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Created November 30, 2011 15:11
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Migration run for blog post
$ heroku config:add VERSION=2
Adding config vars and restarting app... done, v7
$ heroku run rake db:migrate:to
Running rake db:migrate:to attached to terminal... up, run.2
(in /app)
<= sq:migrate:to version=[2] executed
$ heroku run rake db:migrate:down
Running rake db:migrate:down attached to terminal... up, run.3
(in /app)
<= sq:migrate:down executed
$ heroku run rake db:migrate:up
Running rake db:migrate:up attached to terminal... up, run.4
(in /app)
<= sq:migrate:up executed
$ heroku config:remove VERSION
Removing VERSION and restarting app... done, v11.
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