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Last active June 13, 2024 19:17
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LM Studio CLI (lms) ZSH Completion

ZSH Completion for LM Studio CLI (lms command)

This ZSH completion script enhances your command line interface by providing auto-completion for the lms command, which is part of the LM Studio suite. It supports all subcommands and their options, improving efficiency and reducing the need for memorizing syntax.


  1. Download the Completion Script
    You can download the _lms script directly using the following command:

    mkdir -p $HOME/.zsh_completions
    wget -O $HOME/.zsh_completions/_lms
  2. Add to ZSH Fpath
    Ensure that the script is in one of the directories listed in your fpath. You can view your current fpath with:

    echo $fpath

    To add a new directory to your fpath, include the following line in your .zshrc:

    fpath=($HOME/.zsh_completions $fpath)
  3. Source the Completion Script

    To enable the completion script, restart your ZSH session or source your .zshrc file if you haven't done so since updating it source ~/.zshrc

    If you use Oh My Zsh, you can reload it with omz reload.

    ZSH should automatically source all completion scripts in your fpath when starting a new shell session. Ensure the script is named correctly as _lms.


Simply type lms followed by a space, then press tab to see available subcommands and options. For example:

lms [tab] # Lists all subcommands
lms load --[tab] # Lists all options for the 'load' subcommand

How It Was Created

The completion script for lms was primarily generated using a custom GPT model I created named ZSH Expert (you need ChatGPT Plus to use it).

This model specializes in creating ZSH completion scripts by analyzing the --help outputs of various commands. Here's the process:

  1. Generating Completion Logic:
    I provided the --help outputs of the lms command to ZSH Expert, which then generated the necessary ZSH completion logic, including handling of subcommands and options.

  2. Validation and Iteration:
    The script was tested iteratively to catch any issues with command completion, especially around new or complex command options. Feel free to report any issues to help improve the script further.

You can view the entire creation process and the discussions that led to the final script in this chat history.


  • ZSH Expert (ChatGPT Custom GPT, did almost all the job)
  • obeone (Guiding and testing)


Distributed under the MIT License.

#compdef lms
# Purpose:
# This script file `_lms` should be placed in your fpath to provide zsh completions functionality for LMS commands.
# It makes use of zsh's completion system by defining completion behaviors for specific commands.
# Installation:
# 1. Check your current fpath by running: `echo $fpath` in your zsh shell.
# 2. To add a new directory to fpath, modify your .zshrc file:
# Example: `fpath=($HOME/.zsh_completions $fpath)`
# 3. Place this script in the directory you added to your fpath.
# 4. For system-wide installation on Linux:
# Download and save this script using:
# sudo wget -O /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_lms
# Contributions:
# Major contributions by:
# - ChatGPT [ZSH Expert]( as the primary author.
# - Minor contributions, Guidance and revisions by [obeone](
# Note:
# - This file requires that you are using Zsh as your shell.
# - Ensure that you restart your zsh session after making changes to the fpath.
# Function to fetch models from 'lms ls --json'
function _fetch_models_from_lms_ls {
local -a model_paths
model_paths=("${(@f)$(lms ls --json | jq -r '.[].path')}")
_describe -t models 'available models' model_paths
# Function to fetch loaded models from 'lms ps --json'
function _fetch_loaded_models_from_lms_ps {
local -a model_identifiers
model_identifiers=("${(@f)$(lms ps --json | jq -r '.[].identifier')}")
_describe -t models 'loaded models' model_identifiers
# Main function for handling completions
function _lms {
local -a commands
local -a options
_arguments -C \
'1: :->command' \
'*:: :->option'
case $state in
'status:Prints the status of LM Studio'
'server:Commands for managing the local server'
'ls:List all downloaded models'
'ps:List all loaded models'
'load:Load a model'
'unload:Unload a model'
'create:Create a new project with scaffolding'
'log:Log operations'
'version:Prints the version of the CLI'
'bootstrap:Bootstrap the CLI'
_describe -t commands 'lms subcommands' commands
case $words[1] in
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--yes[Suppress all confirmations and warnings]'
'--no-launch[Do not launch LM Studio if it is not running]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
local -a subcommands
'start:Starts the local server'
'status:Displays the status of the local server'
'stop:Stops the local server'
_describe -t commands 'lms server subcommands' subcommands
'--port[Port to run the server on]:port:'
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--no-launch[Do not launch LM Studio]'
'--yes[Suppress all confirmations and warnings]'
'--cors[Enable CORS]'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--json[Outputs the status in JSON format]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--yes[Suppress all confirmations and warnings]'
'--no-launch[Do not launch LM Studio if it is not running]'
'--llm[Show only LLM models]'
'--embedding[Show only embedding models]'
'--json[Outputs in JSON format]'
'--detailed[Show detailed information]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--yes[Suppress all confirmations and warnings]'
'--no-launch[Do not launch LM Studio if it is not running]'
'--json[Outputs in JSON format]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--gpu[GPU offloading level]:GPU level:(off auto max)'
'--context-length[Number of tokens as context]:context length:'
'--identifier[Identifier for the model]:identifier:'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--yes[Suppress all confirmations and warnings]'
'--no-launch[Do not launch LM Studio if it is not running]'
'--exact[Match the model path exactly]'
'--help[Show help]'
'*:model path:_fetch_models_from_lms_ls'
_arguments $options
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--yes[Suppress all confirmations and warnings]'
'--no-launch[Do not launch LM Studio if it is not running]'
'--all[Unload all models]'
'--help[Show help]'
'*:model identifier:_fetch_loaded_models_from_lms_ps'
_arguments $options
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--help[Show help]'
':scaffold type:'
_arguments $options
'stream:Stream logs from LM Studio'
_describe -t commands 'lms log subcommands' subcommands
'--log-level[Specify log level]:log level:(debug info warning error)'
'--json[Outputs in JSON format]'
'--verbose[Enable verbose logging]'
'--quiet[Suppress all logging]'
'--yes[Suppress all confirmations and warnings]'
'--no-launch[Do not launch LM Studio if it is not running]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
'--json[Prints the version in JSON format]'
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
'--help[Show help]'
_arguments $options
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