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Created April 3, 2010 11:15
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var info = function() {
console.log.apply(this, arguments);
* node, one tile on the map.
var Node = function(x, y, cost, xparent, yparent) {
this.key = x + '.' + y;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.cost = 0;
this.parent = null;
return this;
Node.prototype.toString = function() {
//return this.key + '(' + this.cost + ')<-' + (this.parent && this.parent.toString());
return this.key + ' <= ' + (this.parent && this.parent.toString());
* map definition & read in
* 1 == start
* 2 == goal
* x == not walkable
var map = "\
var nodes = {};
var open = {};
var close = {};
var start = null;
var goal = null;
map.split('\n').forEach(function(line, row) {
line.split('').forEach(function(nodeStr, col) {
var node = new Node(col, row);
var nodeKey = col + '.' + row;
if (nodeStr == '2') {
goal = node;
info ('GOAL: ' + node);
} else if (nodeStr == '1') {
start = node;
open[nodeKey] = node;
info ('START: ' + node);
if (nodeStr != 'x') {
nodes[nodeKey] = node;
* heuristic function, currently straight differential
var heuristic = function(n) {
return Math.abs(goal.x - n.x) + Math.abs(goal.y - n.y);
* search for node with best estimate (=cost + heuristic)
var getBestEstimateNode = function(ns) {
var bestNode = null;
var bestEstimate = null;
for each (node in ns) {
var currEstimate = node.cost + heuristic(node);
if (!bestEstimate || bestEstimate > currEstimate) {
bestNode = node;
bestEstimate = currEstimate;
return [bestNode, bestEstimate];
* nodes left in list?
var hasNodes = function(ns) {
for each (node in ns) {
return true;
return false;
* get all neighbours
var getNeighbours = function(node) {
var neighbours = [];
var diffs = [
[-1, 0],
[+1, 0],
[ 0, +1],
[ 0, -1]
for each (var [xdiff, ydiff] in diffs) {
var neighbourKey = (node.x + xdiff) + '.' + (node.y + ydiff);
var neighbour = nodes[neighbourKey];
if (neighbour !== undefined) {
return neighbours;
var astar = function() {
while (hasNodes(open)) {
var [node, estimate] = getBestEstimateNode(open);
delete open[node.key];
close[node.key] = node;
//info ('best node ' + node, estimate);
if (node == goal) {
throw 'goal reached';
} else {
var neighbours = getNeighbours(node);
for each (var n in neighbours) {
//info ('neighbour ' + n);
if (close[n.key] !== undefined) continue;
var cost = node.cost + 1 + heuristic(n);
//info ('n.cost ' + n.cost);
if (open[n.key] !== undefined && cost > n.cost) {
n.parent = node;
n.cost = cost;
open[n.key] = n;
//info('open ', [o.toString() for each (o in open)]);
//info('close ', [c.toString() for each (c in close)]);
* get node for given parent
var getChild = function(parent) {
for each (var node in nodes) {
if (node.parent === parent) return node;
return null;
try {
info ('no path found');
} catch (e) {
// backtrack
info ('path: ' + goal);
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