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Created November 28, 2023 16:46
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import os
import math
import tempfile
from pprint import pprint, pformat
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
from CSXCAD import ContinuousStructure, AppCSXCAD_BIN
from CSXCAD.CSProperties import CSPropMetal
from openEMS import openEMS
from openEMS.physical_constants import C0
# enable NF2FF recording, computation and plotting
enable_nf2ff = False
# not only render, but also fire up matplotlib to show the plots
enable_show_plots = True
# fire up AppCSXCAD for viewing the model before running it
enable_appcsxcad = True
# all units are in mm
unit = 1e-3
# excitation frequency and bandwidth: 500MHz +/- 100MHz
# f0 = 500e6
f0 = 446.1e6
# f0 = 111e6
# f0 = 222e6
# f0 = 333e6
# f0 = 444e6
# f0 = 555e6
# f0 = 666e6
# f0 = 777e6
# f0 = 888e6
# f0 = 999e6
# excitation bandwidth
fc = 0.15 * f0 # +/- ~15% => ~30% BW total < 20% BW max. for center-fed dipole
# length factor to apply to reach fixed point of resonance frequency
# being identical to excitation frequency
# "Found resonance frequency at 500 MHz with -44 dB at 71 Ohm"
# Correction factor to shorten the wavelength used from theoretical value to account
# for XXX
# Found resonance frequency at 446.1 MHz with -80.4 dB at 71.0 Ohm
# Dipole (lambda/2) length is 290.7 mm
# opt_factor = 0.8625
# use with dipole_wire_radius = 0.001
# opt_factor = 0.8651
# use with dipole_wire_radius = 2.0
# Found resonance frequency at 446.1 MHz with -80.5 dB at 70.8 Ohm
# Dipole (lambda/2) length is 285.8 mm
opt_factor = 0.8506
# Due to end effects a finite thickness dipole is not resonant at a length of
# one-half wavelength 1 2 λ {\displaystyle \ {\tfrac {1}{2}}\lambda \ } but
# has inductive reactance. A typical thin dipole is actually resonant (has no reactance)
# at a slightly shorter length around 0.475 λ , {\displaystyle \ 0.475\lambda \ ,} at
# which its radiation resistance is about 67 Ohms.
# Wallace, Richard; Andreasson, Krister (2005). Introduction to RF and
# Microwave Passive Components. Artech House. p. 77. ISBN 9781630810092.
# wave length to compute antenna length from
# lambda0 = round(opt_factor * C0 / 500e6 / unit)
lambda0 = opt_factor * C0 / f0 / unit
# lambda/2 dipole
dipole_length = lambda0 / 2
# gap in between the two dipole arms (the lumped port will fill that)
dipole_gap = 1.0
# dipole_wire_radius = 0.001
# dipole_wire_radius = 1.0
dipole_wire_radius = 2.0
# Radiation resistance (ohms) of center-fed half-wave dipole
# feed_resistance = 73.1
# feed_resistance = 71.0
feed_resistance = 70.8
# Radius of lumped port (dipole feed port), set to be contained / enclosed
# completely by the dipole wire excited
feed_radius = dipole_wire_radius / math.sqrt(2)
# feed_radius = dipole_wire_radius
# Overlap of lumped port (dipole feed) with the actual dipole arms excited
# Note: MUST be non-zero, and actually >>0, not sure ..
feed_overlap = 0
# feed_overlap = 0.5
# feed_overlap = 1.0
max_res = math.floor(C0 / (f0 + fc) / unit / 20)
sim_box = np.array([1, 1, 1]) * 2.0 * lambda0
# nf_ff_transition_distance = math.ceil(lambda0 / (2 * math.pi))
nf_ff_transition_distance = 2 * lambda0
output_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "dipole")
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
fdtd = openEMS(NrTS=100000, EndCriteria=1e-4)
fdtd.SetGaussExcite(f0, fc)
fdtd.SetBoundaryCond(["MUR", "MUR", "MUR", "MUR", "MUR", "MUR"])
csx = ContinuousStructure()
mesh = csx.GetGrid()
# create mesh and geometry for dipole; the dipole is oriented along the Z-axis (!)
# **!: dense mesh in port region
mesh.AddLine("z", np.linspace(-dipole_gap / 2, dipole_gap / 2, 5))
# **!: dense mesh around ends of dipole arms
np.linspace(-dipole_length / 2 - 5 * dipole_wire_radius, -dipole_length / 2 + 5 * dipole_wire_radius, 11))
np.linspace(dipole_length / 2 - 5 * dipole_wire_radius, dipole_length / 2 + 5 * dipole_wire_radius, 11))
# mesh.AddLine("z", [-dipole_gap / 2 - dipole_length / 2, dipole_gap / 2 + dipole_length / 2])
mesh.AddLine("z", [-sim_box[0] / 2, 0, sim_box[0] / 2])
mesh.SmoothMeshLines("z", max_res, ratio=1.4)
mesh.AddLine("y", [-sim_box[1] / 2, 0, sim_box[1] / 2])
mesh.SmoothMeshLines("y", max_res, ratio=1.4)
mesh.AddLine("x", [-sim_box[2] / 2, 0, sim_box[2] / 2])
mesh.SmoothMeshLines("x", max_res, ratio=1.4)
arm1: CSPropMetal = csx.AddMetal("arm1")
# port gap is part of the total dipole length (!):
arm1.AddWire([[0, 0], [0, 0], [-dipole_gap / 2, -dipole_length / 2]], radius=dipole_wire_radius)
# arm1.AddWire([[0, 0], [0, 0], [-dipole_gap / 2, -dipole_gap / 2 - dipole_length / 2]], radius=dipole_wire_radius)
arm1.SetColor("#ff0000", 50)
arm2: CSPropMetal = csx.AddMetal("arm2")
# port gap is part of the total dipole length (!):
arm2.AddWire([[0, 0], [0, 0], [dipole_gap / 2, dipole_length / 2]], radius=dipole_wire_radius)
# arm2.AddWire([[0, 0], [0, 0], [dipole_gap / 2, dipole_gap / 2 + dipole_length / 2]], radius=dipole_wire_radius)
arm2.SetColor("#ff0000", 50)
feed = fdtd.AddLumpedPort(
[-feed_radius, -feed_radius, -dipole_gap / 2 - feed_overlap],
[feed_radius, feed_radius, dipole_gap / 2 + feed_overlap],
# setup far-field recording
if enable_nf2ff:
# wavelength of minimum/maximum frequency used (in excitation) in simulation
min_freq_lambda = round(C0 / (f0 - fc) / unit)
max_freq_lambda = round(C0 / (f0 + fc) / unit)
# distance of transition between near-field to far-field
nf_ff_transition_distance = math.ceil(min_freq_lambda / (2 * math.pi))
# simulation mesh resolution for far-field
mesh_res_farfield = round(max_freq_lambda / 30)
# add the NF2FF recording box
start = [-nf_ff_transition_distance / 2] * 3
stop = [nf_ff_transition_distance / 2] * 3
nf2ff = fdtd.CreateNF2FFBox("nf2ff-box", start=start, stop=stop, opt_resolution=[mesh_res_farfield] * 3)
# smooth out mesh for far-field
# mesh.SmoothMeshLines("all", mesh_res_farfield, 1.4)
# fire up AppCSXCAD for viewing the model before running it
if enable_appcsxcad:
output_fn = os.path.join(output_dir, "dipole.xml")
os.system('{} "{}"'.format(AppCSXCAD_BIN, output_fn))
fdtd.Run(output_dir, verbose=3, cleanup=True)
# Found resonance frequency at 446.2 MHz with -42.5 dB at 71.1 Ohm
# Dipole (lambda/2) length is 289.8 mm
freq = np.linspace(f0 - fc, f0 + fc, 2001)
feed.CalcPort(output_dir, freq)
Zin = feed.uf_tot / feed.if_tot
s11 = feed.uf_ref / feed.uf_inc
s11_dB = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(s11))
# Found resonance frequency at 446.1 MHz with -42.4 dB at 71.0 Ohm
# Dipole (lambda/2) length is 289.8 mm
print(type(s11_dB), len(s11_dB))
print(type(freq), len(freq))
cutoff_db_resonance = -10.0
cutoff_dbs = [cutoff_db_resonance, -15.0, -20.0, -25.0, -30.0, -40.0, -50.0]
cutoff_dbs_results = {}
idx = np.where((s11_dB < cutoff_db_resonance) & (s11_dB == np.min(s11_dB)))[0]
if not len(idx) == 1:
print("No resonance frequency found for far-field calculation!")
print("=" * 80)
"Found resonance frequency at {} MHz with {} dB at {} Ohm".format(
round(freq[idx][0] / 1e6, 1),
round(s11_dB[idx][0], 1),
round(np.real(Zin[idx])[0], 1),
print("Dipole (lambda/2) length is {} mm".format(round(dipole_length, 1)))
print("=" * 80)
cutoff_dbs_results["interest"] = {}
cutoff_interest_bw = round((446.2e6 - 446.0e6) / 1e6, 1)
for kf, f in [("lower", 446.0e6), ("center", 446.1e6), ("upper", 446.2e6)]:
# Calculate absolute differences
abs_diff = np.abs(freq - f)
# Find the index of the closest value
closest_index = np.argmin(abs_diff)
"S11 at frequency {} MHz is {} dB at {} Ohm [index {}]".format(
round(f / 1e6, 1),
round(s11_dB[closest_index], 1),
round(np.real(Zin[closest_index]), 1),
cutoff_dbs_results["interest"][kf] = {
"idx": closest_index,
"freq": round(freq[closest_index] / 1e6, 1),
"s11": round(s11_dB[closest_index], 1),
"r": round(np.real(Zin[closest_index]), 1),
"bandwidth": cutoff_interest_bw,
for cutoff_db in cutoff_dbs:
idx_cutoff_lower = idx[0]
while idx_cutoff_lower >= 0 and s11_dB[idx_cutoff_lower] < cutoff_db:
idx_cutoff_lower -= 1
# print("cutoff_lower index: {}".format(idx_cutoff_lower))
idx_cutoff_upper = idx[0]
while idx_cutoff_upper <= len(s11_dB) and s11_dB[idx_cutoff_upper] < cutoff_db:
idx_cutoff_upper += 1
# print("cutoff_upper index: {}".format(idx_cutoff_upper))
"S11 at frequency {} MHz is {} dB at {} Ohm".format(
round(freq[idx_cutoff_lower] / 1e6, 1),
round(s11_dB[idx_cutoff_lower], 1),
round(np.real(Zin[idx_cutoff_lower]), 1),
"S11 at frequency {} MHz is {} dB at {} Ohm".format(
round(freq[idx_cutoff_upper] / 1e6, 1),
round(s11_dB[idx_cutoff_upper], 1),
round(np.real(Zin[idx_cutoff_upper]), 1),
cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db] = {}
cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db]["lower"] = {
"idx": idx_cutoff_lower,
"freq": round(freq[idx_cutoff_lower] / 1e6, 1),
"s11": round(s11_dB[idx_cutoff_lower], 1),
"r": round(np.real(Zin[idx_cutoff_lower]), 1),
cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db]["upper"] = {
"idx": idx_cutoff_upper,
"freq": round(freq[idx_cutoff_upper] / 1e6, 1),
"s11": round(s11_dB[idx_cutoff_upper], 1),
"r": round(np.real(Zin[idx_cutoff_upper]), 1),
cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db]["bandwidth"] = round((freq[idx_cutoff_upper] - freq[idx_cutoff_lower]) / 1e6, 1)
print("=" * 80)
# plot the feed point impedance
pyplot.plot(freq / 1e6, np.real(Zin), "k-", linewidth=2, label=r"$\Re(Z_{in})$")
pyplot.plot(freq / 1e6, np.imag(Zin), "r--", linewidth=2, label=r"$\Im(Z_{in})$")
pyplot.title("feed point impedance")
pyplot.xlabel("frequency (MHz)")
pyplot.ylabel("impedance (Omega)")
# plot reflection coefficient S11
pyplot.plot(freq / 1e6, s11_dB, "k-", linewidth=2, label="$S_{11}$")
"Center-fed Lambda/2 Dipole for {} MHz\nAntenna Efficiency: S11 Reflection Coefficient vs Frequency\n".format(
round(f0 / 1e6, 1)
pyplot.ylabel("Reflection coefficient $S_{11}$ (dB)")
pyplot.xlabel("Frequency (MHz)")
# pyplot.legend()
# Calculate alpha values based on s11_dB
min_alpha = 0.05
max_alpha = 0.8
alpha_values = (s11_dB - cutoff_db_resonance) / (s11_dB.min() - cutoff_db_resonance)
alpha_values = np.clip(alpha_values, 0, 1) # Clip values between 0 and 1
alpha_values = min_alpha - alpha_values * (min_alpha - max_alpha)
# Add vertical lines colored based on s11_dB values
idx_cutoff_lower = cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db_resonance]["lower"]["idx"]
idx_cutoff_upper = cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db_resonance]["upper"]["idx"]
res_cutoff_interest_lower = cutoff_dbs_results["interest"]["lower"]
res_cutoff_interest_upper = cutoff_dbs_results["interest"]["upper"]
# index of _maximum_ of S11 at both ends of frequency band of interest
idx_cutoff_interest = (
if res_cutoff_interest_lower["s11"] > res_cutoff_interest_upper["s11"]
else res_cutoff_interest_upper["idx"]
print(">>" * 100, idx_cutoff_lower, idx_cutoff_upper, idx, idx_cutoff_interest)
for i in range(len(freq)):
if idx_cutoff_lower <= i <= idx_cutoff_upper:
if i == idx_cutoff_lower or i == idx_cutoff_upper:
pyplot.axvline(x=freq[i] / 1e6, color="green", alpha=1.0, zorder=2)
elif i == idx:
pyplot.axvline(x=freq[i] / 1e6, color="blue", alpha=1.0, zorder=2)
pyplot.axhline(y=round(s11_dB[idx][0], 1), color="blue", alpha=1.0, zorder=2)
elif i == idx_cutoff_interest:
pyplot.axhline(y=round(s11_dB[i], 1), color="blue", alpha=1.0, zorder=2, linestyle="--")
round(freq[i] / 1e6, 1),
round(s11_dB[i], 1) + 1.0,
"{} MHz bandwidth @ {} dB".format(res_cutoff_interest_lower["bandwidth"], round(s11_dB[i], 1)),
elif i % 2:
pyplot.axvline(x=freq[i] / 1e6, color="green", alpha=alpha_values[i], zorder=0, linestyle="dotted")
x = round(freq[idx][0] / 1e6, 1)
for cutoff_db in cutoff_dbs:
pyplot.axhline(y=cutoff_db, color="green", alpha=1.0, linestyle="dotted")
cutoff_db + 1.0,
"{} MHz bandwidth @ {} dB".format(cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db]["bandwidth"], cutoff_db),
idx_cutoff_lower = cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db]["lower"]["idx"]
idx_cutoff_upper = cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db]["upper"]["idx"]
# Add markers with text to specific coordinates
markers = [
"pos": (freq[idx_cutoff_lower] / 1e6, s11_dB[idx_cutoff_lower]),
"offset": [-4.0, -4.0],
"text": " {} MHz: {} dB\n@ {} Ohm".format(
round(freq[idx_cutoff_lower] / 1e6, 1),
round(s11_dB[idx_cutoff_lower], 1),
round(np.real(Zin[idx_cutoff_lower]), 1),
"color": "red",
"ha": "right",
"pos": (freq[idx_cutoff_upper] / 1e6, s11_dB[idx_cutoff_upper]),
"offset": [4.0, -4.0],
"text": " {} MHz: {} dB\n@ {} Ohm".format(
round(freq[idx_cutoff_upper] / 1e6, 1),
round(s11_dB[idx_cutoff_upper], 1),
round(np.real(Zin[idx_cutoff_upper]), 1),
"color": "red",
"ha": "left",
"pos": (freq[idx] / 1e6, s11_dB[idx]),
"offset": [2.0, 2.0],
"text": " {} MHz: {} dB\n@ {} Ohm".format(
round(freq[idx][0] / 1e6, 1), round(s11_dB[idx][0], 1), round(np.real(Zin[idx][0]), 1)
"color": "blue",
"ha": "left",
for marker in markers:
pyplot.scatter(marker["pos"][0], marker["pos"][1], color=marker["color"], zorder=3)
marker["pos"][0] + marker["offset"][0],
marker["pos"][1] + marker["offset"][1],
# compute far-field from recording box and generate plots
if enable_nf2ff:
# Calculate the far field at phi=0 degrees and at phi=90 degrees
theta = np.arange(0.0, 180.0, 1.0)
phi = np.arange(-180, 180, 2)
print("=" * 80)
print("Calculating the 3D far field...")
# CalcNF2FF(sim_path, freq, theta, phi, radius=1, center=[0, 0, 0], outfile=None, read_cached=False, verbose=0)
# theta/phi – array like – Theta/Phi angles to calculate the far-field
# radius – float – Radius to calculate the far-field (default is 1m)
nf2ff_radius = nf_ff_transition_distance
print("Analyzing far-field at radius {}".format(nf2ff_radius))
# 1) Analyze far-field for: single center frequency of interest
# Works!
# freqs_of_interest = [f0]
# Result:
# nf2ff: Analysing far-field for 1 frequencies.
# Radiated power: P_rad = 1.3781441597114614e-20 W
# Directivity: D_max = -42.66256438449489 dBi
# Efficiency: nu_rad = 101.85287356184361 %
# Theta_HPBW = 43.0 °
# 2) Analyze far-field for: lower bound, center and upper bound frequency of interest
# Works!
# freqs_of_interest = [446.0e6, 446.1e6, 446.2e6]
# Result:
# nf2ff: Analysing far-field for 3 frequencies.
# Radiated power: P_rad = 1.3763972766838116e-20 W
# Directivity: D_max = -42.662132139823896 dBi
# Efficiency: nu_rad = 101.76329904670399 %
# Theta_HPBW = 43.0 °
# 3) Analyze far-field for: all frequencies with S11 at least -10 dB
# Works!
idx_cutoff_lower = cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db_resonance]["lower"]["idx"]
idx_cutoff_upper = cutoff_dbs_results[cutoff_db_resonance]["upper"]["idx"]
freqs_of_interest = freq[idx_cutoff_lower: idx_cutoff_upper + 1]
# Result:
# nf2ff: Analysing far-field for 1206 frequencies.
# Radiated power: P_rad = 3.313485009786238e-21 W
# Directivity: D_max = -42.46238526982907 dBi
# Efficiency: nu_rad = 24.483622446993255 %
# Theta_HPBW = 43.0 °
# 4) Analyze far-field for: all frequencies in excitation range [f0 - fc, f0 + fc]
# Does NOT work!
# OOM killed! - "nf2ff: Analysing far-field for 2001 frequencies."
# freqs_of_interest = freq
print("Analyzing far-field for {} frequencies:\n{}".format(len(freqs_of_interest), pformat(freqs_of_interest)))
nf2ff_res = nf2ff.CalcNF2FF(
Dmax_dB = 10 * np.log10(nf2ff_res.Dmax[0])
E_norm = 20.0 * np.log10(nf2ff_res.E_norm[0] / np.max(nf2ff_res.E_norm[0])) + 10 * np.log10(nf2ff_res.Dmax[0])
theta_HPBW = theta[np.where(np.squeeze(E_norm[:, phi == 0]) < Dmax_dB - 3)[0][0]]
# Display power and directivity
print("Radiated power: P_rad = {} W".format(nf2ff_res.Prad[0]))
print("Directivity: D_max = {} dBi".format(Dmax_dB))
print("Efficiency: nu_rad = {} %".format(100 * nf2ff_res.Prad[0] / np.interp(f0, freq, feed.P_acc)))
print("Theta_HPBW = {} °".format(theta_HPBW))
E_norm = 20.0 * np.log10(nf2ff_res.E_norm[0] / np.max(nf2ff_res.E_norm[0])) + 10 * np.log10(nf2ff_res.Dmax[0])
E_CPRH = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(nf2ff_res.E_cprh[0]) / np.max(nf2ff_res.E_norm[0])) + 10 * np.log10(
E_CPLH = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(nf2ff_res.E_cplh[0]) / np.max(nf2ff_res.E_norm[0])) + 10 * np.log10(
# Plot the pattern
pyplot.plot(theta, E_norm[:, phi == 0], "k-", linewidth=2, label="$|E|$")
pyplot.plot(theta, E_CPRH[:, phi == 0], "g--", linewidth=2, label="$|E_{CPRH}|$")
pyplot.plot(theta, E_CPLH[:, phi == 0], "r-.", linewidth=2, label="$|E_{CPLH}|$")
pyplot.xlabel("Theta (deg)")
pyplot.ylabel("Directivity (dBi)")
pyplot.title("Frequency: {} GHz".format(nf2ff_res.freq[0] / 1e9))
# show all plots
if enable_show_plots:
def generatorFunc_DumpFF2VTK(farfield, t, a, filename):
Create `.vtk` file from openEMS far-field dump.
:param farfield: 2D array of values of field
:param t: theta angles in radians
:param a: phi angles in radians
:param filename: output file name
with open(filename, "w") as outFile:
outFile.write(f"# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n")
outFile.write(f"Structured Grid by python-interface of openEMS\n")
outFile.write(f"DIMENSIONS 1 {len(t)} {len(a)}\n")
outFile.write(f"POINTS {len(t) * len(a)} double\n")
for na in range(len(a)):
for nt in range(len(t)):
val1 = farfield[nt][na] * math.sin(t[nt]) * math.cos(a[na])
val2 = farfield[nt][na] * math.sin(t[nt]) * math.sin(a[na])
val3 = farfield[nt][na] * math.cos(t[nt])
outFile.write(f"{val1} {val2} {val3}\n")
outFile.write(f"POINT_DATA {len(t) * len(a)}\n")
outFile.write(f"SCALARS gain double 1\n")
outFile.write(f"LOOKUP_TABLE default\n")
for na in range(len(a)):
for nt in range(len(t)):
# dump radiation field to vtk file
if enable_nf2ff:
# Dump radiation field to vtk file
# AttributeError: 'nf2ff' object has no attribute 'P_rad'
# AttributeError: 'nf2ff' object has no attribute 'Prad'
# directivity = nf2ff.P_rad[0]/nf2ff.Prad*4*pi
# directivity = nf2ff.Prad[0] / nf2ff.Prad * 4 * math.pi
# directivity_CPRH = np.abs(nf2ff.E_cprh[0]) ** 2 / np.max(nf2ff.E_norm[0][:]) ** 2 * nf2ff.Dmax[0]
# directivity_CPLH = np.abs(nf2ff.E_cplh[0]) ** 2 / np.max(nf2ff.E_norm[0][:]) ** 2 * nf2ff.Dmax[0]
# use E_norm, E_CPRH, E_CPLH defined above ^
directivity = E_norm
directivity_CPRH = E_CPRH
directivity_CPLH = E_CPLH
generatorFunc_DumpFF2VTK(directivity, nf2ff.theta, nf2ff.phi, os.path.join(output_dir, "3D_Pattern.vtk"))
generatorFunc_DumpFF2VTK(directivity_CPRH, nf2ff.theta, nf2ff.phi, os.path.join(output_dir, "3D_Pattern_CPRH.vtk"))
generatorFunc_DumpFF2VTK(directivity_CPLH, nf2ff.theta, nf2ff.phi, os.path.join(output_dir, "3D_Pattern_CPLH.vtk"))
# AttributeError: 'nf2ff' object has no attribute 'Dmax'
# E_far_normalized = E_norm / np.max(E_norm) * nf2ff.Dmax[0]
E_far_normalized = E_norm / np.max(E_norm) * nf2ff_res.Dmax[0]
generatorFunc_DumpFF2VTK(E_far_normalized, nf2ff.theta, nf2ff.phi,
os.path.join(output_dir, "3D_Pattern_E_norm.vtk"))
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