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Forked from bhyde/ql-tools.lisp
Created April 26, 2016 15:08
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A few things for playing with quicklisp metadata. Note that this reveals assorted things that make life interesting; so use 'em in a clean discardable session. Probably ccl only.
(in-package #:cl-user)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload "cl-ppcre")
(ql:quickload "optima")
(ql:quickload "optima.ppcre")
(use-package '#:optima)
(use-package '#:optima.ppcre))
(defun ensure-all-system-are-downloaded ()
"Download and unpack the tar files of all distributions."
(map nil #'ql-dist:ensure-installed (ql:system-list)))
(defmacro ignore-errors-but-trace (me &body body)
`(handler-case (progn ,@body)
(error (e) (format *error-output* "~&Error(~A): ~A" ,me e)))
`(flet ((thunk () ,@body))
(block :ignore
((error #'(lambda (e)
(format *error-output* "~&Error: ~A" e)
(return-from :ignore nil))))
(funcall #'thunk)))))
(defparameter *systems-to-ignore*
'("cl-fuse" ;; don't recall why this got on this list.
"cl-v4l2" ;; don't recall why this got on this list.
;; gsll is impossible without other stuff installed
;; teepeedee2 loads obsolete and troublesome versions of alexandria and trival-garbage
(defvar *current-for-debug*)
(defun map-over-ql-system-definitions (ql-systems function)
"QL-systems is a list of ql-dist:system objects. The function is invoked on the
asdf define-system form of each of the one. This is done via find-system (so all
kinds of side effects are possible), and a bit of hackery using advise. Everything
is wrapeed in ignore-errors-but-trace."
(asdf/find-system:clear-defined-systems) ;; bang!
(macrolet ((with-advice ((function-name advice &rest details) &body body)
(advise ,function-name ,advice ,@details)
(unadvise ,function-name))))
(with-advice (asdf/defsystem:register-system-definition
(funcall function arglist)
:when :before)
for *current-for-debug* in ql-systems
as system-name = (or (ignore-errors-but-trace "ql-dist:name"
(ql-dist::name *current-for-debug*))
unless (member system-name *systems-to-ignore* :test #'string=)
#+nil (format *error-output* "~&-- ~A --" system-name)
(let ((p *package*))
(ignore-errors-but-trace "asdf:find-system"
(asdf:find-system system-name))
(unless (eq p *package*)
(format *error-output* "~&DAMN: ~A changed package to ~A" system-name *package*)))
(defmacro do-ql-systems ((def ql-systems) &body body)
"Convinence wrapper for map-over-asdf-system-definitions."
`(map-over-ql-system-definitions ,ql-systems #'(lambda (,def) ,@body)))
(defun ql-system-of-name (name)
(find name (ql:system-list) :key 'ql-dist:name :test #'string=))
(defparameter zzz
(loop with zzz = '("big-string"
"enchant" ; akd "cl-enchant"
"tcod" ; aka "cl-tcod"
for n in zzz
as s = (ql-system-of-name n)
unless s do (format t "~&Error: ~a not found." n)
when s collect s))
(defun properties-in-systems (&optional (ql-systems (ql:system-list)))
"Find out what properties people are using."
(let ((count 0)
(result ()))
(do-ql-systems (system-definition ql-systems)
(incf count)
(ignore-errors-but-trace "study system"
with (nil . details) = system-definition
for (key nil) on details by #'cddr
do (incf (getf result key 0)))))
(values count result)))
;; > (properties-in-systems)
;; ... much noise ..
;; 2190
;; (:long-name 1 :test-system 1 :test-name 3 :package-name 8 :weakly-depends-on 1
;; :encoding 44 :default-component-class 47 :around-compile 4 :pathname 73
;; :systems-required 21 :class 117 :maintainer 422 :in-order-to 110
;; :defsystem-depends-on 18 :license 394 :perform 67 :properties 48 :long-description 213
;; :licence 981 :version 971 :name 451 :author 1433 :serial 509 :components 2167
;; :depends-on 1859 :description 1548)
(defun ql-system-of-designation (system-designation)
(typecase system-designation
(ql-dist:system system-designation)
(t (ql-system-of-name
(asdf:find-system system-designation))))))
(defun defsystem-of-system (system-designation)
(block nil
(do-ql-systems (def (list (ql-system-of-designation system-designation)))
(return def))))
(defun get-source-of-system (system-name)
(let ((pathname (probe-file (format nil "/Users/bhyde/w/quicklisp-projects/~a/source.txt" system-name))))
(when pathname
(ematch (cl-ppcre:split " " (with-open-file (s pathname) (read-line s)))
((list kind url)
(list (intern (string-upcase kind) (symbol-package :key))
((list kind url param)
(list (intern (string-upcase kind) (symbol-package :key))
(defun get-assorted-urls (system-name)
(ematch (get-source-of-system system-name)
(nil nil)
((list :git (and url (ppcre "^git://github([-/.\\w]+).git$" x)))
(list :git
(concatenate 'string "https://github" x "#readme")))
((list :git (and url (ppcre "^git://([-/.\\w]+).git/$" _)))
(list :git url nil))
((list :git (and url (ppcre "^http://([-/.\\w]+).git/$" _)))
(list :git url nil))
((list :git (and url (ppcre "^git://[-/.\\w]+)/[-.\\w]+.git$" x)))
(list :git url (concatenate 'string ""
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace "projects" x "project"))))
((list :mercurial (and url (ppcre "^" _)))
(list :mercurial url url))
((list :mercurial url)
(list :mercurial url nil))
((list :branched-git url _)
(list :branched-git url nil #+nil branch))))
(defun summarize-a-system (system-designation)
"Note hand editting the output before posting is advised."
(let* ((qs (ql-system-of-designation system-designation))
(ds (defsystem-of-system qs))
(system-name (first ds))
(props (rest ds)))
(destructuring-bind (&key license licence description long-description author maintainer &allow-other-keys) props
(format t "~2&~A -- ~A~& ~A"
system-name (or license licence "No license specified?")
(or long-description description "No description provided."))
(when (and author
(< (length author) 50))
(format t "~& author: ~A" author))
(when (and maintainer
(not (equal author maintainer))
(< (length maintainer) 37))
(format t "~& maintained by: ~A" maintainer))
(match (get-assorted-urls system-name)
((list kind src readme?)
(format t "~& ~a: ~A" kind src)
(when readme?
(format t "~& more: <a href=\"~A\">~A</a>" readme? readme?)))))))
(defun summarize-zzz ()
"Note hand editting the output before posting is advised."
initially (format t "~&<pre>")
finally (format t "~&</pre>")
for qs in zzz
do (summarize-a-system qs)))
big-string -- BSD 3-clause (see LICENSE)
Big strings, similar to Java's StringBuilder.
author: Robert Smith <>
more: <a href=""></a>
cl-css -- MIT-style
Simple inline CSS generator
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
cl-curlex -- GPL
Leak *LEXENV* variable from compilation into runtime
author: Alexander Popolitov <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
enchant -- Public Domain
Bindings for Enchant spell-checker library
author: Teemu Likonen <>
cl-geoip -- WTFPL 2.0
Wrapper around libGeoIP
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
cl-performance-tuning-helper -- MIT
A simple performance tuning helper tool box for Common Lisp
author: SUZUKI Shingo
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
tcod -- No license specified?
Common Lisp bindings for libtcod, a truecolour
terminal-emulation library written in C.
author: Paul Sexton <>
cl-template -- MIT
A simple output-agnostic templating system for Common Lisp.
author: Peter Cannici <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
clache -- LLGPL
No description provided.
author: Tomohiro Matsuyama
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
clinch -- BSD
Describe CLinch here
author: Brad Beer (WarWeasle)
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
clite -- ISC
Lite weight testing framework
author: Andreas Wild <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
clobber -- No license specified?
No description provided.
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
delorean -- No license specified?
Delorean is a time machine for unit tests
author: Andy Chambers
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
generators -- BSD
A common lisp package providing python style generators based
on delimited continuations
author: <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
gettext -- GNU Lesser General Public Licence 3.0
A port of gettext runtime to Common Lisp
author: Thomas Bakketun <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
inner-conditional -- LLGPL
Series of macros which optimizes out the inner conditional jumping
author: Masataro Asai
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
lowlight -- MIT
A simple and flexible syntax highlighter
author: Christoph Finkensiep <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
new-op -- No license specified?
No description provided.
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
petit.package-utils -- MIT
petit tool box for packaging
author: SUZUKI Shingo
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
policy-cond -- Public Domain
A macro to insert code based on compiler policy.
author: Robert Smith <>
more: <a href=""></a>
pretty-function -- No license specified?
No description provided.
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
rectangle-packing -- LLGPL, but I am flexible, ask me if you want something else.
Code to pack rectangles into a bigger rectangle. Useful for texture packing for OpenGL.
author: Willem Rein Oudshoorn <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
stmx -- LLGPL
Composable Software Transactional Memory
author: Massimiliano Ghilardi
branched-git: git://
track-best -- Free
Macros/functions for tracking the best items. See the for more details.
author: Patrick Stein <>
treedb -- MIT
A hierarchical key-value-database
author: Christoph Finkensiep <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
utilities.print-items -- LLGPLv3; see COPYING file for details.
This system provides some generic condition classes in
conjunction with support functions and macros.
author: Jan Moringen <>
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
weblocks-stores -- LLGPL
A base for weblocks stores
author: Olexiy Zamkoviy
maintained by: Olexiy Zamkoviy, Scott L. Burson
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
weblocks-utils -- Public Domain
Utils for weblocks framework
author: Olexiy Zamkoviy
git: git://
more: <a href=""></a>
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