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Last active June 26, 2024 00:19
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sgpt ZSH completion

ZSH Completion for Shell GPT CLI (sgpt command)

This ZSH completion script enhances your command line interface by providing auto-completion for the sgpt command, part of the Shell GPT suite. It supports all subcommands and their options, significantly improving efficiency and reducing the need for memorizing syntax.


  1. Download the Completion Script
    You can download the _sgpt script directly using the following command:

    mkdir -p $HOME/.zsh_completions
    wget -O $HOME/.zsh_completions/_sgpt
  2. Add to ZSH Fpath
    Ensure that the script is in one of the directories listed in your fpath. You can view your current fpath with:

    echo $fpath

    To add a new directory to your fpath, include the following line in your .zshrc:

    fpath=($HOME/.zsh_completions $fpath)
  3. Source the Completion Script

    To enable the completion script, restart your ZSH session or source your .zshrc file if you haven't done so since updating it source ~/.zshrc

    If you use Oh My Zsh, you can reload it with omz reload.

    ZSH should automatically source all completion scripts in your fpath when starting a new shell session. Ensure the script is named correctly as _sgpt.


Simply type sgpt followed by a space and a -, then press tab to see available subcommands and options. For example:

sgpt -[tab] # Lists all subcommands
sgpt --model [tab] # Will propose available models



  • The completion of the role was bugged; it indicated .json at the end of role and it was not compatible with the expected arguments. The extension is now correctly filtered; however, if you have been impacted by the problem, you have to manually delete the existing cache of roles : rm ~/.cache/sgpt_roles
  • Removing caches on chats, it was impossible to detect their creation of a new chat and therefore invalidate this cache. It is still retained on roles, even if the same defect is present. Because roles, to me, do not change every hours.

How It Was Created

The completion script for sgpt was primarily generated using a custom GPT model I created named ZSH Expert (you need ChatGPT Plus to use it).

This model specializes in creating ZSH completion scripts by analyzing the --help outputs of various commands. Here's the process:

  1. Generating Completion Logic:
    I provided the --help outputs of the sgpt command to ZSH Expert, which then generated the necessary ZSH completion logic, including handling of subcommands and options.

  2. Validation and Iteration:
    The script was tested iteratively to catch any issues with command completion, especially around new or complex command options. Feel free to report any issues to help improve the script further.

You can view the entire creation process and the discussions that led to the final script in this chat history.


  • ZSH Expert (ChatGPT Custom GPT, did almost all the job)
  • obeone (Guiding and testing)


Distributed under the MIT License.

#compdef sgpt
# Be sure to name this file `_sgpt` and place it in your fpath.
# This file is sourced by zsh when you start a new shell session.
# To list your fpath, run `echo $fpath` in your shell.
# To add this directory to fpath, add `fpath=($HOME/.config/shell_gpt $fpath)` to your .zshrc file.
# For example, to install it system-wide:
# wget -O /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_sgpt
# Authors :
# - ChatGPT [ZSH Expert](
# - a little bit [obeone](
local model_cache_file="${HOME}/.cache/sgpt_models"
local role_cache_file="${HOME}/.cache/sgpt_roles"
local sgptrc="${HOME}/.config/shell_gpt/.sgptrc"
# Source configuration if it exists
[[ -f "$sgptrc" ]] && source "$sgptrc"
_arguments -s \
'1:prompt:_files' \
'--model[specify the model to use]:model:_sgpt_models' \
'--temperature[randomness of generated output]:temperature (range 0.0 to 2.0)' \
'--top-p[limits highest probable tokens]:top-p (range 0.0 to 1.0)' \
'--md[prettify markdown output]::' \
'--no-md[disable prettify markdown output]' \
'--editor[open $EDITOR to provide a prompt]::' \
'--no-editor[do not open $EDITOR]' \
'--cache[cache completion results]::' \
'--no-cache[do not cache completion results]' \
'--version[show version]' \
'--help[show help]' \
'--shell[generate and execute shell commands]' \
'-s[alias for --shell]' \
'--no-interaction[disable interaction for --shell]' \
'--interaction[enable interaction for --shell]' \
'--describe-shell[describe a shell command]::' \
'--code[generate only code]' \
'--no-functions[disable function calls]' \
'--functions[enable function calls]' \
'--chat[follow conversation with id, use "temp" for quick session]:chat id:_sgpt_chats' \
'--repl[start a REPL session]:session id:_sgpt_chats' \
'--show-chat[show all messages from provided chat id]:chat id:_sgpt_chats' \
'--list-chats[list all existing chat ids]' \
'--role[set system role for GPT model]:role:_sgpt_roles' \
'--create-role[create role]:role name:_invalidate_roles_cache' \
'--show-role[show role]:role name:_sgpt_roles' \
'--list-roles[list roles]'
function _sgpt_chats {
local -a chats
# Fetch chats dynamically every time
chats=("${(@f)$(sgpt --list-chats | xargs -n 1 basename)}")
_describe -t chats 'available chats' chats
function _invalidate_cache {
local cache_file="$1"
rm -f "$cache_file"
function _validate_cache {
local cache_file="$1"
local cache_duration="$2"
# Check if the cache file exists and is recent enough
if [[ -f "$cache_file" ]] && (( $(date +%s) - $(stat -c "%Y" "$cache_file" 2>/dev/null || stat -f "%m" "$cache_file" 2>/dev/null) < cache_duration )); then
return 0
return 1
function _sgpt_models {
local -a models
# Fetch OpenAI models if API key is available, exclude blacklisted models
if [[ -n "$OPENAI_API_KEY" ]] && ! [[ -z "$OPENAI_BASE_URL" ]]; then
models+=("${(@f)$(curl -s "$OPENAI_BASE_URL/models" -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" | jq -r '.data[].id | select(test("dall-e.*|text-embedding.*|tts.*|whisper.*") | not)')}")
# Fetch Ollama models directly every time, ensure using the right column and escape colon
if [[ "$USE_LITELLM" == "true" ]]; then
models+=("${(@f)$(ollama list | awk 'NR > 1 {print "ollama/"$1}' | sed 's/:/\\:/g')}")
_describe -t models 'available models' models
function _sgpt_roles {
local -a roles
# Validate cache (24 hours)
if _validate_cache "$role_cache_file" 86400; then
roles=("${(@f)$(sgpt --list-roles | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\.json$//')}")
print -l $roles > "$role_cache_file"
_describe -t roles 'available roles' roles
function _invalidate_roles_cache {
_invalidate_cache "$role_cache_file"
_sgpt_roles # Refresh the roles list
# Ensure you place this script under your fpath, commonly at ~/.zsh/completions/
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