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Last active July 13, 2020 04:51
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Example for add_custom_command/target
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.17)
project (custom_build)
function (build_foo_ var_)
set (artifacts_)
foreach (src_ IN LISTS ARGN)
if (src_ MATCHES "\.fuga$")
get_filename_component (base_ ${src_} NAME_WLE)
set (dst_ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${base_}.foo)
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${dst_}
COMMAND CMD -o ${dst_} ${src_}
list (APPEND artifacts_ ${dst_})
endif ()
endforeach ()
set (${var_} ${artifacts_} PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction ()
build_foo_ (generated_ a.txt b.txt c.txt d.fuga)
add_custom_target (gen_foo_ ALL
DEPENDS ${generated_})
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