) = when {
map1 == null -> map2
map2 == null -> map1
else -> map1 + map2
fun build() = Query(
keyConditionExpression = keyCondition?.expression,
filterExpression = filterExpression?.expression,
expressionAttributeNames = union(keyCondition?.attributeNames, filterExpression?.attributeNames),
expressionAttributeValues = union(keyCondition?.attributeValues, filterExpression?.attributeValues)
fun <Document : Any, HashKey : Any, SortKey : Any> DynamoDbIndexMapper<Document, HashKey, SortKey>.query(block: QueryBuilder.() -> Unit): Sequence<Document> {
val query = QueryBuilder().apply(block).build()
return query(
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